>join a discord
>try to talk a little
>people start patronizing me
>basically become hated outcast pretty quick
happens in every server. discord is not for real robots
>join a discord
>try to talk a little
>people start patronizing me
>basically become hated outcast pretty quick
happens in every server. discord is not for real robots
you just need to fake your personality.
sucks that i can't really do anything as myself, but idk
Yup, I always get banned from almost every discord server for breaking some rule that was never even on the rules page.
this, it isnt hard to fake a personality also dont join servers with 1000+ active people and to be noticed or liked
I've been there.
I was on server where the admin messaged me telling that I had broken one of the rule. I read them and pointed out to him it wasn't in the rules. He got mad and said he'll ban me if i argue.
Most discord admins are small minded people who abuse the little power they have.
a Jow Forums discord server would be cool but they all die in like a day lol
is this board the discord board now?
what is wrong with you faggots?
im sorry to say user but if this happens consistently across every single server, regardless of its rules or dynamic, the problem probably isnt them
>the problem probably isnt them
You can tell this is the case because OP presents his story to assume as little blame as humanly possible. It is not realistic that he only "tries to talk a little" because this is what literally everyone does and it is not grounds for being singled out. So what do you do, OP? Talk about your pedophilia or maybe BBC? Instantly rag on someone like a bitter little cunt?
Elaborate on your qualifications for "real" robotdom, please.
>So what do you do, OP?
if i knew i'd tell you
hes an anime poster, guaranteed he gets pissy when someone makes a joke and then details the conversation into high school drama (or he gayposts). theyre all histrionic nutcases
real robots know where the line between robotdom and normiedom is drawn. individuals are easily categorized intuitively. people who don't simply don't know what it's like to be as bad of a loser as a robot
u need to screencap a case of this happening op
>histrionic nutcases
i avoid that shit like the plague
>anime poster
you should leave Jow Forums if you have a problem with anime
No true scotsman: the lifestyle
>It's another robots are failed normies with failed normie mindsets episode
I'm sorry r/incels got deleted but please fucking leave
no because i don't want to get ID'd, but basically i try to cut into a group conversation and everyone stops talking. i don't know why, then people eventually patronize me and i get banned
kek, it's true. it just goes to show how many normalfags have shown up like you in the past 4 years or so. might as well call this board soc 2.0 already
does anybody want to energize a ded server with about 10 dedicated people where there will be no drama, no tweens, no orbiting, no data miners, and so on?
pic not related
i would but you guys probably already have a cool clique going on
not really
everybody treats each other like they go to the same support group or something, it's not incredibly tight
Neurotypicals are more tolerable than you. At least theyre comfortable in their stupidity; you've somehow acquired the mental gymnastics to believe yourself to have any genuine insight into or removal from the dregs of society while exhibiting literally the exact same behavioral patterns as a Norman. Here's a pro-tip, you clueless fuck: posting on Jow Forums already means you are several degrees more normal than whatever "redpilled" wizchan spook you're roleplaying as. You are disgustingly unaware of yourself or anything around you. Nice newfag accusation too, have you been here for 5 years? Lol. Leave.
I'm glad I never joined a Jow Forums discord.
I made one. I want to get rid of it but everyone is like noo please I never had anyone to talk to, this place doesn't judge me. Kill me my man
you write like a newfag. you're probably a clique-y discordfag trying to defend his shitty little world. kill yourself.
>that filename
be glad, they're not really r9k discords, they're for normalfags
how to spot a failed normie
>backed into a corner, doesnt directly address what anyone is saying, has to resort to making fun of phoneposting
you didn't exactly do anything but spew baseless accusations
how to REALLY spot a failed normie
>cannot read the new poster count
no, I WANT THE LAST WORD, fuck off!
>Norman Ramsay
its ovee
I bet you're that autistic kid who couldn't detect sarcasm.
we still have a few Robots in our server, only around 120 people that the mods and admins know online, we have posted this on Jow Forums a few times and had 3-4 people join and conversate with us for a bit.
Also, no ridiculous rules, just some "dont be a dick" type things.
I'm in a wizchan server and it's very high quality.
No normies, lot of discussion on various topics like anime and philosophy.
>anime, philosophy; the list could go on
>join discord
>people start patronizing me
>basically become hated outcast pretty quick
Drop me in senpai. I have a theory that relates Jungian psychology to anime girls i'd like to share.
Get in here then. One of the few good r9k servers I've been a part of: /F8rJBU
>join non Jow Forums discord
>look for a picture/name I like
>find one and hit it off with her
>talk to her for a month or so
>she flies out to me
>fucked her 30 minutes ago
discord is not for real robots like us
Chad 9001
Pls invite?
True. People who thrive on the platform and enjoy talking in their groups never understand a true robot. Any actual mental issues aren't empathized with and anyone who doesn't fit in perfectly deserves no sympathy, in their minds.
what's your #, user?
Go on, i'm interested
come see in this small one 7QnX6d i got in and first it was upsetting, than it became nice
>join discord for fucked up people
>my fucked up reason is being trans
>life is a living fucking nightmare
>everyone loses their fucking minds cause le tranny
>they then proceed to complain about how their biggest problem is they dont have a gf because they refuse to even try
>or they have some social phobia thats easily cured with exposure therapy
>only person that has an actual problem that isnt normie as all fuck is a schizo
>he only comes in at random points and babbles incoherent nonsense about tentacles demons the crystal orbs and hair
give us your # so we could dm instead of having an overcrowded server
Yeah, Discord is a pointless circle jerk you should just quit it.
Unlike Jow Forums(or basically any other imageboard) people judge you on your history and "social class" rather than your posts. It's just as toxic as real life since only toxic people only use it. There's a sense of people making posts just for the approval of others and not just for fun or to teach others like Jow Forums.
It's so pointless. It's just a bunch of kids who act like adults and a bunch of adults who act like kids. Why do they care about approval and "fitting in" so much? Why do they value this whore who they will never meet in real life rather than people who are useful?
If you're passionate about a topic like politics, religion or science then don't use Discord. It's fucking cancer. Join a forum or something about that topic (they're often quite active).
If you just want to use Discord to chat to people then don't, people with something life-changing or useful to say don't use it Discord. They prey on loses also since 90% of Discord is just failed normalshits or normalshits who are not that high up in the social hierarchy who want to seem superior.
You have a better chance at fitting in if you join a club or something irl and this is coming from a fucking loser.
>t. someone who basically joined every discord server he saw posted on here and has lurked them daily for the past two years before getting tired of it.
This. Some Discordfags are OK I'm sure but a great deal of them are fucking pathetic losers trying to build up some stupid online reputation which counts fo. nothing at the end of the day. If you want to chat with usernames or whatever Reddit is unironically 100x better.
that it keeps happening definitely means it's something he's doing. i'm guessing either being an insufferable anime attentionslut or maybe edge posting.
give us some examples of things that happened before you were hated so we have more context
inb4 he won't
>discord is not for real robots
STOP shilling this BRAINLET logic
SERVERS are not for real robots not DISCORD
you're making us all look bad when really it's just a few :(
>my experience is the only experience possible
I just join discords full of other equally disgusting people who wont judge me.
All the ones with good people die or arent active
Ill talk to yall tho if you want
Discord is built up so that is bound to happen. It's the same with Jow Forums, the way it was setup it was bound to become mainstream and then become a shell of its former self.
If you're like the people here who go on Jow Forums servers and constantly try to make friends by constantly joining servers posted here then you're going to see the same shit pratically what others saw. Of course, it's possible you might find a decent person. It's basically like the episode of southpark where they're trying to find friends online and cartmen says pic related.
Fuck you, Kayuni
Regardless of the experience
>installing chinese data mining software
>>my experience is the only experience possible
Try using that argument on a post like this: "lol brah so what you got fucked over by chinks doesn't mean others will bro it's just your experience"
In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act
Who is that? A new shitlist candidate?
Don't talk to this guy he's big yikes
>Le shitlist meme
You know it means absolutely nothing right?
Kayuni is a young 20s guy on the east coast who joins servers and streams video games online with his friends, he's gone by many names but you've probably already met him, he's a lurker usually and only seems to talk when he's under the influence of drugs, apparently he is known to lie about stuff he says and will leave servers because he thinks that the people on those severs don't really like him,I lost track of him in June of this year
That doesn't sound too bad except
>apparently he is known to lie about stuff he says
Uh oh. That is usually accompanied with collecting personal information in my experience. What does he lie about?
Not the guy you replied to btw
>2 years ago
>meet girl online playing games
>she thinks my autism is funny
>become friends
>she makes discord server
>more people join, we all become friends
>super feminist girl also on server
>she kicks me from server 2x for antiwomen jokes i make
>other girl thinks I'm hilarious
>I type out huge rants about globalism and the jews and men acting like faggots, hit character limit
>she loses it laughing at my giant rants
>I routinely break server rules and have started fights that led to 2 people being banned and I will don't get in trouble cause she and I are friends
>even her boyfriend takes her side and even said how I "troll people so hard lmao"
>he's like 28 and an actual chadd
I make fucked up pedophile jokes and talk about all women being whores and other /pol9k/ shit and she eats it up and even agrees with me. Even got tits pictures from another fembot type girl in the server who was into me but she stopped posting.