>women who claim to have ptsd
What do they even mean by this? Every group therapy I have ever been in always has tons of females who claim to have ptsd, but never say over what. How can I even take them seriously?
Women who claim to have ptsd
They're talking about childhood / adolescent trauma. It's more than likely child molestation or rape.
>tons of females who claim to have ptsd, but never say over what
rape and child molestation, obviously
Somebody disagreed with them on the internet probably. They might even have encountered a news article that says being fat is unhealthy.
>but never say over what. How can I even take them seriously?
it's none of your business, the world doesn't revolve around you
Then why dont they bring it up in group? What the fuck are they expecting to get out of it. They just want sympathy by saying they have ptsd over a likely made up event. Also
>complaining about having sex
Get fucking over yourself whores. I met one female who claimed she was molested as a child but had no recollection of anything because her mind blanked it out because it was so traumatic. That is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard. And people were acting shocked and sorry for her. Fucking whores I want them all dead.
i'm a male with PTSD and people like you are the whole reason i turned down group therapy.
mind your fucking business
Most likely from Trump getting elected
lmao fucking women
>user I have PTSD
>Ugh fake. You totally made it up for sympathy
>user I was raped as a kid.
Good faggot. Nobody wants you sitting there contributing nothing other than *muh ptsd* over some unknown event that you share nothing about. Also kill yourself for even thinking about voluntarily doing group therapy.
>Good faggot. Nobody wants you sitting there contributing nothing other than *muh ptsd* over some unknown event that you share nothing about.
i don't want to be there because faggots like you will probably be there trying to make it a contest about who has been dealt the worst hand
>Also kill yourself for even thinking about voluntarily doing group therapy.
nice reading comprehension
Someone called them mean names don't you understand?
maybe they got a social media account deleted
> experienced and event so traumatic she forgot
Fucking obviously made up.
>turned down group therapy
>it wasnt voluntary
Holy shit you are fucking retarded. You need inpatient bro.
>calling people retarded when you literally can't read
let me break it down even more for you, since you're having trouble
i was never "thinking" about doing group therapy, the thought never even crossed my mind. my therapist brought up the idea and i told her no, that's not an option.
there, does that clear it up for you?
should i break it down into even simpler terms?
If she's instathoting for a living then it's a pretty big deal if her account gets deleted.
Kek, this normie gets it
Oh my fuck. You just used the word option and still think your right. Please stay where you are we are sending help. Please stay on the line.
Anyways I have to go back to group Ill deal with you retards later.
Because they want sympathy and attention. They try to get that by playing the victim. If women got the rates of PTSD that they claim they do then female suicide rates would overtake male suicide rates overnight. How do I know? Just look at military PTSD rates and compare it with their suicide rates.
Fucking roasties, man.
>actually being so retarded that you can't understand something to simple
whether or not it's "voluntary" is completely irrelevant you inbred
you literally said and i QUOTE
"Also kill yourself for even thinking about voluntarily doing group therapy."
again, AGAIN, you fucking retard, i never once harbored thoughts of doing group therapy, voluntarily or not. you are too stupid to be on this website.
but hey have fun with your involuntary group therapy where you have to listen to girls cry
more women try to kill themselves than men.
they are just bad at it
>You just used the word option and still think your right.
imagine being less competent with grammar than most 8th graders and still calling people retarded
They are just attention whores.They have no intention of killing themselves
They are obviously failing on purpouse to get attention.
Their reason for "attempting suicide" is also for victim points. Studies show that men often use physical means: guns, razors across wrists, etc.
Women use overdoses more often than not.
Why? The EMTs can't put your head back together and revascularizing parallel cut veins is nigh impossible. Which begs the question, why do women overdose on pills more than any other suicide attempt and why do they always do it in occupied housing, typically in rooms that are well travelled? Simple, when someone sees you they're gonna call 911. Then when the EMTs revive you (quite easily I might add. Just gotta stick a compound that is a competitive inhibiter in the blood and stabilize vitals.) the worst lasting effect you'll have is liver damage if anything. Then everyone is walking on eggshells around you and giving you sympathy and attention.
Women don't go for results. They do it for attention.
when you have been a pampered princess since birth even someone saying no and treating you like another person is traumatic
>Then why dont they bring it up in group? What the fuck are they expecting to get out of it. They just want sympathy by saying they have ptsd over a likely made up event.
Who cares if they bring it up or not? Their journey through whatever they're going through has nothing to do with you. When they feel comfortable enough to share it, they will.
Seek help.
he's too preoccupied being an angry sperg to consider other peoples feelings and boundaries
For roasties everything is a journey.
Also he is literally trying to get help, but fake PTSD's are hogging all the glory.
>but fake PTSD's are hogging all the glory.
yeah you have no idea what actually is happening, you're just taking some autists word and sperg bias as factual
It's obvious that it's fake if they refuse to say anything about it and just mine compassion -__-
>It's obvious that it's fake if they refuse to say anything about it
It's obvious that you don't know shit about PTSD, or anything about mental health in general beyond your own problems
Fuck off white knight.
Fuck off sperglord.
group therapy doesn't benefit people who think the whole world revolves around them
Like wahmen fake PTSD'rs?