This is a self improvement and motivation thread. Tell others your problems and they will give you advice. Remember to be Chad. You can do it!

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm fat, have severe anxiety, and I don't have a job. I'm looking for a job right now so I might be able to solve that part easily. I can't really find something fulfilling to do with my life at the moment.

I have a really good job, live on my own but i hate driving. It makes me super nervous, so i uber everywhere or take the bus. IS this a deal breaker? Also im a little over weight but by no means fat.

While you continue your job hunt, pray in the temple of iron daily to minimize anxiety and start making progress to shed some of that fat. Adjust your diet accordingly. Keto worked for me when I was overweight, just find something that you can stick to. The most fulfilling thing you will get out of life is taking care of yourself. That should be priority number one.

No, taking public transportation or Uber is not a deal breaker.

I have severe anxiety about my body which makes me unable to approach anyone in a sexual manner

>Failing College
>Severe anxiety and panic attacks
>Chronic Procrastination
>Have to get a job to pay rent

>extremely introverted
It's impossible for me to become Chad. I'm basically the antichad.

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>lose weight
>lower standards
>go out with ugly chicks out of sheer fucking desperation
WHY. Why are women like this? These are ugly, melty-faced benefit-taking 300-pound pieces of shit and they're looking down on me like my 210-pound five-foot-six ass isn't man enough for them.
Why am I expected to put up with bullshit from roasties if I want to count as a "Real" man? Why do we have no societal expectations at all for women? Why are 20-something and 30-something women only shamed for not getting laid if it's by other women?

I know there's a gym nearby my house because its a community one but I can't stand working out with other people there. Anything you can recommend for a home gym? I have a 15LB dumbbell because it was cheap when I got it.

Any of you guys think its a good idea to take out a student loan and do some college courses..?

Im sick of being a min wage slave and going nowhere in my life.

problem: dota 2 addiction. friends play it all day so I play with them. i really just can't stop playing it. i just uninstalled it and im going to try to stop tomorrow. prob going to bed for now. any advice on how to stop dota 2 addiction?

I'm currently looking for work that's better than my current shit and got a reply about an interview today.
It's not a big step but would make me much more comfortable than now, be slightly more valuable as experience and make it a lot easier to do well in my studies. Soon my new courses will start and if I manage to put enough effort into it, it will give me a good chance to get a pretty fun and very lucrative career.

It's a good idea if you pick the right courses. Is there a subject that you like?

Depressive, anxious, skelly, socially retarded, can't read girls mind, years ago I'd feel all retarded in front of girls, not knowing what to say, nowadays I just chill, don't feel anxious, but I just don't speak too much

Started working out daily and watching informative videos like improvement pill and shit that will help me in the real world, and cut back on unconstructive behaviors like fapping, vidya, etc. Going to a community college this year after years of being a NEET. Pretty nervous but I'm sure I'll be alright.

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>self improvement
>still watching animes with school girls

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I was thinking abouy IT since it doesnt require a loy of math and has decent job prospects

What's a bodyweight exercise routine I could start right now? I'm a skinnyfat guy and really out of shape. Just cleaning my pet's area is exhausting.

What's your rank? Once you hit your ceiling the game becomes pretty insufferable to play.

No amount of self improvement will change genetics and bone structure. Your future was determined before you were born.

I started the gym this morning. Hopefully I can keep it up properly this Time. I always find though I never spend enough time there and my routine is a bit all over the place.

Also get quite anxious using certain weights and stuff because of Chad's hogging the space

Your bone structure and genetics don't stop you from improving your circumstances

Stops you from being attractive which is what really matters in life. No chance at getting a girl, positive reinforcement, job advancement, kills your self esteem, etc.

Yeah it's good if you have discipline to study a lot by yourself or if you're socially skilled enough to get friends to study with.
I'll do math when the semester starts and hope I will enjoy it enough to be able to put effort into it.

Where would one take out a student loan? At a bank or givt website or something

There's a discord for this:

>discord gg/cukDjs
t. owner

Plastic surgery can change bone structure.

I really should stop comparing myself to others. All my self-improvement attempts seem futile whenever I see how far behind I am next to my peers

I dont wanna join a discord.
They are always full of sociopaths and roasties.

Oxytocin is the love hormone. Take it to feel good and change your brain.

If you have the money for that much plastic surgery, you can buy a gf/wife and therefore aren't a robot.

Not this one. It's well moderated. Roasties don't stay because they never have real goals or even keep them up

>get plastic surgery
>finally get a qt wife
>children born ugly and will have to get plastic surgery to have a chance at life
pretty cruel desu

That's why you drive to Mexico if you have to get it.

What about your body makes you anxious user?

>breeding when you have ugly genes
>not just adopting beautiful aryan kids that were abandoned

eww.... hiss go away

Your spouse would get suspicious if you didn't want to breed.

my kids or no kids desu

What do robots think about looksmaxing? (

Just have children with a beautiful white woman who was gonna get blacked anyways. then your children wont look so bad. the have those children breed with whites and so on

irrelevant unless you're already a 5/10 or above normie

It's a good idea if you wanna get women. Live with your parents and use all your money to looksmax if your looks suck.

If you're below 5 you need lookamaxing to get average so people don't hate on you for being ugly.

im an absolute skelly but I need to begin exercising as I sit down far, far too much. also help rid brain fog and just feel better
my fitness is currently shithouse. like really bad. it doesnt help I smoke and drink often (also fixing these, as well as my eating habits and so on - I have a lot to do) but I was just wondering about a good fitness regiment to begin with to slowly build the habit & stick with it. I was thinking starting with 30 minutes a day, and obviously moving upwards - but what should I do? preferably thing I can do at home - I even ran around in circles in my backyard instead of going for a jog on the street because people

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i guess i was wrongly assuming this was a gf-obtaining focused thread


Average IS ugly to women

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Reminder: self improvement is meaningless if
your dick is small.
>b-but you can make it bigger!
no, no you can't.

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I started with stronglifts. I'm a skelly too. I'm doing it daily now with a couple 30lb dumbbells at home because I hate going to the gym. I also kicked it up to 5x10 reps and started doing the 200 situps challenge, 100 pushups challenge, and 50 pullups challenge.

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I have some weights lying around some where, but they're the short kind for like one hand each - would they work?
thanks for the image though friend.

Use your body weight to your advantage. Calisthenics are absolutely god tier if you're looking to get well defined. Incorporate HIIT workouts into this as well. If you can stick with this and throw in some weight training with a well balanced diet, you can become god mode.

>200 situps challenge

Dare I ask.....another goat?

daily reminder that very few people actually have small dicks but still can't get laid.

I seem to have a lot of ideas and stuff in my mind for creative work, but I can extremely seldom find the motivation to do it, even though I always feel good after creating music, writing a poem, etc. This has been on going for like 3 years now. And it's not like it's ruining my life - have job, go to uni (actually in top 10 for my year), hang out with people, however, I always feel like an unacomploshed loser since I cannot motivate myself to do creative work, wot do?

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So basically either be an ugly robot or die in Mexico on the table.

In Sweden it's from the government but I don't know how to get it where you live.

Yep, those are dumbells. They'll work fine. Make sure to watch some youtube videos on how to do proper form.

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Motivation is much more rare than people think. The trick isn't to get motivation then do, it's to do then get motivation.

Pick a time everyday to work on whatever thing you think is important. Do this every single day without fail. Eventually you well feel motivated and even strange when you skip a day.

>Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work

- Stephen King.

This lad's going to get jacked in a year or two.

Motivation is tough. I do creative work too, I'm a writer. I guess what keeps me "motivated" is thinking about potential rewards, but that sort of motivation dies very easily when I'm not feeling confident.
What really helped me was putting myself on a schedule. Every day I alternate between writing for an hour and taking a break for an hour. Getting into the groove of working on stuff regularly makes ti so that, even if you're feeling unmotivated, you still think "I should really work on this stuff today."

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No, he's going to lift for two days, get extremely sore, stop until it passes, and then never lift again. Pretty standard shit actually.

>somehow sleep through 10 alarms
>get up at 13:30
>effectively wasted a day
>have to work super hard to claw back to path
UUUUUUuu at least I made the genius idea of transfixing music listening to what language I'm studying with each hour (always dedicate first 10 mins to two languages so that I can gain basic knowledge for use later in life should I wish to pursue anything and to memorize scripts). Gonna do my best >:3

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Don't forget. We're all gonna make it, bro.

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work out and take cold showers

made a sig bingo lads

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also my bingo chart

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>very few people actually have small dicks
What, you think everyone has a 6+ inch dicks? are you stupid?

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The actual average is 5 inch and you only need to worry about your dick size if its two inches or smaller.

>cold showers
bigger meme than nofap

>limit blue light at night

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limits melatonin production, yellow lensed glasses can block about 97% flux and stuff can limit around 10% using both is ideal

theres an entire field around it called hydrotherapy, studies have even shown it to be effective as anti depressants

facially im average at least but im too lazy to workout lads

origamally see:

I swear to god, you people follow so many pseudoscience "self-improvement" mantras it's no wonder you're always relapsing back into being worthless losers and feeling like shit.
Lift. Eat healthy. Follow a schedule. Everything else is just meme bullshit.

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too poor
>Eat healthy
too poor + brainlet
>Follow a schedule
I'm a NEET so I don't know what that means.

Not gonna make it. Taking a cold shower and not looking at certain light won't do shit for you.

It's basic science
heres a trial on blue lgihts effect on melatonin

here's the worlds leading sleep expert talking about blue lights effects on melatonin

that one isn't even controversial it's literally basic science that light regulates sleeps rhythm

here's a trial showing cold showers effects on dopamine (it's a paid trial but considering you didn't know basic science I'm guessing you'd struggle to find a free download, hit the GET button)

seriously you're discouraging people from trying proven things based on your opinion when clearly you haven't looked into the under lying science