There are a lot of boards here that could honestly go and not be missed. What boards would you add to improve Jow Forums and why? Serious answers would be nice... for once.
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There are a lot of boards here that could honestly go and not be missed. What boards would you add to improve Jow Forums and why? Serious answers would be nice... for once.
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I would make lgbt a yellow board and send all trap and gay stuff there.
Get rid of b. It is just a porn dump and there are already other boards that exist for that.
Fire all v mods and hire new ones who will actually enforce the rules.
>still no /trap/ (nsfw)
what the FUCK
/orbit/. for shitz n giggles
Teenage moot probably would have done that like /l/. But he's grown up and moved on now...
/ar/- anime retro
/kor/- korean media
/jav/ - japanese adult video
/gore/ - gore
delete Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /vg/, and /soc/
don't you fucking DARE delete r9k it's my favorite board
Make r9k a blueboard. Gore isn't allowed anyways and there are other places for all the annoying trap and pornposters
Study - /st/ focus on getting answers and cheating on shit
Oldfag - /old/ for people over the age of 30 to find a hole to crawl into and die in peace
Celebrity - /cel/ because /tv/ is not a big enough containment board for reerees
Self Improvement - /si/ A place not just for fitfags but overall mental and spiritual building. Hippie shit.
Best post in the thread. /cel/ sounds like a great idea for a containment board for all celebrity, youtuber, streamer, & roastie worship
>all these weebshit boards
I fucking hate anime autists so much. Would hate you a lot less if you had just ONE interest outside of chink shit.
Seconded, /cel/ is a great idea. Means we could post qt celebs without a constant stream of Reddit tears.
>delete vg
Nah keep it but keep the list of what is "retro" dynamic. The fixed time line is bullshit.
And as an eceleb containment board to save /v/.
A male-only robot-only board (Jow Forums was never officially about what we made it into, a proper board would probably help).
A non-male only robot-only board (we all know it will be male-only though)
A female-only robot-only board (we all know it will be perma-empty since fembots don't exist).
With this triplet we'll be able to confirm what we've been saying all along and maybe finally have a place to talk, all-the-while restoring Jow Forums to its original meaning.
Board for green text stories
>Retards acting like all their complaints about women being inferior etc etc, including all straight NSFW wouldnt be banned tooo
>/kor/- korean media
Honestly kill yourself.
/cel/ would clean up /hr/ as well.
>Get rid of /b/
Then all the tourists would migrate to other boards. Just ban porn threads from /b/
Make /intg/
A board for hollywood blockbusters (mainly capeshit) to cleanse /tv/
A board for nintendrones to cleanse /v/
This. The rare good threads would be more easily noticeable without all blacked, bleached and trap threads.
We should petition for this.