Why dont you settle for an 4/10 gf my dudes?

why dont you settle for an 4/10 gf my dudes?

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Because I know that I'm better than that.

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whoa. she is really really cute. why rate her at a 4?

Because that there is a man, n I dont fuck men

>Because that there is a man

because fucking adderall/vyvanse and dick pills isn't fucking/sex :(
Becuase love is far better than ... a 4/10 that makes you monogamy her after she's slept around.

Also this is a fucking trap.

you are on Jow Forums

Because even a 2/10 will have plenty of beta orbiters lined up already

5/10 is the best I can do, OP.

I have some standards.

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>an 4/10
Why dont you AN hero you fucking gaggot OP


Stop making this gay ass thread you faggot

Are you suggesting this girl is 4/10? She's easily 8 or 9.

these threads really bring out the newfags dont they

I could.
But I have standards and alcool doesn't last forever.
>yfw you wake up and see that 3/10 next to you in the bed but in your head she was a 6

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She's not 4/10. Robots really do have a fucked up scale if that's what they think is on the lower end of the attractive scale

how come Jow Forums didn't come up with a chart from 1 to 10/10 girls ? what are you doing with all that free time anyway

hope it is a trap tho

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That's not a 4/10.

Holy shit, paint her hair white and she'd look like 2B.

Can anyone shop her hair into white? And maybe add the blindfold like 2B has.

> rated 4/10
OP, you are so low on social ladder you would overrate even a pig to 4/10 just to not be alone. Sad.

Its really funny how most of the robots here say they have standards and shit like that. Almost like theyre judging women based on looks and dismissing the ugly ones just like how all the 9/10 Instagram models they hit on do to them. The hating on people that have already had sex too is great gotta hate them because they managed to get some and you couldnt because your so repulsive physically and mentally. Oh wait Im sorry I meant to say
Waiting for marriage

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can't really shop the hair you have to repaint it but yeah

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>settle for a 4/10
>insecurity hits her
>she ends up treating me like shit and cheating and telling me it's because she doesn't deserve me

Thanks mate, looks perfect. Really appreciate it.

You could try desaturating the hair and playing around with contrast/levels and exposure or light?

Also, she needs the little mole by her lips. 2B had one.

I can't really figure it out sorry, I just did this as a short challenge

>Posts a 5.5/10

lol no wonder you guys a virgins!

>falling for bait

hi newfags

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because even a 1/10 think they deserve 11/10 chad thundercock

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if it weren't for that trashbag hair she'd be a solid 5.5 desu

yall crazy in your pride n ego, she hella pretty lmao. im gay tho so :/

summer r9k really is the worst

Oh look, another 10/10 baited as an "1/10 lmao!". Fuck off nigger.

6/10 is the perfect score for her, but I see how some people could give her 7/10. TOPS.

>That hairstyle

Be still, my heart!

What the fuck you guys talking about? I would totally date these girls they look like a 8/10 to me.

lmao are u serious? she's a solid 9. i've dated a lot of chicks and if i had the chance to date this girl then she'd be like top 3 no doubt.

I would fuck a 4/10 but not a 5/10

She is so cute it hurts
Literally an 11/10

Why do autists unironically rate other people from 1 to 10, based on standards that don't exist, but we kinda think we know what they are?