Fell for the STEM meme even though I hate STEM and am more of a humanities and /lit/ kind of guy

>fell for the STEM meme even though I hate STEM and am more of a humanities and /lit/ kind of guy
>figured if I just grind through it I could land a good job one day
>junior year, severely depressed, hate my classes, completely give up and flunk out of college
>parents are extremely disappointed in me
>go around working shitty manual labor temp jobs in between stretches of NEETdom
>parents can't believe what an absolute failure I am
>end up joining the military because it's literally the only real job I can get
>am completely miserable here, think about killing myself every day
>tfw should have majored in humanities after all

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bump please anons I want to talk to someone

What career would you have with a humanities degree

I wanted to be a rock star user and that's how it is

Hey I flunked out going into my junior year too
I would never join the military though, because I know I would blow my brains out the second I got a gun assigned to me, under the guise of an accidental discharge while cleaning it

Maybe none, but at least I would have (hopefully) enjoyed my classes more. It couldn't be any worse than how things turned out with STEM. I decided to go with STEM since that's "where all the jobs are" and look where that got me.

>Hey I flunked out going into my junior year too
Well actually I flunked out towards the end of my junior year, going into senior year. Just more debt I have to pay off.
And you are right to stay out of the military, user. Do NOT make the mistake I did. This is no place for a robot. It is normie central. I wish I could just go back to being homeless. That's how fucking bad this is.

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Pretty much me except I didn't bother with college out of fear I'd end up like you and drop it. But now I'm fearful I'm being left behind in life so now I do want to go to college but at the same time I'm also on the brink of suicide and thinking of offing myself during my next hunting trip.

Of course it would have been worse, you would have wasted money and time. Higher education is not entertainment, anything you would enjoy learning in humanities you can enjoy learning on your own in your own time.

>I decided to go with STEM since that's "where all the jobs are" and look where that got me.
Have you not considered that both STEM and humanities were both poor decisions for you? To be successful in life you need to find a way to sustain yourself financially. To be happy with life you need to do and pursue the things you enjoy. Don't you get it? You need balance. You need to find a job that you enjoy working even if it doesn't pay much, or find the job you least hate doing. You can use the resources you acquire to pursue your personal interests and entertainment.

>Of course it would have been worse, you would have wasted money and time.
What do you think I did with STEM? Waste of money and time. I'm still paying off my debt and I flunked out over two years ago.
I'm a slave now and the worst part is I did this to myself.
And another thing is I can't believe it's been over two years since I flunked out. Life is going by so fast these days. Nothing feels real anymore.

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>it is normie central
You know everywhere irl is normie central, right?

OP you are literally me

Parents wanted me to be a doctor and get lots of money, now I'm in STEM even though all I wanted was to be a librarian or a housewife and read books all day. Flunked classes and totally wasted my time with that instead of doing what I actually wanted to do


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You could always do trades? Or go try to get a nursing degree.

Kys you fucking tripfag I hate you reeeeeeeee

No I can't be you because I'm not a disgusting roastie. Get the fuck out.

You don't go to school to have fun. When you enroll in college you're paying for job training. If all of the retards in America figured this out then there wouldn't be 80 IQ subhumans complaining about their student loans. You went to school to get a job and fucked off by taking retard classes and now your life sucks.
If you're not going to shoot for a field like stem/law or you're simply not capable of a real degree, pick another career path. College is necessary for success.

Do you think you could have landed a good job majoring in humanities? What specific degree and career path were you considering?

Isn't necessary for success* fucking student loan Jews took control for a second there.

listen to this guy college isn't some rite of passage into adulthood that all people should go through, it should be a well thought out financial decision.

otherwise you are taking on a huge debt burden for no other reason than to "have fun", which works if you are independently wealthy or someone else is paying for school but otherwise you get screwed 6 ways from Sunday w/ debt

I'll take you as my housewife user

As long as you don't have a penis

Man, I feel bad for you burgers with how jewed your tertiary education system is.
A more educated populace is literally a better populace. Smarter, better manners, more informed and equipped with the critical thinking skills to think through issues themselves. More educated people is a boon to everyone, bar the elites that just want you to produce in the manner that suits them best.
In Australia, we have a system that supports tertiary education for all those that are so inclined and doesn't saddle you with crippling student debt.

and when you bear children, if you bear children, will you encourage them to be themselves or mould them to your belief of what makes a good and valuable child?

You see, where you went wrong was giving up halfway through. Giving up is one thing but you should have done that earlier rather than later.

Attention seeking tripfag, unironicaly reconsider your life for trying to gain recognition on fucking Jow Forums. Please fucking kill yourself.

You can be my housewife pls orginally

its kind of impossible to not mould a child with ur values, but it's wrong to expect ur child to fulfill what your failures were like my mom did. I respect that she wanted to be a stronk woman with a high paying job and be a doctor but just cuz she failed to be a doctor doesnt mean i have to be one y'know

Just study law, it's the closest thing to humanities that allow you to have a decent job.

law is garbage right now, way too many people coming in and not enough boomers leaving

Better than nothing, and every degree can be garbage if you don't know how to use it.
But i'm not american so i don't really know how it is in there.