Why are white women such race traitors?
Why are white women such race traitors?
because my qt asian boyfriend will always give me better dick than a white guy ever could
absolutely heathenous
Because white men are obsessed with black dicks so much that they talk about it endlessly on their computers
White men are sad and low test
All the different races of women are race traitors (except black woman). Nature programmed women to not care about ingroups or outgroups and just choose what they feel is the winning side, because back during the more primitive era of human existence an invading group would come in and kill all the males if they were weaker. And if females didnt surrender themselves to the new ruling group they would be killed too and nature programmed women to value survival above all else. Which is also why women dont really have values or morals and are agreeable, they just mold themselves to the ruling groups standards. So women are just traitors in general because they will side with whoever they feel like is the dominant males. If white guys for example decided to racially collectivize and started going full on 1488 and started overthrowing governments you see all women surrender themselves to them, even if they whine about it they would go along with it. Like those French women in WW2 who whored themselves to the German invaders, they saw those males as more powerful and winning, so they went with them.
saved a few days ago
it was a original day
This is fucking brutal
Because white "men" are the most inferior race of males, even Pajeets are more chad
not really they have just been defanged by post modernism and feminism. If they just started telling women to shut up like they did back in the day and just focused on self improvement they would be back on top again like in the past.
This also why you see feminists who complain about masculinity and patriarchy but in interviews said they would never date a male feminist still chase after Chad and Tyrone type guys. And these woman also seem to have power submission fantasies and fetishes also.
This post was clearly written by a black guy.
it was clearly written by an asian guy why would a black man write that?
To make asian guys look bad. You see, you instantly thought it was written by an asian guy.
To me it'd be too obvious and an asian guy would know it. So either a nog or a jew.
>ll the different races of women are race traitors except black woman.
>except black woman
The American black woman is so detestable not even black men want to fuck them.
You actually think black women have a smidge of loyalty to their own race. Get out of here.
Because they white men beat their mother's as children and the white police did nothing about it. Abusive black guys get caught.
We're not. Go to any small town and its white with white.
Meanwhile, the same manlets who take issue with this loooove asian women.
This level of gymnastics
no i thought it was written by a petite white woman who guiltily enjoys riding hard Asian dick (HAD). but thats preposterous, because Asian men are perpetual virgins. so obviously an asian male wrote this falsehood to make him look good.
>He thinks 3D chess are mental gymnastics
Not my fault your mom is also your sister.
>Inb4 black sissyposter crashes the bread with no survivors
C'mon guys, I've got popcorn.
White women who go for black men are like people who smurf in online games.
yeah honestly I dont even really blame black guys for ditching black women for all other women. Where I am I actually see more black guys with hispanic women more than with white women. But there are still quite a few white women I see with black guys, but it is about even really. I see them just as often with white guys.
well if she's been getting black dick since kindergarten it's probs more like she's coping via more dick like a lot of girls who get raped young do
as long as White women arent with those dog boiling chinkgooks, im fine with it. Nips are weird too, just avoid all flavor of the yellow peril.
Do you think white women get exited by cucking their own race for the same reasons women get exited by cucking their own species?
Fuck off back to asian masculinity you scrawny gook before I smack you
no woman has loyalty to anything
The amount of salt with all the white girls dating Asians now
very nice. you win this time, Jedi.
Don't bother tryna explain this to them. They don't wanna hear it. They *need* a reason to hate white women and will even make one up if they ain't got one handy.
dont use peach and james. shes a Christian "goes on retreats a lot" type of chick.
Theyre not as common though. I still see more blacks with white girls and possibly Mexicans than asians themselves
see: it isnt that they have a cucking fetish or anything, they dont care about in/out group loyalty.
I'm a manlet and i love white women the most
I like black and asian women equally
as you should, White girls will always be #1.
Yes /our girls/ are the best
right on lad.
>it isnt that they have a cucking fetish or anything, they dont care about in/out group loyalty.
You probably right.
One can only start to imagine why.
gg. thread over yall they won
t. incel hapa
is this show good? Does it keep any of the comedy?
the banter? yeah the dialogue is very very good. the only slow part is the first 20 minutes of the first episode. then it smokes rocks and everything gets nutty
>NEED a reason
The reason is obvious
Pic related IS the average 2019 white girl
/our lads/ dududu
That one in the front isn't white senpai, she's pretty obviously (((white)))
T. Level 100 jewdar
what kind of liberal hellhole do you live in? most women are not political extremists, least of all sexually attractive white women.
This pretty much, only ugly dried uterus women with no dad actually gives a single shit about politics really.
Why you keep shitposting the same stupid shit? It's statistically not true and everyone here knows it. Just more low effort, obvious bait. Sage
I have to be one of the few self aware white guys who doesn't give a fuck.
White girls can do blacks or Asian guys or horses or dogs or other women. It's really none of my business. I was always a race traitor to begin with myself and I never pedestalized women. In my ideal world there just isn't a thread on this every 2 seconds
White women are shit testing white men and white men are failing the test. When a woman shit tests you you tell her to shut up, and if she doesnt you walk away thereby demonstrating you have options. She will then come back around when she sees your strong display. She wants to know you will do what you think is right and wont just listen to all her stupid emotional demands.
This, they play very silly games, you just have to see through thwir stupid shenanigans.
What does "shit testing" even mean, that some pickup tactics word? Socially engineering white women into not wanting to import african muslims really isn't my problem.
The funny thing is he blamed why whaman when liberal cesspools are the power platform of vaguely ethnic looking fat chicks who are looking for status over whites; male or female.
I can only assume he's a non-white manlel himself hoping the status quo will change
stop shit testing, its very draining
It's basically layman for reverse psychology. They want to see white men wreck shit and get shit done so they're tying to make white men respond that way with their actions. And yes it is your problem retard, unless you want evolutionary suicide, in which case go right ahead, dont give a shit.
It's really transparent unless you're a sub 130 IQ brainlet. And the solution is pretty simple, step up, hit the gym and be a motherfucking man, then teach that girl who's boss.
no, that is a terrible excuse.
i dunno, sounds like bullshit
Yeah but whatever, bitches are all tricks and playing their stupid games is pretty simple and rewards you with pussy. I say theres no harm in playing.
>i say theres no harm in playing.
uh huh you would say that.
>then teach that girl who's boss.
>Marries white man to take his money
>Fucks behind his back
I don't care if hes black. That bullshit cheating is what triggers me.
Most of these desu. In CA for example I have constantly witnessed multiple white women with hispanics, (ironically enough I have seen more white women be with hispanics on the lighter side than the indian tier ones). OP don't be a fag just cause other races want to be with BASED women.
its not, as silly as it sounds it is very real.
look, you may think relationships are just girl games and angry post game revenge fucking, but we men are tired of useless games.
They're just dumbass bitches, getting dicked good makes them loyal.
all women are fucking idiots what do you expect
i know its real. its real bullshit is what that is.
It really doesn't. If that was true, roasties wouldn't exist.
Even roasties only cheat on betaniggers, or they get left by chad and find a new chad.
lies on lies
>if a woman and I share the same skin tone, she is obliged to fuck me
imagine being a delusional Jow Forumstard lmao
>white women are shit testing white men, that's why they fuck black men and have black kids
Haaaaahasahaha the absolute cope. White women are running to non-white men for sex, pleasure, and relationships.
a lot of women have submission fantasies. They want to be controlled.
yeah. they get "left" when they dont message back and chad stops pursuing.
nobody said this hold your horses.
wheres your White woman?
the terms "race-traitor" implies that you fucking brainlet
women (regardless of race) dont really have racial preferences really, read:
you just jumped in didnt you? make some bullshit up like you were here all along.
not the same user
sperg harder
oh wow you were at the op? we moved past that hours ago. fresh salt.
Nope. Since almost all of them suffer from oxytocin dysfunctions, mutual orgasms actually drive them away and cause them to act less cooperative and loyal in the long term, not more. Most females today are chemically incapable of successfully pair bonding.
well i thought the mansplaining was pretty dumb. but yeah go ahead
Sage goes in the options field. Don't bump the racebaiting NGO propaganda spam threads please
so you mean they are just looking for new dick for the sake of new dick?
no salt just pointing out where you are wrong. I am just checking in on this thread every now and again as I am working.
so.. youve been here but suddenly decided to answer the op without responding directly to the op.
>And these woman also seem to have power submission fantasies and fetishes also.
This is not some damning evidence, literally all women are like that. Were they not I would have a chance at having a gf because I'm a completely submissive male.
Hell even dating app and site data shows that white women in large part favor towards white men and the largest amount of successful relationships were with men of their own race, this was also the case for all the other races as well.
Functionally, they are brain damaged children looking for some paragon of flawless physical and emotional masculinity that doesn't fucking exist. Somebody post that okcupid graph demonstrating that, whereas men tend to rate female attractiveness according to the standard bell curve, in actual practice women don't rate ANY man an absolutely flawless, perfect 10/10.
>looking for a paragon of flawless emotional and physical masculinity that doesnt exist
like us robots look for ??
I can't wait for this stupid agenda to blow up in their faces when the people they're fighting for realize these white bitches are just as privileged as white men. It's starting already with white women complaining about the black remake of Buffy.
they can have her
This is the kind of shit that reminds me of how stupid most of you are.
No thanks
Go back to Jow Forums faggot, woman don't owe you anything.
>but in interviews said they would never date a male feminist
no fucking shit. At best they are just predators hoping it leads to easy pussy at worse they are just so weak that they are no better than women.
Women want a beast to tame because a beast will guard what it loves. If you are a feminist man you are no better than a domesticated puppy so what good would you be to them?