Anyone else wish they could be high all the time...

Anyone else wish they could be high all the time? Like youd feel like you were under the influence of any drug you choose permanently. Asking because I just did a bump of meth and thought man I wish this were the real me.

Except obviously without the no sleeping/eating part because then I'd die.

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Nah. I'm ok with doing drugs occasionally only.

Remember the first time you smoked weed and it was completely awesome and absolutely everything was shiny, happy, and interesting.


If I'm not stoned, I'm depressed. Now, for example. It's both the best and worst thing in my life. The thing that gives me meaning, but also the thing that ruins opportunities.

dude just go to the doctor and get an adderall prescription

Dude meth is cheaper than adderall and its stronger. My tolerance to adderall is too high.

I have never been high in my entire life. Fuck you drugfag go overdose lmao

>drugs give my life meaning

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keto is like being on coffee ALL the time, (((carbs))) are so common so we remain tired and unhealthy forever

you're meant to become something altogether much more complex than what the ultimate conclusion of stimulants can turn you into. if you really wanted to become who you are in meth you could. that's what rapper 69 basically did for all intents and purposes. he is now who wanted to be :) that's not everything you wish you are, for analogy's purpose. that's now what it means to be who you want to be lol

maybe thats y ur so uptight, smoke a j and chill.

t. everybody who masturbates, everybody who chases women, everybody who plays video games, everybody who eats for pleasure

not that uncommon bro
did keto for a year. it sucks after a while. im

Yeah, your point? I know my life is JUST'd up.

Sounds like someone's mad hes too poor to buy drugs.

user please stop doing meth.
You can't use drugs and alcohol as your lens to view the world through. Find an activity that you actually enjoy to do when you aren't high. For me it was snowboarding.

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But it's so fun have you ever tried it

Funny since almost every poorfag is a drug addict and most richfags aren't LMFAO

Try having autism, its pretty much like being high, but since the day you were born.

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EEEY BOIII on clonazolam and fluclotizolam right now and for the past weak. N-ethyl-pentedrone is also fucking awsome, and friday* is morphin day. Methylphenidat is also cool for mixing with dopamin releasers.. Phenibut is also OK. Wnna get a stach of GBL or GHB.

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Addy but never meth.
Please stop user. Don't go down the meth road. You will burn out the dopamine receptors in your brain. The statistics of long term meth recovery are not good, quit while you can. I know that my post will not sway you but I care about you user. I want you to live a good life.

Doesn't adderall do the exact same thing?