Vampire Come talk to me

>Be me
>Drink blood
>Have a dependency on it


It's your resident Vampire here. I have made multiple other threads before.

I have around one hour to talk. We can talk about music, movies, philosophy, etc. You could ask me about myself if you'd like.

I don't tolerate LARPing and will ignore it.

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>I don't tolerate LARPing and will ignore it.
As will I. Bye.

Where do you get your blood, and is it human or animal?

I'd imagine that vampires would be immune or have a way to fight of aids and other blood related diseases.

Also, does the high amount of iron you intake turn to plasma? How does it work?

Post vid of drinking

How powerful are you

Are Vampires naturally inclined to be aristocratic or do you take the manipulative populist approach?
I would think Aristocratic since it would be fair, do you have a sense of fairness?
But as the for manipulating masses or even engaging in contractual agreements I feel as if this would be friendlier for the victims.
But then think about what a Vampiric aristocracy would do for a peoples.
It would be something set apart from the typical world, and so would have some basis to claim legitimacy as opposed to someone just having the most stuff or something like capitalistic democracies.

From donors for human blood. For animal blood I either catch and drain them then boil the blood or use cows/pigs blood that I boil. I eat blood sausage if I am desperate.

No, we can catch them quite easily. All my donors are tested. I don't think I take in too much Iron. I need around a half a cup a week or so. I drink more often though.

Not very I don't think. Power comes from the individuals ability to overcome things. I have much in that respect. I am strong.

>Power comes from the individuals ability to overcome things.
no it doesn't, faggot. That's what retards and killers tell themselves.
Real power comes from divinity

Wow, great question! Manipulative is far easier actually. You can stay more secluded, out of the spotlight if you will. I would say I am somewhat fair, but not overly so. I do enjoy the finer things and have a large sum of inheritance. I still work basic jobs though. I must say, however, manipulation is quite the tool. I have been doing it for years. It allows me to get what I want easily. Vampiric Aristocracy would be great in many respects, no doubt. But it would be risky, many people consider us to be freaks or people tat should be locked away or killed.

I beg to differ.

Were you born as a vampire?
Can vampires have kids or do they have to turn others?
Can you go outside during the day?
Is there like a government that keeps things in order?

Reason for drinking blood my good sir?

Okay how strong are you then

How much can you lift?
Striking strength?
How fast are you?
Do you have any special magical powers aside from the standard vampire abilities?

Who/what is the strongest character or entity that you're sure you would be able to beat in a fight? Please tell me you can do more than just drink blood.

mental illness no doubt


vampires aren't fucking real, if you actually think you're a vampire get some help

Autism may run in the family

What do you think of the Camarilla? Along with the Prince?
Also, have you ever broken the Masquerade before? Don't want us humans to know you guys exist now do you.
Are you friends with any Kindred?
What clan are you apart of?

>also fuck the Sabbat am e' rite

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Yes, I was. Yes, we can have kids. I can go outside during the day but I am pretty sensitive to sun light and don't enjoy it too much. There is no government that controls things. Some people have groups they hang out in or even live with. I suppose you could consider that a government if it has some sort of rule system and rank structure.

I have always really enjoyed it. It makes me feel alive and well. Like how you feel after fully recovering from a long sickness.

I can bench around 210 and squat around 370. I am fairly fast. I run much better at night. I don't know striking strength. I don't know if I have magical powers really. I don't think I really believe in magic to be quite fair. As for the entity question, it's hard to say. I have fought people and severely harmed them. I don't like to fight. I like to hunt really. It's actually a lot of fun to follow people.


Post vid of drinking vamp slut

Do you know any more ''Vampires''


I suppose, yes. But I have trouble doing it now that i've moved. It's quite hard.

Have any family found out and what do you think you'd do if they did?.

Unoriginal and quite gay.

Is /x/ really so bad in 2018 that even you gay LARPer vampfags are fed up with it?

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No, my father is dead. I have no connection to my mother, she left. I have no recollection of or connection to my extended family. They are European.

How is it harder to obtain blood now that you moved?, donor clinics further away or wtf?.

No, I had trouble with blood when I first moved here. I have since found someone. I don't use donor clinics either way.

This sounds like a my strange addictions episode Tbh. But nonetheless I'm off OP, can't wait for next thread to ask some more questions about your strange lifestyle, Have a good one!

Have a good evening.

What would a vampire do in the case he/she were diabetic? Is that even possible?

What are your sexual relations like as a vampire?

Have you seen the movie martin, you kind of remind me of that

Has drinking blood altered your physical state in any form?

I have never heard of it.

Mostly in the manner of a means to an end. I use sex as a way to get blood or things from women. I have yet to have a meaningful relationship.

I looked it up. Interesting concept surely.

Not that I can tell. I feel much better and stronger. If I don't drink then I start to have problems. I end up quite violent but I won't go into too much detail on that.

What about the conspiracy theories of the elite drinking blood to stay young. Especially young blood

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I don't believe it. Blood is blood. I could care less if you are a child or elderly.

Any more questions before I leave for the night?

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Well, if that is all, I would like to thank you all for talking to me. This concludes tonights talk.

Good evening.

The amount of validation this attention whoring retard gets given never ceases to disgust me.

how do you know if you're a vampire? i have fangs that grew in when i was 9 or 10. i don't drink blood though, i can eat food. can you eat normal food but you prefer blood, or do you need blood?

>tfw you will never serve as a Vanguard shock troop for a Vampiric Aristocratic Monarchy then return home to comfy village in Eastern Europe
why live?
no really, give me a reason

Nobody cares, you keep making these posts, obviously because you think you are a special snowflake and people need to pay attention to you

Are you a fan of My Immortal?

any specific examples of things you have overcome?

This guys threads are nice old-school satire and must be supported and bumped.

have you ever tried psi energy vampirism it benefited me quite a bit