Who Else Here Suicide Bro?

Plan to be dead by the end of next month at the absolute latest. Got barbiturates on the way, pretty much guaranteed 100% success rate, and the most peaceful and tranquil and blissful death one can imagine.

So fucking sick of this shit, lads. Finally going home. What happens when we die? Do we just respawn? Start our lives all over again? Is it just nothing?

I'm ready to find out. I've spent a quarter of a century on this miserable Earth and I am finally ready to leave, to take the final leap into the Great Beyond.

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user, don't do it.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.

I'm done senpai, but thanks for trying bro. It's time to go, I can't be here anymore, just made too much of a mess of my life, and can't let go of the past.

How did you get your hands on barbiturates? I need this to an hero too. I'm in the US.

If its what you really want, I hope it's peaceful for you user. I understand, good luck. I'm probably not far from joining you.

If there is anything on the other side I hope I meet you there and we can be friends

The Lord Jesus redeems.

Godspeed you autistic fuck...Godspeed...

Shameful to urge him on. Read Luke 17 if you dare.

When you die your energy will be released but if you don't understand whats going on you will dragged back down to earth to be reborn.

Hopefully you can make it out user.

Fuck off normie.
Let the kid die!

Nothing happens, my man. You just cease to exist, all rational thinking and logic lead to that conclusion. I wanna die aswell, shit is really rough right now, even though deep down i know in perhaps a year or two things could potentially be much better than they are right now, currently making it day to day is really hard. Anyway hope you find your peace op

>all rational thinking and logic lead to that conclusion
There is so much more going on than what we can observe as human beings though user.

Getting sized for the millstone around your neck?

well heres satan OP

What happened? Gurantee is not worse than my life.

You people just kill yourselves cause you feel like it. Im schizo bipolar and hated by my parents and have a horrible life but i enjoy living desu. Im gonna die and never come back after this anyway.

what barbiturates are you using
how many?

I know. But even then, any type of existance after death seems very unlikely when i start wondering about it. What about other living beings, animals, insects, etc? Do they deserve an afterlife aswell? And how would it be? What if this afterlife is actually nothing like we imagine it, what if its just pain and misery? I know it may sound ridiculous, but if our current existence can be this painful and horrible then why not? The fact alone that life for some people who are born in the wrong circumstances is nothing but pain is pretty scary to me.

There are other chans which are your friend, brother. Forums. Search around.

It's the euthanasia drug useed by Dignitas and such. Liquid form, knocks you out in a few minutes and you die within 2 hours at the absolute most, generally tho most die within 15-30 minutes

Why not just stick through the whole ride to see where it ends?

Its shameful to force someone who is suffering to stay you fucking horrible cunt, let him do what he wants

Pulling a Heaven's Gate Away Team sounds so peaceful. Wish I could find some of that to mix with alcohol.

An afterlife that most think of where you retain your worldly knowledge is obviously not real but sure your spark, the most basic level of consciousness goes somewhere else. Maybe to inhabit another body or entity maybe to drift the universe.

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I hope so too, senpai. I found some genuine peace and happiness here on R9K with all you equally miserable bastards before the end. I wouldn't mind meeting you all IRL, in death.

if you feel you must go then do it.

i would strongly suggest you smoke some dmt before. either make it from a basic tek or buy on dark web.

you NEED to experience this before you die user

love you

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Try and get out more my man. It helped me alot. It will help with ur social anxiety and akwardness, shit like that. You'd be suprised how much it helps.

Btw, after you die literally nothing happens. You just dont exist.

It's not hard at all to find, brother. Just do your research and WATCH OUT FOR SCAMS.

Do not mix with alcohol tho, don't mix with anything, do it on an empty stomach (fast for at least like 8 hours, would recommend laxatives too so you don't make a mess in death), also antiemetics beforehand is pretty much a must.

There is peace in Christianity.
Stop egging him on.

you think he'd be at this point if he hasn't tried everything? don't force your bullshit on someone that doesn't want it.

there is no peace in believing in some invisible man in the sky

I fail to see why people see this as a good thing. If you lose all your wordly knowledge then you cease to be you, your thoughts and memories are what make you you in my opinion. This conversation reminds me of tht video game SOMA, lel

Thanks for the info. I just started doing my research.

I hope you find the peace you desire.

Look, just find the Peaceful Pill Handbook e-book online for free (can find it on infinite chan, also on suicide forums). That's all you need, bro, will tell you everything you need to know about acquiring what you need.

I don't want to see you scammed, I got sccammed too but it was because I didn't really give a fuck and was sloppy. Lost $1050 on a sccam.

That's literally all the info you need. Go find it and find peace, brother.

I literally plan on being dead before the end of this year. Probably next month.
I fucked up in this life.

>I fucked up in this life.

Same bro, could probably fix things, but the point is I don't even want to, and I can't let go of the past.

My problems aren't even bad, they're pathetic really. But I don't care, I want out.

The actual kindest user. I like u man :)

Literal high school sophomore

Pretty sure there's nothing after death

Jow Forums should have a mass suicide live stream, would be the only thing worth while to come out of this board.

Nothing is better than this, bro. Not sure nothing is entirely possible tho. Have you ever heard of Eternal Recurrence? Look it up, senpai.

I actually tried to fix things and I made things worse.
Now I'm stuck in this nightmare world until I finally shake off this Mortal Coil and meet eternity.

just try to really experience life these next few weeks, go outside and meet with/make friends, interact with nature, stupid normie shit ik but normies are pretty happy. animals could help too, don't get your own but if you know anyone with one try to interact with their pets, that can really help. just try to make the most out of your time and you might end up reconsidering. but if after all that you're still done living there's nothing i can do. good luck

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Yeah i've heard of it
But i don't want anything after this, i want my consciousness to disappear and never have to feel anything ever again

Believe me bro, I have been living it up these past few weeks. Binging on junk food, NEET extreme mode, sleeping when I want, watching and playing everything.

Burning my savings on everything I feel like. It's been a fucking ride, and I'm ready to get off.

You retard you'll miss smash ultimate

I hope I go through with suicide before I hit my late twenties. I'm okay with living right now I guess but it's not something I want to continue for decades

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Give me your savings instead

Made a thread earlier, but I think it got archived.

I'm going to try to hang myself tonight. I'm a tremendous fuck up, so I don't have a lot of faith that I'll be able to do it correctly, but I've decided that I'll just tell my parents I'm suicidal and want to go to the ER if it doesn't work out.

Sounds like a complete waste of time to do those things, assuming you've been doing that all your life.
Like the other user said, try to experience it differently if you really are gonna off yourself. Travel to another country and all that shit if you want, you're gonna be dead so why not?

One of my friends killed themselves by ODing on benadryl. I think that's the only way to go to hell for an eternity and only feel fear and despair as you get off this ride.

stream it you faggot, at the very least

Nah, that'd be too hard. I'm doing it in my closet and I don't think there's any way I could position the webcam to get a good shot.

I hope you don't feel any pain.
I'm sorry you have to end this way.

please dont try. just go tell your parents now. please.

If suicide sends you to Hell then I will at least get to meet Hitler, Socrates, Cleopatra, Dyan and Eric, thousands of Kamikaze pilots, Ernest Hemingway, Vincent Van Gogh, Hannibal Barca,Otto Weininger and billions of others.

Heaven is probably full of old ladies lmao.

My heart goes out to you user, it's a pretty gut wrenching feeling to finally let go of everything you want out of life and feel like death is your only escape. Whether you pass or go to the hospital. I hope you find peace user. I really wish I could tell you to stay and find something you're passionate about and that life is worth living, but the reality is life is rough and can take us for a ride. I'm here to talk if you want to before you go.

No, it would just be too hard. I'd rather at least TRY to catch the bus first.

Thank you very much for the support. I'm pretty scared to be completely honest, but I just keep reminding myself that the way I'm doing it, I can back out any time I want.

And that's assuming I'm even able to constrict my blood flow, which isn't likely given how incompetent I am.

Stop killing yourselves you fucks, all you have to do in this life is not die. How hard is that?

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No not the fact that he killed himself, but the fact that he used the fucking nightmare incarnate drug benadryl to do it. He must've seen so many goddamn horrors before he passed. Hell, maybe he didn't even notice and his brain stopped perceiving time, letting the hallucinations continue for what seems like forever, but really only 7 minutes before braindeath.

How easy is it to live then, user?
To truly be alive?

Anything is better than the endless void of death.
All the pain and suffering in the world is at least SOMETHING. Don't throw away this life.

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It's possible, but there's always risk of failure and damage to yourself. Helium tank is a more thorough, and peaceful way to go if you have the means to get it.

I was once in a similar place as you only a few months ago and landed in a hospital, but I'm glad I got to stick around. I was able to get out of my shitty home and meet people who love and support me, which I've never felt before.

Godspeed user. Maybe we'll meet up on the other side when i do it too.

I guess we'll see. In any case, something has to change; I've been dicking around for three months now because I was convinced I was gonna suicide at some point.

I'm glad to hear you're doing better though. Hope you keep it up!

dont do it bruh, i was/am like you.
i dedicated myself to doing the only thing that made me feel any good - helping other people. sounds fucked up but its the only thing keeping me going. im getting better though, slowly

Do you have any idea what you want to change if you survive or back out of the attempt? It's always good to have a goal in mind so you can keep pushing along if something goes wrong just to keep what little sanity you have.

Thanks a lot friend,

I'd really recommend either Nembutal or the helium bag, Nembutal is significantly easier and less prone to problems than the helium bag.

Nembutal is difficult to get a hold of, but far from impossible (depending on country).

I mean some people want pain before death, and that's fine if that's your thing or you want to be drastic and shit. But if you just want to go quickly and quietly, I'd recommend Nembutal or helium bag.

Godspeed Godspeed Godspeed

Dont do it man :c

Shut the fuck up you self pitying fuck quit trying to make everything about you, you are literally on another mans thread where he is threatening suicide and you turn it into your own god damn pity party... fucking disgusting

They just don't fucking get it man. Suicide isn't about pain and suffering so much... it's about losing your passion for fighting, losing your desire to even be here.

Suicide comes more from an emptiness, it's when you can't even feel pain anymore. We're not even fucking living the way we are, just fucking existing.

Suicide is just the physical symptom of spiritual death. Everyone that genuinely wants to die and takes the step to do so already died months or years before, internally.

I don't even remember how long ago I died.

>Anything is better than the endless void of death
You have no idea what you're talking about. No one who has suffered truly will say such a thing. Death is a release from the travesty of life.

X3 (times three)

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You only live once don't throw it away, things will probably get better and even if it don't, its not worth throwing away your only life

The likeliest outcome is that you are going to be reincarnated onto this planet. But I do hope you are going to find your next life a pleasant one. Farewell and Godspeed, user.

Do you not think the likeliest outcome is simply starting your life all over again? I honestly feel like Eternal Recurrence is kind of... irrefutably the case.

Alan Watts on suicide


I have my suicide scheduled for early 2020 but honestly if I get another denial for disability I intend to stand in front of the social security office with a sign that says "denied" and blow my brains out.

In either case I am done with living. They told me it would get better but after 20 goddamn years of continuous mental health treatment things have actually only gotten worse. I was a fool to not end it at age 15 but I won't make that mistake again.

Nah, it was a thought-experiment by F.N. designed to make you live a satisfying life and partly to combat the insufferable void of nihilism. Though, it might be the case that the universe simply restarts itself identically for eternity, however, I personally think it doesn't per se. Everything in existence is headed to the direction of ultimate perfection and I believe that - like below - so is the entirety of universe above headed towards said state of perfection (a goal which is in a constant fluctuation and hardly reachable). To me it presents itself (in short) as a godly game that is always a little different.

>Though, it might be the case that the universe simply restarts itself identically for eternity, however,

Well yeah that's kind of the entire premise of Eternal Recurrence. And it's a lot older than FN. It's been around for millenia, was prevalent in earliy Hinduism and such.

watch this and read about reincarnation traps, or you will respawn in this gay simulation again for another life of misery

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It probably has, indeed. I just thought that you were specifically referring to it in the context of Nietzsche's philosophy. I still find it hard to believe that - given the incredible amount of variation and possibilities (potentialities) and the likelihood of freewill - everything will remain exactly the same ad infinitum. No, I think it leaves a bit of variation on regards to how it executes/perpetuates its existence - like the seasons of year. In overall, it is still Ouroborean in its essence.

It probably is older than(...)*

in regards to*

I believe you respawn
Hopefully you get a more optimized individual to have control over.

Yeah I would say similar, as opposed to identical, would be more accurate in describing my beliefs.

I actually want to respawn as the exact same person, but with all the memories intact and remaining. So starting my life over with the knowledge of how it all panned out the last times.

I think it's possible this actually happened to me before.

Carbon Monoxid is the gas of salvation.

G-Guys... Am I a pussy for planning my death a year ahead?
I want to end it with a gun, but I'll only get my hands on one next year after I have joined the army.

the only thing keeping me going

How many robots actually kill themselves? I see threads like these all the time but never follow up