Women want to be treated like men

>women want to be treated like men
>treat them like men, actually argue with them
>they get mad
>poke fun with them
>they get mad
>call them retarded if i disagree with them
>they get mad

what did they mean by this?
it's not even that women are bad, they just need to quit pretending like most of them are anything but softies. it's okay but that doesn't mean i should treat you like a man when your whole life has tempered you to be more emotionally delicate

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Thanks for posting a catgirl getting hoovered

no problem my originaI man

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They want to be respected but never confronted. Double standards and females go hand in hand.

>paying attention to what women say they want

>interacting with women whatsoever apart from the dinner table and bedroom

What a homo

They believe the lies

>interacting with women

what a homo

is it normal to want to be gay because you fucking hate women?

i kinda wish i was but buttholes and dicks are gross

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Not that bad being a virgin. If you have good genes, go to a sperm bank and otherwise dedicate your life to art, philosophy or science

I dont want to be treated like a man, just a person. Many men treat women like objects or subhumans and that is not ok.

It's an open secret that gays hate women. That is why they design so much horrible and uncomfortable clothing for them.

That's not true at all, femanon. Where are you living btw?

Men probably don t like you either.

It sounds like you need to work on your social skills. You aren't treating women like men. You're just a spergy asshole.

This is what robots want too.

Also double standards are fine. Literally nothing wrong with them.

the whole point of the thread is that THEY need to do it because there's a fucking limit between a joke (e.g. haha wimmins can't drive) and sexual objectification/ misogyny they claim it is

that's just it. if i treat women like "people" and don't go out of my way to talk to them, i never talk to them. that conflicts with men because i actually have natural discussions with them when i treat them like people. similarly, if i criticize women like i would criticize a regular person, they never fail to get all emotional.

the thing is, if i treat them like a "person" and ignore the fact that they are female, it almost always has a negative affect on both them and me. i've done it for so long, countless times, and thought a lot about it in the process. i don't pay attention to men because they're men, so i'm not going to pay attention to women because they're women. you want to have a discussion? say something thought provoking. you want me to be real with you? don't get emotional when i do.

it'd be different if i hadn't tried this my whole entire life and been given validating evidence for this the entire time.

Oh I get it. You don't know how to be funny. Saying "haha women can't drive" isn't a joke. It's a shitty statement.

No wonder chicks don't like you. They like funny guys.

>You aren't treating women like men
KEK, do you ACTUALLY believe that socially rounded men interact with women in the same, raw way that they interact with men? you're delusional. it's annoying that i have to treat them different in the first place to get anywhere.

Sounds like you're autistic and actually don't get him. Kys faggot

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I'm a normal person and I do talk to them the same. Most robots are generic internet assholes who don't talk to women, so if they did talk to them like they talk to men, it would be sperging out.

I did this with a female friend poking fun like I would do with a guy. She got mad over it starting being actually aggressive towards me. Women just like the idea of equal treatment without knowing what that means.

Is THIS how you talk to men?

No, you just are a shitty person.

>Many men treat women like objects or subhumans and that is not ok.
This is how women treat 80% of men.

>I'm a normal person and I do talk to them the same
mhm, sure pal. you're either female or retarded.

No I'm just not a shitty person. Sorry. :(

>No, you just are a shitty person.
You are either gay or a women.

It's okay, friend. You'll get there.

>I did this with a female friend poking fun like I would do with a guy.
What did you say?

That is how you treat "like men," sadly.

kek, i can tell when i'm arguing with a female.

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>'m a normal person and I do talk to them the same.
thats not normal tho. men are literally hardwired to give women special treatment

You're right about me but that's besides the point, I wasn't giving a real example that didn't work.
No person likes to hear the cold, harsh truth, whether if male or female. I know what I said earlier but maybe the problem's you don't know how to sugarcoat your insights.
>le 80/20 meme
Stop believing in it, ledditor.

No that's just betas really.

Oh no I'm a guy. You can tell because I'm talking to you.

>maybe the problem's you don't know how to sugarcoat your insights.
this is Jow Forums, why would i? nothing is sugarcoated here.

I'm sorry that you haven't met a real man who is willing to put you in your place and teach you the pleasure women naturally get from submitting to a man.

Don't worry, if you look around you'll eventually find one.
Oh, and stop posting in forums intended for men. You will never fit in here.

>many men treat women like subhumans
Are you american?
Oh I thought you meant- actual conversations with them outside this place. Mea culpa.

>dicks are gross

I'm not even gay but dicks are way better looking than pussies... Unless they are innies

Robots aren't men. Not even close.

Actually, this is textbook gay

>Robots aren't men. Not even close.
not him, but we've known you think this for a long time. glad you finally admitted it, you can leave now.

You know who I am? That's weird.

i don't know man, its just hard to get behind. balls look weird and poopholes are gross, no matter what gender they are attached to. but i wouldn't have any problem cuddling a guy if you know what i mean

yep, bringing socially-based insults into the equation rather than facing the argument. textbook really. you aren't giving me any reason to think anything else.

When she was jokingly pout over something I would instead of say 'aww poor one' and go with the 'nah I don't care' also in a joking kind of way.

> le female oppression
Stop believing in it, roastie.

Um, k? Robots factually aren't men.

What "argument" ? You spend too much time on the internet. If this is how you talk to men, its pretty obvious why you don't have friends.

>everyone who is smarter than me is a woman

You're weird and angry.

Jesus Christ how autistic can you get?

>Um, k? Robots factually aren't men.
you glow in the dark honey

A moment of sanity in the eternal bitterness

Buddy, I know the 80/20 meme is not real. I've seen too many cases, including my own parents, to prove it wrong.
Also I'm a khhv male

>confirmation bias
mhm. tell me more.

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Is that some kind of a failed roastie hypnosis? Like, you tell me I am being weird and angry and I should become weird and angry?

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That is by far not peak performance.

>my anecdotal evidence destroys the 80/20 phenomenon
thats not how it works you larping faggot

I'm not even the original poster buddy, btw the "you know nothing" is a bad position to prove anything

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have you ever thought that the faggot environment you choose to be surrounded by is entirely a statistical anomaly

Are you a cuck or a women ?

>confirmation bias
Nope fren, no person in the world, m or f looks only for abs, tits or whatever you prefer. If that was the case, we'd be sculpting our gfs in clay instead of losing time on brasilian football boards.
One instance of evidence of the contrary destroys "the law" though. I won't deny the tinder thing is real but that's just because those women are looking for a one night stand and have craptons of requests, of course they're gonna choose the best looking ones, again, it's that they're looking for one-night stands, so your personality has nothing in the saying, and.males, however good looking, never get approached so they don't have "a choice" to do, unlike them.
Yea but then I saw other robots (could have been roasties as well, if you wanna feel better) agreeing with me.

Pics or gtfo, learn the rules

How are robots "not men" I'd love to hear the gender bullshit

This is unironically true, as a gay man you are nothing more than an accessory to women, they expect you to be the stereotypical "sassy", limp handed fruit who tries to hit on every guy you see. To them its a bragging right for whatever reason.
>visit sister as I was in the area and wanted some food/rest from personal errands
>get to her place, she has her friends over and say I wont bother her but she insists me in
>go along and wont stay long
>"everyone, this is my gay brother, user"
>hear a few gasps and "ohmygod really"
>tell her did she really have to put gay as the first fucking thing i'm known for
>"oh stop it, its okay to be gay"
>also hear chitters of "he doesnt look gay" "I wouldnt have guessed"
I regret coming out sometimes.

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You become a man when you have sex with a woman.

Huh? No. It's a statement.


> Double standards are fine

No they are retarded. Consistency is key.

Poor you.
When you're gay, but still ned up to pout up with wahman-bullshit because you've got a sister.

If I was gay I'd tottaly give you so dick to make cheer you up.

>I won't deny the tinder thing is real but that's just because those women are looking for a one night stand and have craptons of requests
The men are looking for the same thing and yet they don't have "craptons of requests". That was the entire point of that 80/20 statistic.

>I'm not even gay
Yes you are.

Are you drunk or something, user?

Yea, women are not supposed to actively pursue men, all they have to do is pose and look good, someone's gonna ask them. And they know that. Nothing to do with being excessively picky if even femoids get more requests than Chads.

So then what's your point? You denied the 80/20 and now you're accepting it?

>80/20 statistic

This is just a "rule" virgins made up to act like they're victims.

People are different. You live in a fantasy land if you think otherwise.

I always accepted it dude, I'm saying it's a gender meme because men know they have to fight for the pussy while women just have to sit down and get bombed with requests. But that it's not the "women only care about Chad" thing said

Men are lucky. We get to pursue any woman we want. What kind of fag wouldn't like that?

Actually not it was invented by statisticians already in the 1980's because it describes a lot of processes well femtard.

The fag who is scared of people

It doesn't describe why you can't get laid though.

How so?
No, you replied to the guy saying that because of your own anecdotal evidence, that means the rule is false.

> scrub never heard of applying an existing scientiffic model to a new phenomenon.

Yes it does explain why I can't get laid :

I replied to that guy too but I was referring to the same thing. Sorry if I was ambiguous, I know I initially said 80/20 is a meme but nah, I acknowledge its reality. It's just not what he believed to be.

>I aknowlage it as reality, but not really. because it does not fit my worldview.

Typical roasted beef.

No, it doesn't. It also doesn't make it scientific because you chose to apply it to nonsense. Sorry, you're a virgin by choice.

If you're scared of people you don't want a girlfriend anyway. This doesn't matter

I'm an incel.
I'm a virgin because of the literal opposite of choice you piece of shit.

it is best to treat women like a teenager you hate but you have to be nice too because you are at a family gathering or something similar to that

I feel you, women use gays as fucking accessoires
>Friend of mine is pretty nice
>Come out to her
>She is really happy
>"Now I have a gay friend! Yay!"
Bitch, I'm not an expensive wristband, gtfo

You're a cheap wristband user.

Feefee and wahwah don't create civilization and those two things along with sex are the only things women are good at.

Consistency is a tool of the patriarchy! REEEEEEEEE
You're a dumbass. When double standards are upheld as law, you essentially invalidate every rule and status quo. The result is chaos and society's progress grinds to a halt. Just take a look at all the first world countries. There is so many double standards that nobody really even cares what the laws are so hardly anyone cares to uphold the law on account of its resulting invalidation. The result? Well, you're looking at it.

They have a feminine 2D:4D.