What does this mean, robots?
>22% of men show greater or equal sexual arousal to child stimuli than to adult stimuli
What percent of men show arousal to child stimuli generally?
50%? 75%? What do you think?
What does this mean, robots?
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what am i a wikipedia? 13 is too young.
100% of straight men find this attractive
Woman don't suddenly become attractive on their 18th birthday.
This. Any person who says that women cannot be attractive until turning the legal age is just lying.
teens are a kink, regular adult women are not, obviously they can't compete. put the regular adult woman in a more suggestive pose and you might find your results change.
>99.1% of 305 male students from Canada claimed to be not even slightly sexually aroused by pubescents 12 to 14 years old
>being attracted to the opposite sex is bad
It has long been stated, even here, that men only care for looks in a partner, while women also care about things like social skills and a man's career.
But all in all I think most men care a lot about personality as well. They see how most women jump from dick to dick, so they'd naturally become wary of older girls. If she didn't stay with her last 20 partners, why would she stay with me?
On the other hand, you have younger girls who are still more pure, not completely spoiled yet. Might seem preferable in the long run.
We are spiritual degerating faster then I previously though. End times are soon.
I think everyone would get aroused by 13+ girls. Only thing holding them back is the mental trauma of the teen and the law. And I'd say maybe 35% of people are aroused by like 6 - 12.
Apart from actual rape the mental trauma comes from the law taking part
I can see that. It's probably also from society thinking you should feel bad about it. I think at very young ages like 6 or 8 it can mess you up because you barely even know what sex is.
Again, this stupid chart again. There are some women who are legitimately better looking at 13-14, and some legitimately better looking at 20-22, and some at 25-26 and that's it. You are delusional if you think even 90% look better at 13, unless you are adjusting for sexual partners, drug use, and weight gain then it's a no.
People could get aroused to two monkeys fucking, or their mom and dad fucking. It doesn't mean they'd do it. Let me read the study though
>that chart
Source? It looks like bs
Post I mostly agree with
>Pedophilia is a mental illness. Pedophiles that have commit no crime should be incarcerated and studied to find a cure. Child molesters should be executed. Hebephilia is perfectly natural.
There is nothing biologically wrong with attraction to females capable of ovulation and breeding. That said there is at least some evidence to suggest females breeding as early as 11 can threaten the life of the child and the mother, for this reason I support the age of consent remaining at 16, since most females will be able to safely breed by this point. Females should be trained to manage a house and raise children their entire lives, and they should begin meeting potential husbands when they get their first period. Premarital sex is degenerate in 99.9% of cases and the only exceptions I'd say are those that are virgins that give each other their virginity and then get married.
Allow me to reiterate: Pedophilia is a mental illness such as Homophilia or foot or scat fetishists and they should not be allowed to participate in society. Those Pedophiles that abuse pre-pubescent children are irredeemable criminals that deserve nothing but death.
Hebephilia is perfectly natural and attraction to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized is not a crime. While I believe a general AoC of 16 is good, I also believe females that aren't yet 16 that have developed enough bodies should be allowed to breed if they are already married.
15 at the absolute lowest. There is no biological advantage to marrying 13 year olds these days, when people live as far as 30, and fertility rates for women are better. 19-21 year old women should suffice, and have for decades.
Because it is and it is denying biological reality. Most girls don't bleed until 13, full sexual maturity (thus what should be peak attractiveness) is not until 7 years after puberty, which is around 20 which makes sense.
*when people live as far as 90
Also even girls who are sexually precocious, development is not done until 20s. It's more around the 20s unless your genes are bad and you're legitimately ugly.
The average 16 year old girl isnt looking to start a family you dumbass
For a reason, society is different and life span is higher dumbass. It makes more sense to fuck a 16 year old in 1702 than it does in 2018. Even then, the age gap wasn't too bad for the most part. 15-16 year old girls and 18-21 year olds, not 10 year old girls and balding 50 year olds. I've got good sense 14-15 was considered a child even then, because many 19th century accounts the women or the women around them describe them as children.. really makes you think
Fucking pedo enabler leave the aoc at 18 we don't need more children being preyed on
>adds pedos and hebes together to make the numbers shocking
>deliberately focuses on pedo to make people think 25% of males are all toddler raping monsters
Sadly, the aoc at 18 is only in California and a few other states. Most are at 16 or 17
Ah yes,
Leon was such an epic film
Only 40-50% of men are attracted to children up to 13 years old.
youre good brah
Seems legit
>young Natalie Portman
Well theres no need for >that
Gunfights were awesome though
>science says JCs are literally peak female performance
I want a JC to bully and sexually dominate me
what's JC mean?
Is there any ASMR with young girls?
We're currently experiencing a social crisis as autism rates hit 3% of the general population and average maternal age is passing the 30s mark and all people have to complain about is a 21 year old dating a 15 year old. When will the times finally get better, I can't stand this shitshow of a year that is 2018
But who would tell the truth on something like that
Surveys are a terrible way of gathering correct data
Middle school age lolis
Bump for ori interest
Isn't that women an adult though?
She may wear loli clothing, but as an actress she is an adult
Obviously 16% is reasonable for hebephilia, which of course is a biologically apt attraction to have. It should not be lumped in with pedophilia, which is socially AND biologically aberrant.
It means that, as normal human behavior, it should not be illegal and we need new laws to lower the age of consent.
Correct. If a woman has breasts and pubes, no one can tell me it's wrong to want to have sex with her. Everything else is just a social construct.
Search asmr on youtube, filter to videos uploaded today eventually you'll find one
I'm pretty sure this 'study' is all just made up shit written by an actual pedo.
There are paragraphs in there that claim sex with children isn't harmful to them at all.
Fuck off with that shit.
also kill yourselves
She's kind of a qt but a little too old for my taste
>3% autism rate
pretty sure 97 normies can still handle bullying 3 autists
it only becomes a crisis at 20%+ as autists will be able to band together and fight back against the normies
It is written by an actual pedo, but it's not made up shit. I searched this guy and he's pretty passionate about removing the stigma placed by society on male pedophiles. It's kind of creepy but he's got a point. Guy must revieve death threats on the daily, putting himself out there like that.
Why do you think this is an argument? The reason why having sex with minors is illegal is because some people try it. If no one tried then it wouldn't be illegal. Thus it is obvious that at least some people are attracted to minors. Being attracted to someone does not give you the right to have sex with them though. If a big muscular hulk of a man thinks you're cute and wants to assrape you, do you think he should be allowed to do that by law?
you don't need 20+ autists to make a nuke or any sort of advanced weapon really.
>wow what the fuck these people are not pedophiles like methis can't be true this world is truly fucked up
Imagine being this mentally ill. I don't usually advocate for suicide but honestly you should consider it. The things you had to suffer to get to this point in life must have been horrible anyways so you should save both yourself and the rest of the world the misery of your existance
Same goes for anyone else who unironically thinks like this
>all people have to complain about is a 21 year old dating a 15 year old.
No one is complaining about that. What SOME people are complaining about is why they as a 21 year old can't have sex with 15 year olds. I agree with you though that it's fucked up that the world is basically crumbling around us but some people are more concerned with why they can't fuck 15 year olds.
So raping a child is the same as raping an adult?
But, I do have the right to be attracted to them, don't I? What if I act on this attraction by creating a fictional piece of art depicting a sexual act with a girl that age?
I think she was 12 when the show started
How does the average 16 year old not know men want sex and that there are consequences of sex? You'd have to be a total moron. We live in the age of birth control. Sex and having kids are no longer connected.
>being this much of a brainlet
How hard can it be to some research about female and male nature. That has been shown and has had clear evidence since recorded history of man.
Men want young and fertile females. They want them innocent and young. They want the children as much as the female do. But men want them eariler if they had the option to. Which they had in earler times on earth.
Females want children alittle later but always gets anxious when they get close to 30, thats when they REALLY want them. This has nothing to do with mental illness or misogyny, this is the way it is.
We live longer and get illnesses that would have existed JUST AS MUCH in the early times of human history if it weren't for the fact that EVERYONE died quiet young. So we could never experience many of the things we do today back then, just because of that.
Now when we live longer we see what happens when we put arbitrary boundries on our biological nature.
Women get to see their crazy bipolar and double standard side of them by wanting "equality" while their vaginas dont want that.
And what happens when you tell men to "behave, and be a "good father figure"". They get lonley or withdrawn or dont know what to do. And accidents happen.
You take your best guess from all of this, for goddness sake.
I never said that meant that we should just be able to fuck teenagers. I agree with age of consent laws, but the problem is people are demonized for even having the desire when its perfectly natural. Imagine any celebrity admitting to being attracted to a 16 year old girl, there would be a massive shit storm.
If society were more mature we could all just admit that teenagers can be attractive, but we won't cross that line for their own well being.
Does it matter? It's both highly illegal
As far as i'm aware there is no law that says you can't be attracted to someone. So you do have that right.
Should incels be allowed anywhere near children?
Sex and children are no longer connected. We live in a post birth control world. You can have sex at 16 but not have babies until 26. Technology allows us all to master biology which is a good thing.
>relying on technology instead of self-discipline
>a good thing
We cyberzombies now
>a good thing
Oh lad... im so sorry. Come back when you atleast know the basics.
The beta uprising is looking promising.
I think society is hypocritical for having a culture where a 10 year old can access the most hardcore porn easily with the click of a button and be mentally scarred but it's a crime for a 16 or 17 year old to have sex.
>Pedophiles that have commit no crime should be incarcerated and studied to find a cure
People who think this should be executed for their own good. The only cure that matters for brainlets
It is. We are rising above biology and don't have to overpopulate the world. This means more resources.
Look, if it's past puberty, I am probably going to jack off to it later. Would rape be considered in
post- apocalyptic scenario? Absolutely
Why when we can all have our cake and eat it too? Then we can construct a reality that aligns with maximum freedom.
Well we can't really stop the porn wave at this point. I was fapping to shemales by the time I was 13, and that was the dial up era. Kids now are fucked.
I just think it's stupid people think a 16 or 17 year old doesn't know about sex. The 23 year old guy who grew up religious and not watching porn because his parents blocked the computer would be more mentally innocent than the 16 year old guy who grew up on watching cuckolding, gang bangs, and BSDM who would pressure her into these acts. Technology has made all of this subjective.
There is always something sacrificed. Having your cake and eating it too isn't possible.
Not in nature maybe but technology can master nature. Sex isn't connected with a lot of the old consequences like pregnancy and a lot of the STDs.
AOC isn't good enough. A 21 year old fucking an 18 year old wouldn't raise too many eyebrows, but a 41 year old doing the same is highly questionable. An age gap of more than 3 years should be discouraged.
lmao what a bunch of lying pussies that one or two guys who admit probably are so Chad they can and do get away with anything
Probably fucked the surveyor and then a bunch of pubescents
Only a gay men would be attracted to that. Real men want nicki minaj or bigger
>Only a gay man would be attracted to that.
Are you okay?
>AOC isn't good enough
yes it is, faggot. if she can consent, it's none of your goddamn business who she gives that consent to or why.
Fuck off, if anything it should be lowered to 14, roastie.