Women Redpill Thread

I've made mistakes with women, robots. I'm not what you call a Chad--not by a long shot, but I have had the "privilege" to get to know at least one woman intimately. Some of the most fucked up shit I've ever been through happened during my last relationship. No blogpost about that today.

I usually don't post here but I figure a lot of these macros I made might help you understand the vaginal jew.

The conclusions in these macros have been reached over carefully consideration for more than 10 years. Not everything fell into place at once, but over time, it started to make absolute sense. Most of you won't read all of them. That's fine, just start with this one.

The main theme of this set of redpills is how feminism relates to a love of pain and suffering. How utimately, most of what women say and do is carefully designed to bring about the greatest amount of damage and suffering possible. They take great pride and satisfaction in victimhood and fucked up shit... some of you might know that if you ever dated an emo chick.

Here it is.

Attached: 1527121795023.png (1000x2988, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:


number twooo, alright?

Attached: 1532988197303.png (912x4000, 907K)

this one's too big for Jow Forums

is2.Jow Forums.org/pol/1533708506140.png

Attached: 1513460152922.png (800x500, 128K)

another one of my bad drawings. Read the other macros to understand it, it's pretty funny desu

Attached: 1513460152921.jpg (1745x1985, 1.04M)

I didn't make this one, but it perfectly illustrates the theme of this article.

Women take a certain narcissistic gratification in self-sacrifice and self-inflicted misery.

I'll be around for about an hour if any robots want to ask questions.

Attached: feminist-made cartoon [her oc on the right].jpg (470x470, 69K)

try some blackpills

Attached: 1530947797711.jpg (799x6067, 959K)

darkest one

Attached: 1529098381653.jpg (1543x4845, 999K)

Dude, I'm already on "Women are importing refugees to purposefully wreak havoc on the West just for fun." GOML.

Attached: 1492428780064.png (1042x518, 119K)

To be fair if you were just trynna hook up with a hot chick would you really about what she's done as long as you could smash

Meant to reply to this one but it kinda works universally, given the opportunity where society doesn't care what you do, would you really care?

I'm going to cut it short for tonight. I thought more losers would be up tonight.

I have another cook-out to attend tomorrow. I'll stay for another 4 minutes, maybe more if something happens. I'm disappointed.

Attached: 1400875726199.png (720x602, 539K)

I thought it was all very interesting user. I read them all.

Thanks buddy. But it doesn't matter to me if you read it, you need to share it. Not necessarily the images themselves, but the ideas.

I need sleep. Goodnight.

>Accused all of her former hookups of rape when she got bored with them.
You a real dumb motherfucker, aren't you?

depends on the period of history

At no fucking point has western history EVER resembled the feminist interpretation of it.

what if was something else, something that wouldn't affect you like that

afganistan now

You have got some valid points. So what do you suggest we do? Deport all non whites back? Or kill them all?

oh shit, you said western, maybe not whole periods but certain times like the sacking of towns during was but that was awful for everyone

You think the warning to never ever stick your dick in crazy is just a meme? It's really not bro.

OPbot's point with that crude set of doodles is that feminists like to larp that, until female suffrage was established, the females' role in married, domestic life was that of a powerless chattel sex slave abuse toy, when, in reality, their version of history is a mere fetishistic projection of their ugly narcissistic masochist desires.

>Sees pic