I hate black people. Black people of Jow Forums, convince me you're not a blight on humanity.
I hate black people. Black people of Jow Forums, convince me you're not a blight on humanity
Everyone here is a blight to humanity you nonce.
>inb4 t. Nigger
I was going to but then I remembered that blacks are shit and growing up in the projects ruined me as a person.
Whose gonna clean your toilets
I hate niggers and their culture. Always blaming someone but never themselves. If only we can legally kill them.
The Mexicans duh
>Black people of Jow Forums, convince me you're not a blight on humanity.
Why should we? Convince us why we shouldn't hate you cum-skins
>inb4 Im not white
Anyone that unironically uses anime on their posts are white
Niggers are too lazy to clean anything.
Society is shit. Let's blame a bunch of poor dark people that work low wage jobs, that try to get by, and live in their own community ghettos. Let's not blame those who control industry and government.
>being racist
>convince me you're not a blight on humanity
1. the guy who invented potato chips is a black guy, i think this is the greatest contribution of blacks...
2.blackbots have the hardest life just after currybots, their existence can reminds you how your life is not so shitty
3.humanity itself is blight anyways, your free to hate them
Not my burden faggot. Hate whoever you want to hate nigger. That's your business
>Always blaming someone but never themselves
>Blacks are the reason I can't get a job. Damn affirmative action
>Lazy latinos are taking all our guberment money. How will I pay for my tendies now?
>Fucking Arabs terrorizing muh country even though right extremists have been more active domestically committing terrorists attacks
>Da Joooozzzzzzz
you know how I know you're a nigger kike faggot?
you forgot to insult user for being a virgin
>you forgot to insult user for being a virgin
A good 50% of us are virgins, user
At least Im not kissless :)
Literally every single race does this.
Whites do it to all non-whites except Asians post cold war
Blacks do it with whites
Latinos do it with whites
Asians do it with everything western
Arabs do it with everything western
Jews do it with Germans and any other axis powers and have been milking it since
Indians do it with whites and blacks
(((Those))) who control industry and government use blacks as their shield, and blacks play along. Remove that shield, and we can get to (((them))). Malcom X figured that shit out, so did MLK. It's why they were both murdered.
Oh yeah and every time I've posted this exact thing I've been banned. Let's see how long I last this time.
>Always blaming someone but never themselves
Anonymous says on Jow Forums
>implying it is an important rule for r9k or any other board on 4chawn for the matter of fact.
because humanity and society is a scan and no one should support either of those things
That really only applies to blue boards where the redditors browse
He is new user, let him have fantasies.
Jow Forums is a board though...
Welcome to Jow Forums you useless nigger
People who unironically use terrible stolen memes should be lynched.