Advice from a gardener and normie

Hello all. I don't expect anyone here to really give a shit about this thread. I have always (for some strange reason) liked the people on this board.

So I'm here and I just feel like chatting. I can give advice, shoot the shit, or talk about my passion (gardening). But I got the day off and I don't have a lot going on, so let's do this.

AMA anything, tell me anything, whatever.

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I didn't expect it to be this slow.

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How do you feel about growing vegetables without soil?

I'm not entirely against it. I think if I had the choice between something grown in a shipping container from down the road via a hydroponic system vs something grown in peru and sprayed with a bunch of crap, I'd grow the former.

I'm a bit of a purist though. Perhaps in time I'll mess with hydro/aquaponics. For now, I grow in-ground.

Does it actually effect something like the taste or nutrition?
I heard that it might make your harvest more susceptible to fungus.

list what you're growing RIGHT NOW in your garden

I'm lazy and have to work in a little bit so just imagine a virgin Gardner vs Chad landscaper meme right here

I'm sure it does. There is a shitload of factors and it all really depends on the competency/equipment of the person growing it. A lot of things will survive a bad growing operation, but they may not thrive.

I actually had a list typed up, then my MSword subscription got fucked up.

Basically a lot of flowers, veggies, and herbs. I like to focus on edibles mainly. So in that category I'm growing zuchinnin, zuchinno rampicante, borage, asparagas, artichoke, 3 types of tomatoes, 2 types of basil, sweet corn, bloody butcher corn, fennel, dill, shiso, and carrots.

Will gardening get me laid?

Beautiful! I should make this.

If you manage to grow beautiful flowers and give them to a lady

Nice dubs. If you're waiting on some sort of hobby to get you laid, you're going to have a bad time.

It possibly could, if it was something you had a passion for. Women love a man with a purpose. But, if you just put some veggies in the ground in hopes if that getting you laid, you need to adopt a new strategy.

Women are attracted to your character, not external fluff.

But I would grow a shit load of squash and just hand them out to the neighborhood sluts in return for some lay. I think it would work

>Women are attracted to your character, not external fluff.

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What's your favourite fruit and vegetable

Why when I plant privet seeds do half the plants turn out weak and grow poorly while a few grow strong and really quickly?

>Women are attracted to your character, not external fluff.
this explains the fact that drug dealers and mass murderers have thousands of girls sending them love letters

i want to join the dendrology society but where i live there is no chapter. wat do?

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Right now I'm pretty fixated on the zuchinno rampicante. You can eat it green like a zuke, or let it mature into a fall squash (like butternut). It's pretty damn cool. But it's like choosing your favorite child, really.

I really can't say. Are you starting them in sterile soil or direct sowing?

Sorry, I wasn't clear. Good women are attracted to your character. If all you wanted was a retarded slut - just become a drug dealer or mass murderer.

Start one.

What's the most difficult plant you had to grow?

where i live we get spring floods and summer droughts. temps typically range from 10 to 90 F thru the year. i know of a good potting mix, but how to deal with the drought during the time when the soil needs it most, for planting into unammended soil?

how expensive would it be to set up a hydroponic greenhouse per m2

Artichoke. Can't seem to get the damn thing to produce a bud. I'm going to attempt to protect it over-winter (perennial, but I'm right on the zone of it being killed by winter temps).

This is my second year growing it from seed, with no artichokes to show for it.

First, amend that damn soil. Get some compost in that bitch. Your plants will need nutrients - otherwise you're just keeping them alive. Mulch well (I prefer straw) to conserve moisture, and water in the late afternoon. Watering sucks, but we normally get summer drought as well.

No clue. Sorry, not well versed in hydro. I would expect a couple thousand. But, you can start small with a fish tank and supplies from a big box store. You can learn the principles that way and upgrade if you wish.

Do you own rare plants? What is the rarest you've got?

Hi user, do you like your life? that image is good, but that shit don't work with us.

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Nothing really. I do grow some out-of-the ordinary herbs/veggies just because they entertain me, but nothing I would consider "rare". Ironically, I get most of my seeds from

I do like my life, user. There are aspects I would like to change and so I work on changing them. It's far from perfect, but I wouldn't trade it.

>but that shit don't work with us.

What do you mean by this?

We are programed to this, we can't change. Not matter what so many times we can try to improve ourselves, we fail everytime. Or simply people avoid us. Sincerelly I'm so empty inside that I can feel nothing. And believe I try everything I can do to improve myself.

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Well that sounds incredibly selfish and egotistical.
>for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work.
>return to work
So basically this little blurb was written by a woman who got married, started a family, sat her ass on the couch watching TV while her husband busted his ass off to bring home the bacon and looking back on it she decided that it was a waste of her time?

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At the risk of sounding hackney and cliche, your mindset is what prevents things from every changing. Change fucking sucks and modern society makes it easier to be a shut-in with a bad diet and internet/vidya/masturbation/anime addiction than it does to be healthy and have productive hobbies. I don't know your life, but I know that if you approach a problem as "unsolvable" it will be.

I'm not here to change who you are as a person, but if there is a problem in your life it's your responsibility to fix it, only because you are the one suffering.

Change is slow. I look back on how I lived my life a few years ago and where I am today. A lot has changed, but it all happened in such a strange and crawling way I don't know that I could relay to the former me how to get where I am now.

It's like going to they gym. Afterwards you may feel a temporary pump/rush, but after a few hours you wonder why you're even doing it. And if you stick with it for a year you'll be stronger and healthier. But in the moment of exercising, you don't feel like some ripped god, you feel like a weak idiot doing the repetitive motions.

Apathy is death my friend. Been in a similar state of mind before, and I pray I never end up back there again. But you have to do just a little bit every day.

>At the risk of sounding hackney and cliche
You sound like a 13 year old that's giving advice about things they've never experienced on the internet because now they go to the big boy school.

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Well I'm 30 for what it's worth, and I'm only hoping my words help someone. Even if not the person I'm directing them to.

I really don't care about fitting in with the "in"
group here. If people want their life to pass by them as they sit in apathy, so be it. But I want to be sincere in all I say, so here we are.

What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't spend all my time in internet or playing vidya, and I don't even fucking masturbate. I go to the gym, I hang out with my normies and Chad friends but I will always be the ''nice guy''. Don't matter what I will do. I'm fucking tired seriously. I will do continue studying, have my job and make money. It's always the same, the circle that never ends. And the worst it's like I have lived this before.

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Forgive me if I made any assumptions about you. It's probably just me reflecting aspects of myself I don't like.

>I hang out with my normies and Chad friends but I will always be the ''nice guy''

How do you mean? There is nothing wrong with being a nice guy, or is this in relation to how women view you?

>It's always the same, the circle that never ends. And the worst it's like I have lived this before.

This is, unfortunately, a very common feeling. I know it well.

Is there anything you want to do, but feel you can't? A trip, a hobby, a passion of some kind?

>That quote
Ever notice those people are always happy and fufilled. People that quote dumb shit like this never say what "living means" (unless it's getting railed by 20 Chad's) and are still unhappy. All I can imagine is some happy family with a house and car while some robot sits on a bus bench thinking: "Ha, stupid sheep you have never lived "

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>How do you mean? There is nothing wrong with being a nice guy, or is this in relation to how women view you?
Basically the view of women of me during all my life, I assume that this have made problems in my head. But the worst part too is that I'm empty, I can't feel anything.

I don't know lad, I'm so lost. I just wanna end this suffering.

Do you know how to grow deadly nightshade?

>I don't know lad, I'm so lost. I just wanna end this suffering.

You've made it through this far, keep going man. The world needs good people.

>But the worst part too is that I'm empty, I can't feel anything.

Have you ever had any serious relationships before? Or any at all? Also, how old are you?

It grows like a weed, dude.

I'm not gonna commit suicide lad, I'm better than that. No, I don't have any relationships before, I felt in love 2 times, the 2 times I have experienced rejection, I think I can't repair this. I'm 21. The first time was like in that image. I'm kv virgin too.

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I'm going to sound arrogant as fuck, but you haven't fallen in love yet. You've felt an attraction to a couple of women, that's not love. I've been with the same woman for over half of my life. How I feel about her now is love, how I felt when I was 13 was attraction.

You're going to get rejected and you need to find a way to get over that. Plus, you're only 21. Just because people around you are in relationships doesn't mean hope is lost. Now if your dating pool was in the 30+ range, you would be SOL.

The only advice I can give is to keep working on yourself. Don't obsess over being alone, you may come to miss alone time as you age. Just use this time wisely to set up a good future.

And change some shit up. If you're feeling lost/pointless find something that gives your life meaning. I bet there's something you have been putting off.

how do you grow weed?

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Ask your local police officer.

hydro. j/k, never grown it, but that's how most of it is grown.

I've also never smoked it, so I really don't have a desire to grow it.

What is your favourite shrub?

I'm just now getting into that aspect of gardening. But I like anything that produces berries.

Hey. So, I'm completely fucked. I never meet any girls. Girls don't talk to me. Girls aren't interested in me. I never get ANY opportunities.

I have never met a girl naturally the way everyone talks about. Everyone recommends that I go to a club or get a hobby, but I genuinely don't want to. Why would I do something I don't want to do? So that's not an option. I prefer to approach girls when I see them. Which doesn't work either (I always get rejected)

So, I'm fucked. I am just fucked. It's always been this pattern.

I think I'm not the best person to give advice on how to find a girl. I met my wife when I was 13 and we never split.

But, you are looking for someone of similar values which is why a hobby is better than a club/bar.

The only advice I can give is to look up basic PUA videos. They're cringey, but they understand what women are attracted to.

Most people meet their future partners in blind dates, school, and work. Outside of that is really just a roll of the dice.

How do I live though? Just how?

You seem to be doing it now, good job!

How do i find a Virgin girl? Many here want to lose their v-card but i wanna keep it until marriage, the problem is finding virgins my age(im 18)s kinda difficult,

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I really don't know.


My neighbour's 15 and 17 yo daughters come over occasionally and help me tend to my mother's garden occasionally. What can I grow that will make them believe I am chad?

>18 btw

Do you frequent /out/ or /an/?

Giant allium, they'll not understand anything other than your penis after that.

frequent, not really. I don't really frequent much of Jow Forums except /x/. First came here in 2007, I've found other sites to fill the purpose Jow Forums provides.