>male with borderline personality disorder
Do I just fuckin end it now or what
Male with borderline personality disorder
Yes, actually. This is the proper course
Yeah most likely. BPD folks do not thrive well in society. Unless you somehow seize control of it and change the world as we know it, and die before your time anyways, because you inevitably abused your power and the solution did more harm than it fixed.
>not manipulating a bunch of whores to give you a place to stay while you eat their food and smash
It's like you are trying to fail.
how old are you OP? i'm 28 and in the same boat. shit is hard but gets incrementally better with therapy.
Upvotes. Thanks for confirming my suspicion.
I have no vagina. I can't do that.
19. I finally got a good psychiatrist and therapist who don't just pump pills and say "How does that make you feel". They believe my history of depression, coupled with various personality traits they say they've observed, point to a BPD diagnosis.
dude consider yourself lucky considering the circumstances, i've been thrown around psychatrists for 8 fucking years (since i was your age) for "anxieties" and "depressions" before i finally get a diagnosis which made a whole lot of sense. arm yourself and the people around you with a LOT of patience, and be sure to tell your friends and family to call you out on manipulative, abusive and agressive behavior. also have some deep fucking coping mechanisms ready, and the good shrink will help a LOT.
don't beat yourself up if you're a failure in your romantic or sexual aspect of life; i can GUARANTEE you there is less pain involved with NOT getting into them until you get your shit together than getting in them when you're not ready. BPDs can often take the loss of a partner as hard as normies deal with their DEATHS (psychological fact) so don't expose yourself unnecessarily to triggers.
good luck bruh, holding out for you
become a girl(male) and hand control over to a real man/woman that can control you, your life, and your finances user!
>also with bpd
it gets kind of fun when you're a bit older
What a fucking stupid response
>picture of an anime child
Oh that explains everything
Comparatively I am young, so I suppose I should count myself lucky. I'm just pissed about it because I've been tugged around for a while too.
They gave me a book about BPD to read which I've been going over. Almost everything in it is relevant to me, especially the parts about upbringing which has been most of it so far (I'm about 50 pages in). My parents care a little bit more now, but from my early early childhood all the way to late high school, they were distant. My dad considered spending time together as having me mow the lawn and my mom considered spending time together as going to a neighborhood get together and watching her get wasted on margaritas. I can't even view them as parents a lot of the time except in a purely financially supportive sense, they were always gone somewhere or emotionally unavailable.
Fuck off far.
I hope so.
Don't worry, the ride has just begun
>gets kind of fun when you're older
Please elaborate.
some casual mdma experiences helped me a lot both short and long term desu (i'm the same guy from the above post that's 28), it really gives you insight into yourself and how much of an asshole you really can be sometimes in a really comfortable and okay environment, but you have to be careful AS SHIT because we BPDers have a very addictive personality and it's extremely easy to get carried away. but yeah, hard drugs can be both fun and insightful.
ssris sometimes help too, if you're in a prolonged depressive or anxious phase.
finally went to a therapist for the first time yesterday, 25 years old. i'm ready for some change, or at the very least, to have it acknowledged professionally. my voice was shaking the whole time i talked to her
Just do what every men has to do and kill your every emotion, it doesn't matter what you are felling it never did an did never will.
I'ts not a problem if people can't tell you what you feel, don't be a little bitch and kill your feelings.
>don't be a little bitch and kill your feelings.
lol, non borderline detected, probably a normie too
you dont get to turn this shit off. that is not an option
m8 you might as well ask him to stop breathing. You don't know how fucked their feelings are.
I shift from extremes of emotion to complete emotional numbness and detachment, but what I remember the most is the detachment and I hate it more.
Killing my feelings makes it worse.
BPD is a personality disorder and can be treated and eventually removed.
become a tripfag you will make lots of friends
it's not a good solution but it's a functioning one. a lot of bpd people who don't have significant ability to manipulate people (like having a vagina) turn to self isolation and compulsive lying and manipulating.
i'm saying it's not a solution because it can't happen. you can't just turn your emotions off without being an autist, schizoid or just a complete psychopath
Found out I had it after getting arrested for "trespassing" (violating a restraining order) into my ex's house trying to talk to her and crying at her front door for hours. Before you ree at me, she was the only gf I've ever had and we didn't even have sex.
>just looked up BPD
>never bothered to do so before because i didnt really care
>i have almost all of these symptoms