what did my oneitis mean by this?
What did my oneitis mean by this?
she wants a favor. but she wont ask you just gotta surprise her with it.
She's just worried about you is all. It doesn't mean she likes you or anything.
oh shut up! must you play games even here.
You make her happy, user. Chill with the overanalysis. I'm happy for you, user!
t. femanon
Better spend another 3 years letting this feed your delusion that she loves you, until you break and cut her body up into 19 pieces and feed it to her dog.
She is giving a heartbeat check on her orbiter to see if you are still falling in line. If you like the bitch, you need to 100% focus on self-improvement mate. It's not a joke or a meme and exactly what drove my oneitis into my arms years back. The choice is yours.
I really did mean that seriously, btw. You're obviously a good friend to her and she appreciates how you make her feel.
Make a joke about being inside her
She treats you like a god.She ignores your existence until she wants you do to something.
She is probably playing with you and sweettalking because she has seen in you the weak-minded,easy to manipulate faggot you are.
Women are the jews of gender.
Tricky,manipulative and deceitful.
Thats why you should give a fuck about women and go your own way.
There is no women worth loving.
Atleast not many of them.
Bots temporarily believe their fairytales about winning their oneitis heart in order to tell these lies
>She is giving a heartbeat check on her orbiter to see if you are still falling in line.
Damn this made me laugh so much. It's true though.
Just keep beeing yourself OP. :)
100000000000% this
Very originisiandnjdi
Do you often talk about suicide or "depression" ?
Comedian here. There is no funny joke to be made about that. Just a creepy comment.
yes desu, but she started it.otherwise i wouldve never talked about it
>Comedian here. There is no funny joke to be made about that. Just a creepy comment.
who the fuck are you
>falling for that b8
user. Out of all of the things you fell into why would you fall into the topic of depression? She was checking to see if you are mentally fit. Now she will keep you in orbit to virtue signal as your former "best friend" for when you inevitably kill yourself due to her fucking your shit up.
Show us
We need context
Don't ever talk about that stuff with women. This is the nice guy manipulation people always shit on nice guys for.
Oh shit I just realized that happened to me too recently, except she's not my oneitis, she is a friend's gf that I always knew was trying to keep me around as a spare tire. Worthless whores. All of them, to the last. He talks about how she's bro tier and loyal, she says she "doesn't trust herself" around me. And that's the best outcome you can have with a roastie. That she's severely tempted at all times but doesn't cuck you because of fear of consequences.
Wow OP really?
At this point you should quit calling her your oneitis if youre not one of those delusional faggots.
You really fucked up.Youre just another friend for her now.
This. If you want to be with a gril, the only way you're allowed to reveal weakness is with the disclaimer that you're in control. Their woman genes make them gravitate towards people that can make them feel like they're the lesser or equal out of a pair at best, and trying to make them pity you won't get you anywhere but the friend zone.
thanks for your honesty lads i've got it figured out now
Probably not actually a comedian, just a MY VAGINERRRRRRRRRRR "comedian"
A person who is literally paid to be funny.
The part where you agreed with me was good...but the rest of your post sure went to crazytown fast.
Well I'm a guy, so your 2013 female comedy "joke" doesn't really work.
Dont worry buddy.
The more you know,the better it gets.
Have you ever asked her out? You're too old for a crush.
I dunno. I'm no comedian but that "inside you" joke does seem pretty damn creepy.
How do you even make a lewd joke to a woman without making her cringe and cut contact?
can you please just go back on reddit? ty
Stop daydreaming faggot, she clearly means that as a friend. If she actually had feelings for you she wouldn't be so open about it.
Think about it
imagine. just imagine
You need to do it right. NEVER over text.
Reddit is not funny. This board has alleged male virgins over the age of 18. THAT is hilarious.
All of that was very insecure advice. Dont listen to it, be honest with someone you care about and use them to improve your flaws. Theyll want to help if they care by providing insight to what your doing wrong. Dont hide who you are or else youll end up weaker than you were before. Its something a narc friend of mine couldnt learn, to tell the truth.
Do what makes you feel stronger, not weaker, and ignore any idea of manipulating your words or lying to achieve any other goal than the truth.
It means you're friendzoned
she knows you are going to kill yourself and doesn't want to feel like it's her fault. Thats it
She also needs to know if he does so she can virtual signal the fuck out of it by pretending to have been his best friend.
this too
OP, you need to understand this very quickly, Women don't care about you, or me, or anyone here, we are going to die alone.