Do you think you will ever get a gf or will you be alone for the rest of your life?
Do you think you will ever get a gf or will you be alone for the rest of your life?
girls are dick vessels - miss me with that gay shit
hopefully alone for the rest of my life
I'm pretty sure I will be alone forever. I am ugly inside and out, and have nothing of value to offer to a woman. I am not willing to lower my standards either, even though I am a 3/10 myself.
I wish I had the courage to an hero myself.
Pretty sure I'll be lonely.
Every time I try, something stops me. The most recent example is me meeting a girl that actually seems to like me and all but... a week later her apprenticeship ends and she left the city for a month or two. Meaning any chance of relationship is over.
stop being a pussy and do it, get a shotgun if u live in america, u must overcome will to live, that is a biological scam that is beneficial for the human race but who gives a shit, just overcome your gay primitive brain and kys, i will do it soon but i have unfinished business with some normalfaggots
Cyborg here. I'll probably get an actual GF one day. I doubt I'll ever get too close to anyone, tho
I know her name is Kubra Kapan but I can't find any of her accounts and it's really frustrating...
I had girl in class 7/10 now she is married with dude 3/10. Don't give up user.
I have a gf finally. But I can't see anyone else ever being interested in me honestly, so I think if I fuck this up then that's it. She's my only chance as far as I'm concerned.
i dont find the majority of girls attractive and im not that good looking myself so probably not
post an attractive female by your standards then
>tfw qt gf but not hot Stacy gf that makes normies do a double take
I think I'm just so jaded now
I don't know whats my minimum for an attractive girl but here is a definitely attractive one
if I ever get a gf I will just tell her to get someone better as there is always someone better
The girl that you posted is a 9/10.
Yeah I know. i mean you asked me to post an attractive girl
You won't need to tell her. She'll tell you she met someone better.
Here's one example of a girl that most people would find attractive but I don't.
I'm going to be alone because being with someone is more uncomfortable than being alone.
Yeah, me neither. There is something about attractive girls that signals health and this cant be bought by using make-up or getting plastic surgery.
Finding girls irl who are beautiful like pic related instead of just make-up and sex-appeal is just rare to me, that's why I said I don't find most girls attractive. Don't get me wrong, I don't find the average pretty girls ugly, I just don't really care about them. That's why I never cared about these twitter screencap threads or girls opinion in general. They aren't really special and people give them too much credit.
I think something similar applies to guys though, although I'm not gay and never cared about guys but instead of being pretty I think overall having a masculine or ottermode body is what attractive. I know there are male models but irl I think like an olympian athlete with a decent face is what signals health and the most attractive for me.
I'm an outlier with these opinions though, guys go crazy over Beckys with plastic surgery and being upper-class seem to bump up the girl's "value" by several points
Call me a normie but I've fucked like 7 grils over the years. My autism is usually outweighed by my big stick of meat
Oh wait I forgot the second part of what I was writing.
As someone who has fugged bitches and had a couple serious relationships. Don't worry about that. 90% of the people here are too retarded for relationships and it would stress your autistic brains. I'm more happy single.
kys normscum
Probably I will, hell I could probably get a date by the end of the day if I really tried, but the problem is I'm boring and don't have much to talk about
I kinda feel the only realistic way I'd get in a relationship is if a girl asked ME out but the only times girls approach guys is if they're really attractive because it's the guy who should approach the girl
Well I found a girl. I have attempted to talk to her over text a few times but she wont open up and I can't tell if she's interested in me or night.
So maybe...
>Sick of being KHV
>Go to bar with friend for once
>Friend starts chatting up 2 girls and introduces me
>"H-Hi, I'm user, I'll go get you a drink"
>I go to the bar, it takes like 10 minutes to get 2 AMF's because the bar is crowded, Get back and the girl I wanted was talking to another guy
>Slam the 2 AMF's and go to another part of the bar
>Friend finds me 30 minutes later
>"WTF dude? Don't get mad but I told them you were a virgin and they were totally into it but then you disappeared"
Cry harder wizard.
as of now im 28yo kv so i don't think it's gonna happen
>I told them you were a virgin
"nice" friend you've got there
I don't care if they know.
According to him and a few other guys I know, apparently girls also like taking people's virginity, at least the THOT's at the college bars and shit.
bait more faggot, you are a virgin just like the rest of us, stop LARPing
Whatever you say. Heres my ex sitting on my face.
i dont care, im numb to the emotion of envy. whatever
No chance at all to ever have a relationship. Literally 0% NOT HAPPENING.
that is a very unattractive female in my opinion
She's unattractive because everything about her is fake
>don't have female friends
>don't have female class mates
>don't have female coworkers
>afraid of talk with woman because i will become a beta orbiter
>24 years old and loosing my looking
how i'm supposed to meet woman if i try to do it i'm automatically labeled as beta orbiter.
I want to but i think it's best for me to have no expectations
I will get a gf if I become one.
The second option Sir. I assume my loneliness a long time ago.
Probably alone. I'm so insecure that whenever I get a shit test from a girl I like, I completely ruin things and she'll lose interest because my beta self comes up.
Now a 27yo virgin and I don't think anyone knows.
I think I'll be alone for the rest of my life, even though my body is "hot" since I know someone who orgasmed to seeing my body, im ugly in the face. I'm also ugly on the outside, even though I try to be a nice person and I'm attracted to things I should be attracted to, so no degeneracy sex wise/relationship wise, and I don't do drugs,
And I'm faithful, I actively avoid cheating and check in with my partner.
Despite everything going into my favor, I think I should be alone.
really pisses me off desu. i just want to spend my life with a girl who i love and who loves me, but i guess that's too much to ask in this day and age. i'd rather not spend my life alone, grow old alone, and die alone. taking a look at tinder makes me lose hope in finding someone, as a grand majority of girls my age are awful, awful people.
I honestly don't know
Ill find out during my first year of college I suppose
but i have a gf and i really love her
>tfw I thought that an explosion of traps would mean that less anime would be alone
>but traps ended up only wanting chads just like women
I guess the universe fundamentally dislikes non chads
surprise, you're not the only one who finds tattoos and fake tits unimpressive
I'd say i'd be a solid 8.5 if i lost weight, as i have a chad jaw, really thick hair, hunter eyes, and a frame for a linebacker (literally will never be a skelly even if i tried). So mostly if all comes down to if i grow the balls to diet and exercise before i end up dying
I doubt a girl would date a 1/10 like me. Not even if I had money and social status would a woman want to be with me. I envy betabux because they at least get a slice of the cake at the end. Not me though, I was born for what??? I find a bit of happiness talking to you anons. But I doubt I'm going to make it past September.
Unless I somehow miraculously meet a woman who isn't a shallow roastie, a gold-digging whore, an entitled bitch or a self-absorbed cunt, I highly doubt I'm going to get a gf.
Maybe once they invent sexbots.
Alone for rest of life probably.
the girl usually comes to me but i always sperg out and ghost them.
Probably alone forever.
I don't have anything of value to offer to anybody, aside from useless knowledge about anime and manga. I don't feel like changing either.
But user, I already have a gf.
that is if she does not ghost me altogether and make fun of me with the new guy
I'm extremely ugly and fat so I will be alone forever, which makes me more and more bitter, which makes me more and more unpleasant, which lowers my chances of finding love, which makes me more and more bitter
and so on
just exercise and bee urself bro.
works for me