Why are skinny girls always fucked in the head
Why are skinny girls always fucked in the head
Well, that particular girl has brain damage from her dad smashing her head in with a toaster. So that's why she's fucked in the head. As for the skinniness, she said she has PTSD and she can't eat because of the anxiety.
mmm, ciara's yummy feet
Nice bait, it's always lamdwhales who are the most unhinged.
Those logs were edited by Michael the pedofile after failing multiple times to intimidate ciara
Reminder that you are an idiot if you fall for this
I was in that server, thats not what she said. Just was getting out of her car and smashed her head on accident. No hard drugs for sex.
He is also trying to get back at her father for not letting her date him because he knew what a sick pedo he is.
What a sad faggot, makes me feel like all the time I spent in sending multiple reports to the fbi well worth it
All girls are fucked in the head
How old is she? This is impprtant.
My dad threw a rice cooker at me once too when I called his girlfriend a gook bitch.
fake and gay.
fake and gay. nice photoshop but the real ciara doesn't talk anything like that
Its her channel, fuck
Have you ever seen a mentally healthy anorexic, user?
michael exported the logs and someone else edited screenshots from them afterwards
So he threw his girlfriend at you?
Ciara Horan is an 18 year old adult. She was 16 when she consented to sex with Michael Gabriel Sosa, but that is legal in the state of PA.
What makes Michael a pedo is the fact that he's in his mid 20s and still trying to fuck a 14 year old girl in the form of Kaya, aka "Sunny."
You're forgetting asteria and oxy and val and sydnie, the list goes on
No, BUT, he had bought the rice cooker in the first place because his girlfriend loved rice so much. She was a first generation immigrant from China.
That does make it even funnier.
Why do you put on a normal voice when making videos when you can use your high pitched and annoying real voice?
>So he threw his girlfriend at you?
top fucking kek
Why are all girls fucked in the head one way or another
Does anyone have an archive of her old grubage curiouscat?
You're a fucking retard.
>1 view
>private video
Are you Ciara?
Low-self esteem with social and family issues.
They literally risk their lives to look good.
They develop delusions of grandeur because of it and become the people they have hated deeply but enjoys all the attention from the Chads, then they get conflicted with their personal value and a desired need for sex and validation for reaching their shallow goals. Have sex on first date, with Chad. Realize Chad only wants sex, get ditched. Get repulsed by themselves and start using sex or other recreational habits to escape reality. Become addicted and realize they have dug themselves in a hole they have made and the cycle repeats.
Fake news. Ciara was caught selling Xanax or benzos (forget which), and pot.
She was Seventeen and a half
Your lore is off or your purposely trying to make things sound worse
The second obviously
I understood the joke, I was just adding depth to the story.
Sounds like the girl is already fucked in the head and most likely did hard drugs.
Who the hell gets brain damaged by a toaster?
Benzos at her private school. Also pot.
The things she has said in the sstc groupchat make me sick
not just girls you retard
Have another one. You had to pay to get into some of her Skype groups.
>pay to be my friend
She probably ghosted all the people who payed to be there and made fun of them behind their backs
>I understood the joke
No, you clearly didn't.
That particular group consisted of her online friends mostly.
All of them talked shit about her while she was gone in residential treatment like she did with them.