Here's my brother who graduated from ranger school. Thoughts?

Here's my brother who graduated from ranger school. Thoughts?

Attached: Capture.png (800x449, 605K)

looks like an average military white guy

Dude has 5 heads? Damn man how many do you have

this is the best answer, accurate and funny

Is he in ranger regiment ?

Holy shit, look at the jaw on that nigga to the immediate left of him!~

>All those receding hairlines
Apart from that they're all at least brad tier

Looks like he is going to kill some people.

Good guy

Baldness is a sign of high t.

hes gonna be a homeless veteran in 20 years

Nigga looks like he has a meth addiction

Uniform look like they are from the 1980s.

Why do they all look pissed off? Shouldn't they be happy they graduated ranger school?

Fuark check this Uberchad

Attached: 6E65D480-46B1-4567-84CC-3DF52B05AB99.jpg (150x136, 29K)

No, because after they graduate they realize all their gains got sucked away and they all went skinny fat mode.

Are you Albanian?
He looks similar to my uncle when he served in Croatia and Bosnia.

I wish I looked like bottom right

looks like a good goy ready to sacrifice his body and mind to the almighty Israel.

What sort of thought process makes a man passionately enlist in the military to die protecting corrupt governments who rule from their ivory towers, unfair and inauthentic judiciary, unscrupulously greedy corporates and a dogmatic society full of shit, unless he's involuntarily drafted into it?

Attached: Shintel.jpg (556x322, 27K)

there's some good benefits to it

Soldiers are all welfare queens who like getting cucked. Peak masculinity and all that.