why do white bois do this
Why do white bois do this
Bois? Is that French?
What the fuck? Is this photoshopped? I saw this without the bottom part. I didn't even know he did lewds. Is there more? Literal perfection.
because being cute gets you donations in the hundreds while being funny gets you donations that are like 10 dollars.
Some guy gave onlyafro like 10k when he started crossdressing for a joke stream. just because he thought afro was cute he gave him 10k
They're unironically very based
it means "wood"
Because he is a manlet that is being drained in all senses by her "gf"
>tfw no gf to boost your stream profits and views just by doing makeup and a few pictures
pronounced "bwah" btw
How are you going to be wood?
who doesn't love a great boi?
i would breed / out of 10
otakon 2018 see u there
that's not how breeding works
would fuck his ass, though
You're a patron? Is it worth it?
The lol player really has fallen
jewish indoctrination but originally though
why is it jews though? Do they offer some sort of crossdressing scholarship i can get?
you have to pay for the semi-lewds
or wait for someone to leak them
Will someone ever leak them? Do they leak his previous sets?
>Loads of makeup
>Camera angles
>drawing eyebrows
That's not even a cute boy anymore it's basically a tranny that says they're a guy just to brainwash his young innocent twitch viewers
now show his unshopped pictures
Someone put a mega up in a /b/ trap thread a couple days ago, it's floating around
>guy in crossplay is the same as a tranny who is taking HRT
you don't know what that word means.
>hey're a guy just to brainwash his young innocent twitch viewers
>young innocent twitch viewers
>innocent twitch viewers
what world are you currently living on and what time period is it because its not earth and it sure as fuck isn't any age with the internet present.
What is thy wish my friend?
big tiddy white gf pls n thanke
>dressing as a girl on cam for a 9-18yo audience isn't poisoning their minds
> 9-18yo audience isn't poisoning their minds
do you have any evidence to back up your claim?
Also what kind of pussy are you that at age 9 you didn't see videos like Mr hans, one guy one jar, and a variety of other fucked up pornography. But oh god forbiden they see some dude in crossplay playing league of legends which the age bracket you posted doesn't even care about
>big tiddy white gf pls n thanke
Your wish is granted, but can you find her?
twitch is basically a camwhore site at large with actual pornstars using it to get donations but you are upset about sneaky. You sound like those aging soccer moms trying to prevent their kids from being brainwashed by gta
See you there. Fag
Because he's encouraging it to some degree in front as kids who view him as their model for life because he's successful due to a video game he's good at.
Even though it's a cam whore site most people who go into a stream of a professional player won't expect to see them dealing with their fetish in public in front of everyone and presenting it.
>which the age bracket you posted doesn't even care about
Yeah so all league players are 18+?
That game was basically the big free thing before fortnite and it was full of people and I can promise you lots of young people who can be affected easily but stuff like this are playing that game and watching streams of it.
>why do white bois do this
Why don't you do it?
Because it gets him notoriety and channel views
>I wasted $10 to get HQs of this white niggers ass and people are posting it for free on R9K
Want to post the rest user?
White bois do this to attract the black man
Afro is legitimately gay I'm sure
He has a girlfriend who cosplays with him. He tried to shill is costreams with her but his fanbase doesn't like her at all
>Because he's encouraging it to some degree in front as kids who view him as their model for life because he's successful due to a video game he's good at.
you are very much that old man who is worrying about children being brainwashed by media. Your kind has existed since day 1 of radio.
>b-buh this time its actuall bad
His girlfriend being present ruins the fantasy. It's like in Japanese idol culture. I want OnlyAfro to be MY girlfriend when I'm watching his stream.
He's definitely bicurious, he posts suggestive things on Twitter all the time and his beta orbiters are all gay as fuck. "I sent Afro a pic of my dick hahaha it's so funny xddd"
>His girlfriend being present ruins the fantasy. It's like in Japanese idol culture. I want OnlyAfro to be MY girlfriend when I'm watching his stream.
She really doesn't and most of the time afro isn't in cosplay he is just there. The problem is she is just some normal girl who doesn't play videogames and its boring to watch her.
His cosplay streams have been bleeding viewers hard because nobody wants to listen to afro rant about how darksouls remaster is dead while drunk off his ass for the 300th time
He really has no streaming personality, he needs to try playing some meme games that lend themselves to funny shit because watching him play Dark Souls for the 50th time is boring as fuck. He also does the same cosplay every fucking week.
Pretty much, he's a very nice guy and alot of the time he is streaming he is just doing it in normal clothing to hangout with friends. But when he trys to get donations by crossplaying/getting drunk it just becomes miserable now.
He still has orbiters that donate to him all the time. But if he wants to spice things up he needs better cosplays, or better games. Preferably both.
He wants the D all crossdresser's are faggots
Is anybody gonna say who this is?
its sneaky, he's a league of legends streamer on twitch who started doing crossplay with his girlfriend. It upped his viewership significantly so he made a patreon for it.
because they want melanated semen up their ass and down their throat
There's no way this is a guy.
and if it is well i want to cream inside his shit pipe
but only if he moans like a girl and smells like one and dresses like one too. otherwise my dick is gonna deflate faster then the Hindenburg
Kek nigga get's money from streamers plus begging for money from horny fags
c9sneaky is a dumb sissy slut. She needs to be creamed daily.
The hindenburg took over one minute to deflate and at least 10 minutes to crash m8
that's pretty gay
actually that's extremely gay.
i said faster not exactly the same
it'd be flat and flaccid like Hiroshima and Nagasaki or like taking a pin to a balloon poof and the motivation is gone.
>those thighs
>that squish on "her" ass from the garter strap
HNNNNNNNG why is this 420.96% hotter than chubby 3d roastie disgustingness?! That literally looks like 2d body type in 3d form
Sneaky's girlfriend is the MVP of his crossplays. It's all about the makeup. Most crossplayers who just do it for fun don't have the experience to do makeup properly so they just end up looking like men in drag.
Pretty much, makeup is the difficult part. It's easy to pass neck down with the right physique.
This is disgusting.
>People are celebrating the feminization of white men
>noo stop doing things i don't like
Fuck off, dumb moralfag
Not gay, but I need more of this. Any link?
Celebrating faggotry, yes. You are a shame to the white race.
Muh white race muh I'm better than everyone and tell people on r9k about what theyre doing wrong while simultaneously being a complete retard and faggot therefore browsing r9k. Go back to Jow Forums it's so annoying that you cunts have to spread your retardation everywhere, kill yourself.
Can you provide a comprehensive list with everything I'm allowed to do without defiling the "white race".
I feel like invading poland, is this good or bad?
>It's all about the makeup
any makeup tips?
You're going to have to ask /cgl/ for those
n-no /cgl/ is mean and scary
>see a cute crossdressing boy
>scroll through their social media
>outpouring of love and respect
>feel like shit for hours afterward
Does anyone know this feel
I just know that feeling when people give you lots of positive attention because you are just that cute and the crushing empty feeling of knowing that all the people who complimented you were homosexuals of varying closetedness
money, time and research
lots of them all
Don't look up the source unless you want to lose the illusion.
>>outpouring of love and respect
last time I checked most of the replies were in the line of "f-fuck im hard at a boy no homo" and "stupid sexy sneaky"
Bois is French for wood as in j'aime le bois.
However, people on the Internet tend to call a male homo sapiens (a boy) a boi. Then using the English Genitive Case one would assign the letter "s" (19th in the Standard Latin Alphabet) to the end of said word (boi). This means that there are more than one of said "boi" thus being spelled as bois giving a resemblance to the French word bois. Of course this is simply a coincidence and there is no real link between a homo sexual phag and a piece of wood.
>there is no real link between a homo sexual phag and a piece of wood.
A faggot is a bundle of wood
can someone please just fucking post an imgur album or something of his pictures
yes here you go orig.