Does anyone here make fake tinders to see what people say?
I used to make hot guy profiles, but I recently made a girl one just to see what guys would message.
It has made me feel better about my openers since most of these guys are shit
Does anyone here make fake tinders to see what people say?
I used to make hot guy profiles, but I recently made a girl one just to see what guys would message.
It has made me feel better about my openers since most of these guys are shit
I always wondered about that, what does the average opener look like
Do they just say "Hi" or "What's up" with an emoji
What are some examples of what guys usually open with
It's almost always "hey" or "how is your day going?"
The slick kids like to start shit either "let's be real..."
Chad just sends a blurry picture of anything and the pheromones are transmitted digitally through the phone and inhaled by the female brain anyway. They can smell the beta in the pixels no matter what you do.
Honestly it's been a mixed bag, some of the most chaddieet Chad's just send "hey" or and emoji. Tho some Chad's and Brad's try way too hard.
Pic unrelated
what would the girls send your hot guy account?
Pretty much that, or it's a canned line.
It surprises me how many people just say "you're beautiful" followed by a bunch of emojis.
Getting dates is piss easy.
>Hi how are you?
>want to meet up for a drink?
Never let a conversation drag on, just get to the point.
It's that easy, I got shit loads of dates on Tinder.
Sometimes when I was bored i'd say some sort of cheesy chat up line to see their reaction.
Shame most women on there are desperate aging women looking to get married.
I don't have any of those saved, but literally 95% of the time that they even messaged forstt it would just be "hey"
Try visiting a college town and put your max age below 28.
Almost exclusively college girls or jailbait.
Typical lmao. Women aren't interesting. The only reason we put up with them is for their holes. Them trying to lead a conversation is just embarrassing desu
Why are lanklets so aggressive?
He is 6'9"
Lanklets btfo again
jesus that's beta lol
be like me and write a fucking paragraph of shit to someone.
It actually works, I'm in a nice relationship now.
>In a relationship
Way to get cucked boi
holy fuck, at least I'm not like that
i don't understand you people
what does that even mean
For context my bio says that "I'm 6foot and don't ask me to Dom you"
>pretending to be a girl on the Internet
>act like that btfo anyone
Lol god damn. reminds me of that guy who made a fake black chick account and verbally abused a bunch of dudes. send them a 'hey' days later and the guys responded like nothing happened
What if I really am a girl?
This app destroys men's self respect.
Why do people talk like this.
Nigger you have a full QWERTY keyboard and essentially no character limit.
Type like a fucking adult.
>it's always the pretty ones that stop replying
He's trying to throw "her" off with cutesy fuckboi speak since his opener didn't work.
It's to appear more laid back.
Now what did he mean by this?
does tinder ban you if you bring up oilspills?
Why would they ban you for oilspills?
>it's always the pretty ones that stop replying
at this moment he swallowed the pill
In your opinion OP what would be a good opener from the dozens youve received?
It's a girl profile? Or is this grindr
I unmatched a guy who had a good one. But usually it's not too wordy. No emojis. And has something to do with the profile.
Even if it's a dumb question as long as it's a question I'd want to answer.
x2. I was thinking of fake profiles to steal ideas as well
If anyone wanted to know.
This is what a 6'4 jacked football player Half Chad half Tyrone sends.
>football player
Working at walmart age 35 with brain damage confirmed
Not OP, but I always open with
>Fine, I'll go out with you
Always gets me replies. Comes over as funny and cocky at the same time.
I usually go with "You are my girlfriend now." and I always get replies with smiley emojis and "hahaha". Try it
>white guys don't play basketball
the dinaroids that do literally rape the negroes.
>acting like a girl on the internet
this nigga would body you irl you're 5'6 and probably asian?
>projecting Jow Forums memes because you take them seriously
See this is why you're an autist that catfishes as the opposite sex, pathetic
Nice one, will try it out rn
She fat tho
And this is what a 6'6" basketball player sends.
Take notes
I miss chad thundercocks adventures
Shame i couldn't get it set up cause tinder detects the fake gps
Anybody got advice how to get it running?
post more faggot! I really love seeing how pathetic those "Chads" are
you know these men are living in a pussy buffet right?
I love you OP, this is an interesting thread.
This guy is telling it like it is
Tell him you're not interested in ugly guys
That's just cruel
Ask him if he's ever held a wrench while not posing for a selfie
He deserves it. Eye for an eye.
>don't like pretentious cunts
>is one himself
What kinda of working class shit are you trying to say?
user makes a joke
memes on tinder yikes
Cropped and saved.
>woman logic
original comment
What meme even is that?
What is with Chad's and sending Gifs?
You seem to think all non-fat males are chad?
divorce papers egyption cotton. I guess more a tired joke than meme
Are you some kind of boomer? What are you on about?
Uhmmmm no sweaty
>black guy playing football
you know thats all they do, right?
My brain hurts...these replies show chad is just like us when it comes to approaching women. So its all based on lookism?
A lot of guys message this.
They ask a question and include the name.
It's obvious they got this from a public because stating the name when it's already visible in the app is really awkward.
>ia site based entirely around quick hookups and snap judging based off a few pics looks matter??
You can definitely get girls with personality.
These hunks don't need to tho.
That being said what you look like and what's in your pictures is what matters on this site. Also a good bio helps.
If you feel like you aren't hot enough for tinder, try talking to people irl instead. Make sure you have some friends tho as good Bros are way better than any of.
Only if you're 9/10+ Chad, if not then 99.9999% of the time you'll get no response.
Idk why you'd ask some fag catfishing guys, but this is a good message imo.
His profile is pretty good too and he's not a Chad.
It's goofy and complimentary without being over the top.
This is the first opener that didnt make me cringe.
All these guys are really pathetic, starting to understand why women act like they do.
Its just a false version of "adressing her profile", which means, making it seem like you dont send out the same stock message to every girl, and giving her the idea that shes now the one in focus
No, he's not gay yet.
God i feel cringe
i used to sned messages like that
granted they actually worked for me
usually you send the name becuase its like that age old pysch trick where if you use names people are likely to remember you more
from what i see on tinder
you can either
1) 'hi' 'hey' 'yo'
2) some question like 'hows it hanging hows your day
3)something relating to thier bio
4) some cringey ass joke like 'i want to take a vacation to ja pants
i think the best way is to just be like 'this friday , coffe shop
3 pm '
But it's the bare minimum, it's like a resume cover letter.
The profile has a Spotify track list for them to comment on, there are pictures of the girl with other people.
When people address this it seems a lot more personal and interesting than "hey [insert name] what is up?"
Hi! You may be new here. This is Jow Forums's Jow Forums (short for "ROBOT9001") board (short for "board"). We pride ourselves on being the Internet's #2 lookism community, second only to our neighbours at Jow Forums. Welcome! Please make sure to read the sticky (short for "that thing in the top-left corner on the catalog") before participating, and enjoy your time with us!
Got a big thunker here boys
>like a resume cover letter
lmao who the fuck looks at resumes and cover letters these days
Aaaaaaand he fucked up
what's your profile look like?
Just a pretty generic light brown thot
Your roastie impression is spot on
>Girl gives short answers with no counterquestions while the man tries his best to keep the conversation going
Hits too close to home, reminds me of the time when i tried those dating apps, really killed my interest in a gf for a while simply because of how fucking deadfish they all were
These women are getting 10-15 messages at any given time
Actually is less than you think.
I swipe right more thansot women and I only do that maybe 5% of the time.
I would be surprised if women did have that.
How do they get so fucking perfect profile pics? Those must have been taken by a professional photographer.
Those are tinders commercial pics dude
If this isn't the most pathetic thing I've ever seen
Y'all best be taking some notes
Doesn`t look fat and really pretty imho
More good openers?
Not really chads, maybe they are, but mostly blacks do that
Yes I have.
I used pornstar Charles Dera's pictures. I got some single mother to buy three tickets to the symphony orchestra and then I ghosted her.
What`s asl?
Probably a single mom.
probably asf autocorrected
generally it means age/sex/location but it doesn't make sense in context
can i do this without a smartphone on a pc ? is there any way guise ?
Lol Chad caught a glimpse of the /r9gay/ browsing homo behind the catfish for a second
I usually start with a knock knock joke.
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say something creepy?
There is not
I usually just write something mildly funny, conneting to their bio or picture.
The most general I used, was "Hey such a nice lip stick, can I get some of it from you"(vaguely translated and just came up with it, because there was really no good information coming from the profile)