Anyone else here a /loser after high school/?
It's pretty self explanatory.
>Be me
>No college
>No job
>No car
>No license
>No friends
>No female contact
>Shitty home life
Well? Who else is in this boat?
Pic unrelated
Anyone else here a /loser after high school/?
It's pretty self explanatory.
>Be me
>No college
>No job
>No car
>No license
>No friends
>No female contact
>Shitty home life
Well? Who else is in this boat?
Pic unrelated
I'm in the exact same boat except I recently picked up a shitty part time job.
It's definitely suicide fuel. Like we're really in this bitch.
Same except i have a shit job and car. Im 19 going nowhere in life. Where you from op?
Same as you however i decided to force myself to go to a community college because im afraid that my life will go nowhere
I'm 30, going on 31 with all of those traits.
Except home life is getting better because parents got an inheritance, paid off all their debt, and bought a new house in cash, so home life is better since parents aren't stressing anymore about money/living conditions.
I've applied to several McJobs but so far nothing. Meanwhile pretty high school girls are making bank waiting tables and Chad has his summer job life guarding
I'm from Phoenix. It doesn't help the situation that my depressed dad has to go work out in the heat for some of the day in the middle of summer and it's always hot and sad. I feel so bad for him, and everyone else in my family is so heartless at times. On top of that I just recovered from chemical burns all over my face. Was warm as hell but I'm okay and comfy now. On the bright side our city flag is nice.
Where you from user? How's life treating you?
Yeah I'll probably do that if I end up just sitting through another year of this shit. Community college is merely a pass to higher tier wagecuckery though
>parents aren't stressing anymore about money/living conditions.
I'm happy to hear that. How come you never moved out? It's nice to hear of a situation like this in which the family still gets along and is happy even in those circumstances
Never had a job, high-school drop out, never bothered getting neetbux until very recently. Not american, theres loads of neetbux here, but i didnt even know I could get it for just being a mentalcel
What country are you in? Hopefully you live a fulfilling life at least
>Near quads
Fuck me man
Ooo hey op, im from phoenix too. We should meet up :) i have a stable job for now. It might not be much, but i could help you get a job with me in warehousing if youd like
This sort of sounds like an invitation to be murdered to be honest but fuck it what's your job?
triple digit temps all year round man
>loser after high school
yeah, I don't know what happened. I feel boomer tier.
I have a license, nothing else though.
I have friends that occasionally come back and I see them around town but not much else in that regard.
>job and car
>I feel boomer tier
I feel like us 18 year old boomers bring a new meaning to the name "zoomer"
Please participate in my thread
thats called a failed normalfag
fuck it the tannies win
>tfw failed normie
how do I recover?
I have a car and a license, but I hardly ever leave home. Same tho