Friend's gf told me she is madly in love with me. I don't want to betray my friend...

Friend's gf told me she is madly in love with me. I don't want to betray my friend, but I think I have feelings for her too.
I only had one gf in my life and we broke up after a few month because I was too autistic.
I don't want to hurt them, please help, wtf do I do.

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You should start posting this thread in a more adequate board like >>>reddit. Out normal.

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user if you have feelings for the girl just do it. If not she's going to someone else for dick. It's your friends fault for trusting said roastie in the first place. Godspeed user.

Hush, normalfag.
is where normalfaggot advice seekers find their answers

Kill the gf and become your friends gf (male).

It's the only way.

don't do it, you're a piece of shit for even thinking about it

The only thing you should do is tell your friend that his girlfriend has feelings for you so he can leave her before she acts on this feelings if not with you, with someone else. If she's considering cheating on him with you, she will cheat eventually or the relationship will end some other way. Don't be a bad guy thank you

If she really cares about you enough she will leave her bf first. Don't do anything until then. Even if that does end up happening, strongly consider how your friend would react and whether it is worth potentially killing that friendship forever.

Convince her to break up with him for a reason unrelated to you
wait a month or so
date her
badda bing badda boom, you get girl, friend's feel of betrayal minimized
>Hurr durr relationships should never end because true love is real and everyone who enters a relationship is and should be happy with the relationship for the rest of their lives with no second thoughts

It's not about relationships never ending its more about betraying a friend.

You want to meddle with a bitch who'd throw your friend under the bus for mere tingles? You deserve whatever you get from her lol.

I'd only consider dating her if they broke up and were apart for a while. Her feelings are very likely to change once she's out of that relationship, and you don't want that to be while she's in a relationship with you.

smell and embrace her poop

Ask her to come over to your place to fuck, if she says agrees, then whether you fuck her or not is up to you, but you should tell your friend that she's a cheating whore.
If she refuses, saying she doesn't want to cheat, get her to break up with your friend first and then get into a relationship if you want to.

Lol, if you go for a shallow bitch lile that you and your friend will both get played and she'll ruin your friendship as well. What you should do is tell your friend. Don't trust that whore, if she can betray him for you she'll betray you just as easily.

If you truly love her, then I would say that you two should go for ir. Unless, you just kind of like her. I mean, it's only ok if you really love her.

Also, tell her to first break up with your friend, and wait a little bit. Don't make her cheat on him, and don't just blatanly start the relationshsip in front of him like nothing happened. Talk about it, and go slow so that your friend don't think that she just broke up with him because she was cheating or that she was just seeing you beforehand.
If your friend is very sensitive it's going to hurt him, no debate. However, if you two really want to be together, it's not that bad. Also, if she likes you but is still with your friend, the relationship is one sided, so it's going to hurt your friend more. So he being hurt is simply a matter of time at this point.

There's a secret option where you are the maximum bro and don't do anything with the girl and simply tell your friend to look for someone who loves him because his current girlfriend doesn't. But that's just for the ultimate edgy fallen from heaven friend.

Yea, this probably is the best solution, thx! But still I feel bad for my friend. He is even more of a robot than me.

I wont do anything bad. But I feel like I will end up hurting of of them anyway. They dont deserve it.

You said everything. I will think about all this, thanks.

Tell your friend about this now. She will spin this story into you flirting with her if you aren't extremely careful.

Just dick the girl behind his back and see if it makes you feel, if it feels right carry on, if it doesnt then you both move on.

user dont do that to your friend. You should tell him what she said and prevent him further heartbreak. Sex or whatever love you think this girl feels for you is not worth however many years you shared with this friend.

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fucking whores. dont do it user if you care for your friend.

The girl is not a bad person. They got together very fast, and it's not working out perfectly. Even my friend isn't too happy about the way things turned out. If I tell everything to my friend I'm betraying her.

Bros before hoes, motherfucker.
Also if she's leaving him for you, she'll eventually leave you for another
Bitches ain't nothing but hoe and tricks

She is a bad person, and you cant betray a bad person

Maybe I'm a bit too naive. But I'm pretty sure she would never cheat on my friend. She just told me she is in love.

>Also if she's leaving him for you, she'll eventually leave you for another
This. Sluts gonna slut.

Encourage her to marry your friend so he can raise your children. Then you can be the cool best bud or "uncle user" who visits every so often.

Now imagine if you felt this way about her.
Would you approach her? No because you know its wrong.
Now I cant claim to know what she's like, maybe shes manipulative, maybe she just doesn't care but you've got to consider what it takes to say something like that and what kind of person would go through with it

Yea, I would probably never do that. It was weird from the start tho. I very quickly knew she loved me, and she kept talking to me about her "biggest secret". We talk regularly, and I kept pushing for her to tell me the truth. I guess I'm not that innocent. Now I realise (too late) I shouldn't have asked for it. First time in years a girl showed any interest in me tho... Fuck me.

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Don't fucking fall for it op. The roastie only wants you because she cant have you. As soon as she cuts ties with the other beta she'll be doing the exact same thing behind your back.
>having a girl in love with you

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you can't keep your friend after this, even if he breaks up with her you're going to make him feel inadequate.

So you may as well steal his woman.

Exactly, manwhore

have a sitdown with your friend preferably irl if possible, let him know what was said and that youre sorry for his loss etc and let him know that youre there for him. if you mess around with his girl he loses you and her. if you stay true to your friend he will appreciate it for life. women are temporary

If she's willing to cheat on him, she'll cheat on you

don't do it. shit won't work out. you'll lose your friend. she's at the verge of breaking up with him and she sees in you what she used to like in him. but what's wrong with him is also what's wrong with you. all 3 involved will suffer.

I been there

Are you fucking stupid? What makes you think she won't do the same thing to you next, why waist a friendship over some roastie who is looking for the next guy she can fuck until she has had enough and wants a new guy.

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>I'm willing to betray my friend for pussy but I don't want to feel bad about it so help me convince myself it's a good idea!

Are you going to fuck up your friendship just to date some roastie for a couple of months?

I wont betray him. I will never fuck her while they are still together or anything like that. But I can't ignore what's going on, she is hitting on me very hard and my friend have no idea. I have affection for them both, If I say anything to my friend, I will hurt her (a lot).

Okay who cares if her feeling get hurt. She is a cheating whore, betas like you is why roasties get away with cheating

>But I'm pretty sure she would never cheat on my friend.

kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek! that is all

>i only had one gf in my life
o boo-hoo you fucking normalfaggot
fuck you for making me respond

She is not a cheating whore, she said she has feelings for me. That's all. Stop acting like a child, not loving someone anymore is ok, having feelings is too.
Not every relation will end up in a solid mariage.