Hey Robots, it's kinda late. Why are you up so late/early?
Hey Robots, it's kinda late. Why are you up so late/early?
Because timezones exist
I've literally been on r9k for 5 hours straight atm. Sulking in my own misery is the only thing I feel anymore
Because I can't fucking stop, and any attempt I've made in the past to sleep and wake up like a normie has ended in me wanting to neck myself.
Just got back from smoking with the homies, and I havent masturbated yet.
Im taking my friend out to do a screentest tomorrow, so I can get this look down for a short Im doing here in a week or so, so I better beat it and get to sleep quick.
True, you're definitley right about that.
Sorry to hear that user. Maybe you should take a break or something. If you aren't up for that, are you willing to talk about what troubles you?
I can't sleep at night.
Honestly feel that, haven't been able to sleep like a normal person in months.
Good luck with that, night.
Reverse vampire. Rip in peace.
10 in the morning faggot, timezones exist.
I sleep all day and I stay up all night. I don't even do anything in particular, I just live an aimless existence. It's 5 AM here and I've been up since 1. I'll probably sleep in the afternoon and wake up the same time.
I can't sleep. It's been like that for a few days. I've been staying awake until the sun comes up and end up sleeping until evening lately.
I was shut down by a someone I thought I was falling in love with. My sleep is usually poor but now I have another layer of hurt I have to sift through to get to sleep and I just can't right now.
Im working a graveyard shift. Need to stay awake somehow. But r9k isnt too interesting, too many LARPing faggots
Holy shit same and then i wake uo at like 5 or 6 am
I'm actually like this as well. What do you guys do to support yourselves if you are sleeping during the day?
trying to figure out how to best ask this girl out for a date. shes a stranger but we share the same hobby and will be at the same event for it. she will probably say no, especially since she doesnt know me, but i'd hate to waste the opportunity.
Late night drinking too stop the bad feels.
Because I work the night shifts and even though it's my day (night) off, I still have to maintain my sleep schedule.
I'm My mommy feeds me.
Holy fuck user are you me? Same deal. About to get off shift in an hour and bored as fuck. But R9k is slow tonight.
Right now I'm looking for a new job. I was working recently but had to move due to various factors. Might have an interview soon. If I'm not sleeping then I'm typically looking for a job or playing games.
what do you other graveyard shift people do?
>Be me
>Work security for a warehouse that ships to its stores overnight
>8:30 pm to 6:30 am, Mon-Thurs
>Full benefits, 10 vacation days and insurance through my employer
>Worked here 6 years
>"Wow user that must be tough"
>Mfw all I do is push a button to open a door and just shitpost and watch videos on my laptop all night.
Insomnia, poor mental health.
I would be playing games but im watched by my coworkers. So I shitpost on mobile
That sucks dude. When I first got this job my boss told me to bring stuff to keep me awake. Basically the only rule here is don't fall asleep since I work alone and if something happens its all on me.
I work night shift from 10pm-6am so my day's are when I shitpost.
>or while on break
I'm on military leave (Canada) and am enjoying pretending to be a NEET again before I have to go back next week.
It's 13:48 here.
Doing laundry and the kitchen. I just cooked a whole steak dinner for like 4 people.
Based flaming moe poster
because I'm developing oneitis for a girl who I work with, and it'll be two more days until I can see her again.
I acted too shyly towards her last advance, and I'm scared that she'll have given up by the time I next see her. I can only stay up and wonder.
Fucking do it. I want to believe in you, because I want to believe in me.
15 hours of sleep because I was up all night two nights ago so I fell asleep at 1 PM yesterday.
cant sleep, cant stop thinking..
Because I despise sleeping. It is the only time I can pretend to feel happiness but when I wake up I feel even more fucking depressed than before. Life fucking sucks
i had a panic attack and just got back from the hospital, i want to just sleep and "reset" my body but i'm so fucking on edge
You made this pic recently?
Then don't be as shy.
Try giving her something nice, a single flower with a ribbon on it. Girls appreciate being told you think they're special.
because i got sad and was thirsty and now i'm on my computer. also waking up early means i can get a comfy depressionnap in