Why are you still single user? People your age are married and have kids already, what are you waiting for...

Why are you still single user? People your age are married and have kids already, what are you waiting for? Are you might be homosexual or whatever it's called?

How do you respond?

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because i want, the wamen are shit

I work all night and don't have any opportunities to talk to women. I can barely afford to survive on my own, I'd have no chance to support someone else, get married or have children

its not a priority for me right now, grandma
also whats up with your nasty fuckin arms

Yes, grandma, I'm a fag. Now get out of my house.

Because I'm killing myself soon.

i want to be alone, grandma.
if i could spend the next ten years in a cocoon, i would.

Cause im ugly and always get shot down.

ay grammy y don't you shut yer fuckin' mouth about my personal life?
either that or get that sweet ass over here and fix the problem yerself, you old ignorant slut

Please don't user. I think you are great

It won't happen yet, I'll have to wait until my mother dies or a lot of time has passed. We'll see. Also do have protonmail?

Don't listen to . Life is hell and then you die, so it's better to die sooner than later. Kill yourself at the earliest convenience.

It's probably bait but I agree with you. Are you going to do it?

This weekend, yeah. I'm still planning.

Oh so soon? I'm jealous man, I really am. I wish you luck bro. Good speed.

Thanks. I just hope I don't end up a vegetable. That would be horrifying.

Trying hanging. It's very effective as long as you don't get interrupted. It's what I'm doing.

Don't have any strong structures to support hanging. I was thinking nearby high bridge.

Tried marriage meme. My ex wife even cried on the wedding night that she didnt want to.

Never pressured her into it. fucking bipolar bitch.

Won't that be messy? And more people will know about it? That's one thing I don't want. It being a town topic. It needs be quiet for me. Also go to the woods like me. I'm not doing it at home.

Dont worry grandma, I'm sure, I will get a girlfriend sooner or later ;)

>Won't that be messy? And more people will know about it?
Won't care about it. I'll be dead. Unfortunately I don't live anywhere near a wooded area. You'd cross 10 bridges before getting to the woods.

Ah I see. Well if you're ok with your method that's literally all that matters. And that it's successful.

See you on the other side, sir.

See you there Fren. May we both succeed and secure eternal peace.

What pathetic retards, gonna throw their lives away instead of improving yourselves, definitely spoiled by garbage parenting. Somebody should beat the shit out of you so hard that you'd spend months in bed suffering from pain, then you'd realize how important your life is.

blah blah blah suicide iz bad :(
donut kill you are selves :) stay happy

I dont have a gf just some a few whores i fuck on the side you old cunt

>Die now
>Work hard, "improve" yourself, convince yourself that you're happy, and then die anyway
lmao, like it changes anything


I've had sex before, but no one wants to settle down with a black guy unless they're sagging pants and speaking in ebonics, and the girls who do settle down with those guys are trash.

If I were any other race I bet you I'd have had at least one LTR in the past. White guys have no idea how good they have it.

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>have nothing to live for
>get the shit kicked out of you
>have nothing to live for + be in immense pain for no reason
Really makes you think...

Born against all odds only to suffer and die. And yet you seem to think life is somehow 'worth it.'
I pity you.

Jeez you really sound like a normalfaggot.

>mi mi mi life is too difficult, I'm too much of a pussy to get my shit together
This is what happens when you give your children shit that they don't deserve and allow them to live in absolute comfort all their lives.

I didn't know people were getting married and having children at 9 years old...

>having a good childhood fucks you up
lol what a faggot
for the sake of your offspring, I hope you don't have offspring holy fuck

Shit woman for shit man, isnt that what they say

>I would literally rather have my kids grow up in war-torn asdfghjklistan than a US suburb cuz spoilt bratz
OK, have fun abandoning your kids in the forest as a survival lesson.

>that 30 year old boomer who thinks dissatisfaction with life sources entirely from a person being too comfortable with life

>Somebody should beat the shit out of you so hard
I hope your children commit suicide so you can see your parenting skills firsthand

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8/10 b8, good job

Normalfaggot strikes again. Just because you happen to be abused as a kid, and aren't sucidal right now, doesn't mean it's the best solution for everyone. So kindly fuck off.

>deliberately trying to give your child a shit life for enlightenment
can't place my finger on it, but i get this nagging feeling you would be a terrible parent.

>gonna throw their lives away instead of improving yourselves

>be horrifically depressed
>on the verge of suicide
>light bulb appears over head
>"I know! I'll improve myself!"
>go to the gym
>eat right
>talk to a therapist
>maybe take some antidepressants
>get a girlfriend
>move her in with you
>get a nice well-paid job
>start reading a lot of philosophical musings
>get a healthy hobbie
>five years later
>be employed, buff, seeing a therapist, maybe a little groggy from the pills, have a gf, well-traveled, well-read, reasonably occupied
>realize this is you at peak
>realize it doesn't get much better than this
>realize you're supposed to be happy
>realize you're more miserable than ever

My brother lost everything when he had on a divorce, I have seen many people get cheated on. I have seen people I trusted deeply cheat on others and one me.
Sorry but I can't trust others blindly, especially the way the law will fuck me over if the other part ever wants to fuck me over for any reason.

Dick too small grandma

Both grandmothers are dead so yeah . . . lol

Why the fuck would you want to get married? it is more efficient being single, money, and effort wise