If humans mimicked Bonobo society the world would be much better off

Bonobos are also our closest relatives so saying we can't/its unnatural for us doesn't work.
Prove me wrong
Protip: you can't.

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So women need to be in charge? You sound like a cuck.

Calling me a cuck isn't an argument there, friendo

you sound like two bickering redditors

I'm still not seeing any arguments. Prove me wrong.

I have anecdotal evidence as to why that would be bad. Also why would humanity be patriarchal is matriarchy was a better system?

I would like to hear your anecdotal evidence
Humans were matriarchal for most of the paleolithic era.

>closest relatives so saying we can't/its unnatural
for us doesn't work.

are you stupid? their mental state is different you retard.

Any kind of social grouping has to address the "free rider" problem where some people will opt out or slack off. Does bonobo society have that issue? And if so, how does it deal with it?

Why doesn't it work for us?
Bonobos are all chilling they dont need that

Every time I've had a female manager at work she's been shit, every time I've had a male manager he's pretty ok. Same with religious leaders and leaders in group projects we had in school. Women are just shit at leading in my experience.

That could be because they have no experience leading because we don't live in a matriarchal society. and the way women lead is different so you're not used to it.

>The way women lead is different, you're just not used to it

So I'm supposed to get used to someone micromanaging me while everything else falls apart... Brilliant.

The fact that women got opressed in the first place proves they are unfit for running the world. How are they supposed to be able to protect the people and national interests if they can't even protect themselves.

We don't know how it would play out precisely if it were like that.
Why would they need to protect people and national interests in a world where war doesn't exist and there are no nations?

>Why would they need to protect people and national interests in a world where war doesn't exist and there are no nations?
because that is literally impossible you retard. Even bonobos go to war with other tribes, and fight among their clan members. Try getting your info from places besides tumblr or reddit.

>Humans were matriarchal for most of the paleolithic era.
Source for this complete lie?

Bonobo's are tied as our closest ancestor with chimps. Furthermore, bonobos are fucking retards and weak compared to chimps and they are confined to one specific isolated area of the jungle with plenty of resources and no natural predators. It is my conclusion that matriarchy results in dsygenic regression in IQ and physical strength. It makes sense because the men who are the most fit to accrue resources no longer have an advantage in mating over other males (or less of one).

If chimps were introduced into their habitat, they would slaughter them all and they wouldn't stand a chance. From this, we can conclude unless we convince all of humanity to go along with the bonobo protocol, the ones who don't will simply inherit the world.

Furthermore, even if all of the world agreed (which they won't) it would still result in a humanity that would be less able to survive catastrophes, and many of the luxuries we have now would stop being a thing because extremely efficient and competent people would become rarer.

I don't need to prove anything to you little bugboy. You and your rival can fuck off back to ebaumsworld

I thought this pic was a bunch of niggers LOL

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Why do we have to be so closely related to monkeys? Why cant we shed this shitty, hormonal, weak bodies of flesh and live in a superior metallic body devoid of pointless needs/wants?

>in a world where war doesnt exist and there are no nations
That is not happening nor has it ever happened. Btw just because the bonobos are our closest ancestor doesnt mean we are exactly like them nor are they exactly like us.

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When they have tension the female members masturbate each other to relieve it.
It's accepted and known.
Yes, that's the point the whole world adopts it and becomes peaceful and better. That's a good thing.
Bonobos are also smarter than the common chimp. We wont be any worse at surviving catastrophes or anything like that.
Calling me a bugboy just shows that we need to mimick the bonobos, end toxic masculinity, and let the girls run things and own us.
>Btw just because the bonobos are our closest ancestor doesnt mean we are exactly like them nor are they exactly like us.
This is a good point but we can still emulate them closely and try to find the perfect point.

Bonobos, huh? Shit, I thought it was niggers.

the female bonobos fuck everything, they are't picky. female chimps only mate with the stronger ones. so either women need to start fucking everything or we're stuck being advanced chimps

>When they have tension the female members masturbate each other to relieve it.
Yeah, they also form violent coalitions to fight other bonobos. Suprise suprise, rubbing dicks and pussies is not some magic cure all. Violence is still necessary.

LOOOL I thought this image was a bunch of gooks, oh wait it is.

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>It's accepted and known
If you pulled this shit in Wikipedia you'd get a little [By whom?] by the claim or outright have it removed. Now provide a source for your claim or it is bullshit.

niggers are a separate evolutionary path towards more monkey like

What makes us advance as a species and as a race is our ability to over come our natural instinct. Is monogomy natural? No, but neither are cars or going to the moon in a rocket, or penicillin. Do you "natural fags" ever think deeply about things or ideas? Or do you just see someone else's idea or statement and parrot it without thinking?

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Nah, living like some faggy monkey that can't wipe it's ass sounds gay, almost as gay as your thread. If you don't like technology you're free to leave with all your hippie friends and start a cult in the amazon. GL with the ants.

/Thread nuff said famalam

Shinsekai Yori tells us this is a bad idea.

Yeah, but that's some weeb shit so who cares.

Yes, this is good though. What happens is the females run the pack, they are ranked by their age and how many sons they have, and when the daughters get old enough they leave the pack and find a new one to join, they then get with the new packs male offspring to join. They try to get the sons of the highest ranking female in order to raise their status but they don't discriminate really, they just all chill out mating. The females lead the pack, the males follow and cling.
We can have technology along with the social structure of bonobos.
What is that?

This all sounds really, really gay. I hate normalfag chummy and nice shit, I want a society where everyone is cold and quiet to everyone else and just leaves me alone. Sorry but I don't find closeness appealing.

We'd pretty much be like Mexico. Start out carefree, but then a bunch of them will band into a gang because you get more benefit killing other bonobos and taking their stuff. All the while, everyone else either wouldn't care or would not have the spine to cuss them out.

Then the evolutionary line kicks back up again because they'll become chimpanzees.

There's a reason why the majority of animals are not like Bonobos.

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>Bonobos are all chilling they dont need that
Yes, but humans do. Seems this plan is a fail?

I'd enjoy femanon responses to see if they'd like being in charge in a bonobo like society

look at that boys white nuts hangin out. what a chad

Still avatarfagging, my guy? Did yo learn nothing from your ban?

Not gay at all, peaceful and nice.
No because women would be in charge and they wont let that happen.
We can chill, play games, study what we want, etc.

>It's accepted and known
Ah, so you lied.

So pedophilia, zoophilia and probably necrophilia is legal then? Most of old Jow Forums would agree with you, I'm afraid.

I like how well you play your avatar, a-user. Its very kawaii...

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No but incest would be very common though.

Chimpanzees still outnumber bonobos 20 to 1. The only reason why bonobos exist is because they are isolated from their genetic cousins via the Congo River. If the river dries up, it would be a bloody massacre for the bonobos.

Conflict is a power that can be wielded like a sword, defense or offense. Just like how the Bosniaks stood up to the Serbs (kebab removers). If they didn't wage war on the Serbs, they would have been wiped out like how Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews.

Which is why humans outnumber chimps and bonobos, because we are an intermediate species, psychologically speaking.

Pic unrelated

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Bonobos fuck each other constantly, including chiildren. So pedophilia is legal.

>Still believing in evolution

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What ban, nigger?

Thank you. I like your cute anime pic too.

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Females are dumber and weaker both on average and at the high ends. We will descend into a shithole with them in charge.

Why are no women weighing in on the subject? I would like to hear what they think.

>God is real
>evolution is a conspuuuracy
>can't give a single legit argument besides muh bible

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>No because women would be in charge and they wont let that happen.
They me how the bitch will atop me when i can knock her fucking face out?

Because you'd be socialized to not be violent against the women and/or women would be larger and more dominant than men in this world.

Any femanons want to weigh in yet, how would you feel about this?