Norwegian girl

>be me, 18
>Meet girl on Reddit
>She's 15
>She's adorable
>She's from Norway
>We start talking
>Super long replies, does her best to keep up conversation
>Start making lewd "jokes"
>She takes it well
>Ask for body pic
>She's hot af, 9/10.
>One problem
>I live in NY
>Super busy
>Can't meet for at least 1-2 years.

What would you do anons?

Notetomods: not asking for advice, I want to know what my brobots would do.

Pic kinda related, my girl is blonde and hotter than her but face structure is similiar.

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>reddit user is also a pedophile
Not surprised
>Notetomods: not asking for advice, I want to know what my brobots would do
Do you actually believe that the "no asking for advice" rule is actually even enforced? Holy shit how fucking new are you? Did you just come here from Jow Forums4chan? Just leave, nigger

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She's only 2 years and a month younger lol. How is that pedophilia? Shes very well developed, especially her tiddies and ass

And it is, seems like the newfag is you, I just got unbanned for asking for advice. Granted the ban was for a day I think.

Are you jelly?

Reddit is great!

well, try your best to keep that relationship going
and dont coneback leddit nigger

Holy shit
>"Roast me reddit"



>What would you do anons?
Go back to readdit and don't come back.

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>getting this defensive
>adding unnecessary line breaks to inflate the length of his low quality posts
>unironically being pedo scum
>admitting to being a reddit tourist

Attached: the man who takes seats.jpg (1800x1200, 96K)

I will! I wuv her (OwO)

B-but I wuv u? (Uwu?)

I am a tourist! Give me free stuff!

>come from r/Jow Forums
>decide to look for low esteem high school qt3.14
>find an insecure 15 year old
>score pics
>come to r9k to brag about it
>gets shit on

wew op
how did you even think this will go

I agree with the leddit shit, but legit what's wrong with pedophilia? She's 15, as op said. Only 3 year difference.

The age of consent in Norway is 16 and it's 17 in New York. So, you wanna explain that OP?

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both of you and OP all need to GO BACK

Yeah that I am actually concerned about, once she realizes she's hot af and that I'm ugly shell leave me. My hope is for her to get attached enough so she can overlook my ugly Ness.

I'm not bragging,,, I figure a lot of guys here had online GFS, I want to know how they managed to keep them or what they did wrong.

>he thinks pedophilia is about a number rather than how the girl looks

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>I figure a lot of guys here had online GFS
How the fuck did you come to this conclusion, faggot?

In that scene, wouldn't the FBI get beaten up by OP? Lol.


What you expect from us, no one give fuck about your problems. She have 15 years but you 18years thats mean you are pedophile.

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Before 25 a girl brain is not fully developed,

The age of consent needs to be raised, not lowered. That's why we have so many sluts. If it was increased we wouldn't have that.

OP is a pedo
R9K doesnt like redditfags


What don't you like about reddit? It's basically Jow Forums but bigger.
And what's wrong with that?

I wuv u owo

>>he thinks pedophilia is about a number rather than how the girl looks

In court you will also say that?

>replies to the same person twice
lolo wait a second

You're quoting the wrong person but yeah, I'll just take a shit on the judges head and he'll smell my innocence from the turd.

AoC is 15 here. Bring all the 15yo nordic qts!

Most of the 1st world has 14-15 years old as AoC, americunt.

It makes me sound more official. I'm a Subreddit mod, so I have to sound official!



You unironically sound like a redditor

Lol fag that's literally what reddits do,

user, let me be real with you. You are breaking the law, desu. Just stop for one second and breathe. I'm not saying whether it's right or wrong. My opinion doesn't matter. What does matter is that you need to immediately cease any online lewd behavior when interacting with anyone that is a minor. It doesn't matter if she is 18 in month, it is a federal crime.

That said, just be her friend and if it works, it works. If not, you at least have a friend to go visit down the road. Just stop being lewd with kids, son.

Attached: FBI-gun-trainingF.jpg (650x458, 101K)

NO you fucking moron, because it's still illegal. The reason why It's ILLEGAL in this scenario is because you can't measure how "old" someone looks, hence THE LAW uses age TO DETERMINE WHETHER YOU can or cant fuck.
Being attracted to a 15 year old that looks of age doesn't make you a paedophile, but it's still illegal. you absolute fucking subhuman retard

someone should really murder you

Attached: TSTBaQ7[1].jpg (1462x2046, 98K)

Okay all kidding aside, how is it illegal? I'm not asking for nudes, just a few lewd jokes and selfies. It's not sex, it's not even sexting, it's just texting.

>what's wrong with pedofilia
>only 3 years

in 15 years a girl is as dumb as a door
in 3 years you will be in jail

>into underaged girls
>grooms underaged girls
>brags about grooming underaged girls

>lewd jokes
It always starts that way doesn't it? Things always seem to start playfully. Then, the next thing you know, you've got your door kicked in and are being dragged out of your room while you clutch your computer.

I haven't read your conversations. I'm also not the jury, the prosecutor, or the judge. The law specifically states that any illicit activity with a minor is a federal offense. This would include lewd jokes. As I said before, my opinion doesn't matter. No more lewd jokes, user.

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Nothing wrong with fucking 15 year old girls. You can tell the authorities, too, it's legal here so I don't give a single fuck. I don't get why Americans are so reserved about this. If it were up to me, 13 would be the age of consent in my country instead of 14.

>reddit is great
This is why you were really banned

>I don't know why American's give a fuck
>have laws explicitly forbidding this
>violate these laws and you literally get raped by a pack of niggers
I mean... do you blame us?

>be me, 18
>Meet girl on Reddit
>She's 15
>She's adorable
This isn't even hard user.
You're a pedophile. You think age of consent is justification for being a pedophile.
You need to date people who don't look and think like children.
Humans fully mature around 25.

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You guys throw shit at people internationally if they don't keep up with your silly rules. OP's girl will be legal in Norway in a year, and if they drive over to Sweden, he can have her right now.

>OP's girl will be legal in Norway in a year, and if they drive over to Sweden, he can have her right now.
Preying on minors online is a federal offense. It does not matter where they live.

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She could be another 18 year old like you, and I hope it's him cuz she's 15 ffs get a life you pedo

When it comes to lewd messages, its not about her country's age of consent.

nordic aoc laws are not like aoc laws in a lot of places, their intent was and is completely different
in practise the laws only apply to underaged people or +-1 year unless there is a "long term" relationship at which point it s +-2 or +-3
so op, being 3 years older would get convicted of a crime unless he saw her for half a year before fugg or there was a testimony of the girl being several years more mature mentally than average
he's also clearly grooming her and asking her for lewd materiel, both of which are illegal as fuck since she is underage even in spite of possible mental maturity
t. nordic

She's turning 16 in a few weeks, so after that is it legal?

How exactly would this be prosecuted? She's in Norway, I'm in NY.

This is bait, correct?
The way you're speaking in the thread, the replies you give, it's all bait, isn't it?

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I swear its not bait,

But I did intentionally puff it up to make it more provoking to get bumps, but I genuinely want to hear what robots have to say about my situation.

>after that is it legal
literally read my post again
>How exactly would this be prosecuted
arrest by international operation, most likely tried by citizenship (in the us) since your crimes were committed online, there are equivalent US laws regarding grooming/solicitation of minors and in international incidents usually the country with harsher punishments gets to try

So then what's it about?

OP you need to give me her reddit username so I can contact her because I live in Norway

Ooo big fancy scary words.

What's grooming? Where can I read up on this? I'm shit on research and I can't find anything on texting, just sex with a minor.

Honest question, are you from California?

I was in a similar situation. I'm from Australia and met a 15 year old Russian girl when I was 18 online. Fast forward a bit and it was clear we liked each other so I confessed and she felt the same way, continued to speak online until she was 18 and I flew to Russia to meet her. She is 20 now and we are still meeting once a year for a month of time together. I have a bad memory so I am not sure how old she was when I confessed but before I even confessed I spent ages trying to get lewds from her (I only got them the day before my flight to Russia).

>What's grooming? Where can I read up on this?
search engine of your choice