Why is there such a difference in masculinity and sexual appeal between whites and blacks?

Why is there such a difference in masculinity and sexual appeal between whites and blacks?

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there's not, you're fed lies by media images and so are other whites, to the points where whites seemingly are proud of being less masculine than black men, and almost get offended when you say otherwise. I don't know how you people became so cucked but it is not the reality of the matter.

>smells like cocoa butter

i don't know about why but every black person i've met smelled like shit. as in literal shit, they have a distinct smell. that aside that's a low quality bait.

I can imagine the person who made this unironically believes in Yakub.

rofl this denialism. sad!

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Hey chinkie, what's wrong? White dude punk you again today?

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This. Not even Jow Forums. Almost every really dark skinned black guy I've been around smells disgusting. The lighter skins are fine, but the dark ones I can't be withing a foot of

I can confirm this with my experiences. THIS is the main reason I cannot date a black girl. They can be hot as fuck but they smell too fucking weird and gross

Context? This seems strangely segregated for a public place.

nigger fuck off. go make another wakanda thread

There's no difference, stop believing Jewish lies OP.

average day in France

I like how you posted a screen shot of a YouTube video from a local soc trans girl as an example of white man


chinky confirmed

Why has this nigger cancer slide on Jow Forums?
Nobody likes niggers except stupid retarded women.
Everyone else knows niggers are violent and should be shot on sight like the wild animals that they are. And these aren't small dicked school shooters saying this it's POLICE OFFICERS AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.

nigger confirmed. why would a chinky make these threads?

theres good blacks, but all of the violent ones are the autistic blacks.

i dont even care about being a chinky. what galls me is the nigger getting away with it.

apples and oranges. given examples are not of equivalent ranking representatives of their groups

and yet chad is almost exclusively white

niggers get away with murder because of white guilt. i have no such weakness, my soullessness from being a chinky makes me immune.

so masculine

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but hes good at vidya. if hes the blacked poster then thats too bad he belives in the black vs white divide.