I'm 18, I graduate from high school after this school year...

I'm 18, I graduate from high school after this school year. Once I graduate I plan to receive plastic surgery and devote me life to being the best possible woman I can. My lifestyle will revolve around sculpting my body and learning to be a perfect housewife.

I hope to find a man age 25+ that will be able to provide for me a healthy, upper class life. My entire existence will be for his satisfaction as my husband.

Does this seem realistic or achievable?

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Are you biologically female? The answer to that question is the same as the answer to yours

Stop pretending that you're not an old hag Kaede

There's nothing healthy, mentally, about that lifestyle. Living for someone else is just a way of neglecting yourself. You see it as a transformation into a better self but really it's just the abandoning of your genuine self.

>that's what she wants and decided to be

Yes. That doesn't mean that men accept a woman who is artificial in every way except for her genitals.

What is unhealthy about feeling validated by another person? If I am perfect and they reward me accordingly that could be very healthy. I would live a healthy life, no habits that would harm me. What is wrong with living for someone else's satisfaction? I wouldn't be a slave I would be a wife.

Yes. If you'd been there yourself you'd know.

if you are already a woman and look decent you this is very possible

You're not perfect. You never will be. No one is. We all have faults and shortcomings. We all have selfish needs, no matter how we try to deny them. No one can validate you the way that you can. No one understands you, your feelings and your desires, the way that you do. There's a reason why they prescribed Valium to housewives so much in the 50's and 60's that they called it "mother's little helper": living for someone else is a recipe for depression and dissatisfaction.

>living for someone else is a recipe for depression and dissatisfaction.
If you don't love that person

I can be though. If I work hard enough I can be the perfect image of a woman. All I want in return is no worries. My demands aren't high.

>perfect image of a woman
then you shall be an archetype of someone else's design, you will not be yourself and no one will love you for who you are, it is more likely no one will love you at all then.

Become a nurse since it's easy and you can find doctors. Find yourself a doctor Chad to take care of you.

This is a vapid existence, if you don't eat yourself from the inside other people will; they'll see you're weak and treat like it.. This is literally what my mother did and while I'm thankful for a lot of the life I've been given my parents are absolutely miserable.

I beg you, for the sake of your possible children and yourself find some meaning in your life that isn't to serve someone else. Only the most fucked man, or insecure man will take someone whose this useless.

pls be my doll wife op

I like that! Best relationships in my opinion is when the two people are most sincere about their flaws and work together to improve.

>no one will love you for who you are, it is more likely no one will love you at all
Most men would love a woman like that, me included, I respect someone with determination capable of achieving her own goals.

Lots of nurses are fat and worn out because the work is taxing. It would get in the way of my priorities.

Being the picturesque woman would be what I am though. That would be the value I brought.

Can you give birth to a healthy child? No? Then your just another faggot and cant be a woman much less a a perfect housewife

>I can be though. If I work hard enough I can be the perfect image of a woman.
You can't. Images can be perfect: human beings cannot. You'll simply be tormented by the ways you fail to live up to that unrealistic ideal.

>All I want in return is no worries. My demands aren't high.
Sweetheart, no one wants worries, but life is full of them. That demand is astronomically high.

Thanks. I think flaws are ultimately part of ourselves, to be accepted rather than fought. They cause dysfunction when we don't accept ourselves as we are and don't live with them.

Just find some fat old billionaire who'll give you the funds for plastic surgery in exchange for humping your body once a week until he groans and falls asleep on top of you. Best case he has a heart attack and dies when he nuts, leaving you all the money.

You could always try online dating. But the more successful dudes are 40+, since wealth accumulates over time.

Being good looking isn't hard. Just exercise 3-5 times a week. Watch what you eat. Apply your makeup.

Where are you located? I usually ask weight but that should be no issue with you since you want to optimize everything.

Good looking people have it easy who would've known.

>Once I graduate I plan to receive plastic surgery

Once she's plastic she'll be good looking won't she? Otherwise what's the point?

we are talking about someone going trough expensive surgery and self sacrifice to achieve a dream.
How is that having it easy?

I want to shape my chin and redefine my nose slightly. I'm considering have my eyes rounded. I don't plan on a lot when it comes to my face. I want to fill out my breasts though. Just for shapeliness.

>Most men would love a woman like that, me included, I respect someone with determination capable of achieving her own goals.
no you don't, you've never been with a woman for more than 10 years.

>vanity =/ achiever
>Being the picturesque woman would be what I am though. That would be the value I brought.
That's stupid. You will never be who you want to be because that person is not you nor is it the greatest possible thing you could do.
Physical appearance is not important for women if you are looking for someone to settle down with.
The value you bring should be maternal, mature, caring, and wisdom. Trying to look good is for young women, like really young and stupid.
If you are talking about bringing things to the table that are physical, then you ought to grow up, because those things never last.

Be yourself
If yourself sucks, then don't be someone else, become a better version of yourself, express your virtue and suppress your vice, that is the key to bringing something to the table, the key to being desirable.
no one thinks with their loins forever.

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This is ironic right?
the expensive surgery is her choice. Everybody spends money on something that gives them utility.
Literally ever wagie and even those who don't toil participate in self sacrifice.
So congratulations. You just described everybody on this planet outside of the 1%.

OP is obviously and unoriginalatily a trap

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Yes, many people have done this already. But maybe try getting into a relationship first before you ruin your body and realize that it won't make you happy.

Women like this exist? Desu pls be my gf

Exactly, I don't know if you are but my point is that op doesn't have it easy, just like """everybody on this planet outside of the 1%""" and is actually doing something to get what she wants unlike those niggers waiting to get it handed on a silver plate.
nice trips

>no you don't,
Yes I do. Stop trying to force your shit on others.

They don't round eyes eyes are already round

You are not funny friend.

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I've never heard of such a thing

no, you really don't.
how about you stop being a retarded faggot driven like an animal?

Depends, do you look and act like Kaede?

18 ugly fembot here. Im also getting plastic surgery soon after I graduate high school, but its not really for anyone else other than myself.

Yes I really do.
You are the only fucking animal here. What level of retardation do you have, to make you think you know what a person likes more than the person itself even if you have never met that person before?
Nothing but a monkey with a gun, thats what you are.