Would you be attracted to a shy guy? or that's just a meme, I also have some hobbies
t. white bot
Single femanons
Only if you are hot othervise you are invisible to them
your last thread was less than 24 hours ago lmao you must be really lonely
t. asian fembot
Yep, I like shy guys a lot because they aren't so obnoxious
I usually get rated 6 or 7 out of 10, but I'm just shy so that is usually a big turn of for most of them
>t. asian fembot
liar. asian fembots dont exist. they could all get the BWC any chance they wanted.
He would be less likely to cheat on me or be agressive, but more likely to get extremely clingy and obsessive, even though it seem usually who goes coconuts and kill his girlfriend is a Chad and not a beta. I don't know, would have to study this very well,if I were a woman I would be very careful with who I date,most man are extremely dangerous, at least where I live. Roasties that whore around are crazy and have no idea of how dangerous it is, luckily sooner or later it bites them in the ass.
>your last thread was less than 24 hours ago
I'm actually just copying the format because it got a lot of attention kek
yeah, I am shy user as well, but some girls said that I am cutie
i know i definitely would. its my dream to have a qt shy bf to play vidya with when i can finally buy some games for myself.
What the fuck does that even mean? You want a conformist cuck? Do you even know what obnoxious mean? I hate people when they're not obnoxious.
>qt shy bf to play vidya with
op here, do you have discord?
ur delusional
I have too many physical/mental impairements that prevent me from attracting a guy
the only impairment is mental, your self esteem. stupid cunt.
lol, most asians are hideous. Average asian is hideous.
ey rude, leave my thread. We treat wamen with respect
not the ones i see around my town
They would.
Just not you. They are attracted to attractive people. You are ugly. Make peace with that.
You are also a manchild with no prospects and no ambition and they are hypergamous.
You are wasting your time and just give a podium for the whores to attention whore.
Great job, incel.
You're just used to the insectoids. There's no asians where I live, thank god, but when I see one on the internet or tv they're usually hideous, even the "cute" ones you fags adore.
>You are also a manchild with no prospects and no ambition and they are hypergamous.
Projecting much?
Or are you describing yourself? I have turned of sex and girls before
I'm sure you've turned off plenty of girls, at least you are honest about it.
nigger nigeger anigger ngier niger inger gnierf fniernfiegrn niger
erm, arent those magnificent boobies against the rules to post here?
Not plenty just some, I don't care if some dude on the internet doesn't believe
>you are this desperate for female attention you come on to a fucking meme board for women
Holy shit user, this is fucking sad m8. Also w8 wot
>posts looking to talk to women
I don't get it how tf are you shy? Are you only shy in person?
Maybe he isn't really shy here because he is anonymous, but in person or Steam/Discord he doesn't talk much
That's the point though. He posted earlier to some supposedly femanon in which he was willing to give his discord. So it just makes one curious as to how he is shy? IDK seems kind of self defeating. Best of luck to OP though
>So it just makes one curious as to how he is shy?
I have some anxiety when I need to go to a social place and or people talk with me, I can't really describe it
if he wasnt painfully shy to the point of not wanting to do anything i would
>lmao you must be really lonely
this is Jow Forums. what do you fucking think? did you think he wasn't lonely? come here to have a laugh? fuck off, """fembot""".
goodluck m8. Hope you find some fembot but IDK if posting here is the best way to do it lmao.
>not wanting to do anything
I'm trying to get better obviously I don't like to be anti social, and I find that talking or msg online, makes me more open.
I'm the op, if anyone wants to talk my discord is manko#3816
Why would it be against the rules, newfriend?
because eliza's face is attached?
Are you unironically retarded?
It's mini you absolute fucking autist. As if your whore Ciara Horan would have such a great body.
Fuck off.
literally fucking who?
So, you are not just a newfag. You have been here for less than three (3) months.
I love how this thread devolved from figuring out whether the user is baiting everyone, to whether hes actually shy
akshually i've been here 3 or 4 years. i just don't remember a mini.
>figuring out whether the user is baiting everyone, to whether hes actually shy
I'm shy, people that approach me at uni or work notice it
user just get a 2d waifu
you can't kiss 2d
Dated a girl for 5 years who said thats what attracted her to me. But I was more of a distant, smart and judgemental guy who was a closet sperg. Compared me to Driver alot, so if your decent looking and relatively tough, yeah an amount of social anxiety can manifest as attractive traits.
thx user, that actually gives me hope