"Real Women" and "Real Men"

You see women discussing the concept of "real women" all the time and it more or less seems as if their definition of a "real woman" is a woman who doesn't look as if she just stepped out of a Victoria's Secret catalogue. These are women with curves in the wrong places, big noses, split ends and, in some cases, deformities. These are the kinds of women you pass on the street every day without so much as a second glance -- the everywoman.

To me, that seems fair. Not every woman can be a model or a picture of perfection and we shouldn't expect them to be.


Let's take a moment to look at what women tend to describe as "Real Men" and weigh them up against the idea of "Real Women". You'll probably notice a strange discrepancy here. Whereas "Real Women" come in all shapes, sizes and creeds, it would appear that the female idea of the "Real Man" seems rather limited. For one thing, they all seem to be in the upper echelons of male attractiveness. They all live at the gym, with well-defined and sculpted bodies. They all have well-paying jobs, are completely devoid of mental illnesses or insecurities and devote their entire being to supporting their woman. They' all have a tendency to be white or, if not, the most eurocentrically attractive non-whites imaginable. They're all popular and assertive and dominant and eloquent and brave and intelligent and forceful and ambitious, and their most prominent flaws are usually either caring too much about their girlfriends or caring too little about their girlfriends in a hot way. They're all builders and pioneers and leaders of men, they're all workaholics and artists, they're all nerdy and jocks.

In short, the "Real Man" is some pinnacle of perfection which seems completely incongruous with the "Real Woman". It's almost as if men are being held to ridiculously high standards which women would never allow themselves to be measured by.

What do you think, Jow Forums?

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there is no real

women want chad even though they are unremarkable mediocre themselves

You made this chart yourself for your own arguments sake so I feel like youre kinda talking out your ass.

>humans want to have something better than they deserve
>water is wet

The "real men" thing is also perpetuated by most men. This is why I hate the "manosphere" and MGTOW and men's rights stuff. If you're not exactly like them you're a bluepilled simp. If you don't look like chad you're a soi boy. It's all the same shit.

doing god's work user, spread the word
i got nothing to add to this, perfection

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I think this is a sharp observation OP.

>It's almost as if men are being held to ridiculously high standards which women would never allow themselves to be measured by.
Congrats it took you an entire blog post to arrive at a truth literally every robot understands
At least youre now blackpilled

that's according to women. ugly women
I don't see no stacies relaxing with their diets, gym routines or giving makeup and plastic surgeries a second thought, kek
Besides, those men don't really marry outside his social class. I'm pretty sure none of them would even consider marrying a resting face latina bitch from the ghetto.

tl;dr incel delusions and shitty bait

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Roastie detected and ignored

>anybody who disagree with me is a women

Cool delusions you incel faggot.
Dont you have a cartoon porn to fap to ?

Provide evidence of one (1) widely embraced body positivity movement for men.

>internet is literally filled with motivation, advice, plans, vids etc on how to work out
>this somehow is not body positive

You have a skewed view of whats positive.

That's not body positivity, you moron, that's "change your stupid, pathetic body because no one will love you unless you're a real man", aka the hypocrisy inherent to the dating world and proof that my so-called "delusions" are very much grounded in reality.

That is absolutely a body positivity movement.

You are encouraged to change your body into POSITIVE version of it - stronger, more durable, healthier etc.
There is nothing positive about encouraging people to be fat and weak.

No one said that being man is easy.

Stay mad fatso.

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You clearly understand why there's a false equivalency here, you're just being intentionally obtuse because you're well aware of the fact that "women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful" is not equivalent to "work out and get muscles or no one will ever love you"

the concept of real men in my country is more along the lines of someone who's responsible and willing to work his ass off to support himself or his family

the chad shit doesn't fly here, probably because most men are ugly manlets.

that's what the OP was talking about in the first place
Women don't have to change their bodies into "positive" version to earn the title "real woman"
But men need to do that

i would date an out of shape guy. in fact its attractive. idk what ur talking about op

please go larp elsewhere, you have like a hundred threads to pretend to be a woman in

>"work out and get muscles or no one will ever love you"
Said no one ever in the history of mankind.

They do have.
Couple of deranged femnazis shreeking on tumblr wont change basics of biology.

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Lmao you just said that a few posts above. You're contradicting yourself again.

And where would that be? Everywhere I've been welfare queens who smoke meth and manage to bury their dicks in all of their sisters and cousins are held in higher esteem than some dude that has a stable job, but can't get laid.

>Said no one ever in the history of mankind.
You literally just highlighted the fact that if you're out of shape you're weak and no one will support or care about you, which in and of itself reiterates that male body positivity doesn't exist.

Superior reading skills there, nigger.

Do me a favour and kys.

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Yeah but its not about muscles but about energy, discipline, control over your life etc.

You dont have to be ripped or BB size to be loved.

None of that has anything to do with body positivity, which is what we're talking about.

>body positivity,
>working out is somehow not related to having more energy, discipline, clearer skin, better posture etc

Im sorry what ?

I'm not sure how I could possibly make this any clearer to you. I'm convinced you're doing this on purpose.

>It's almost as if men are being held to ridiculously high standards which women would never allow themselves to be measured by.
No, real man dont give a fuck about bullshit like that

>hurr durr u dumb

What the fuck is it, a fucking kindergarten ?


No idea son.

Maybe try google image search ?

google images arent any help but thanks any way

>real women

Lowering collective expectations so your (potential) partner doesn't compare you to higher value women

>real men

Trying to raise collective expectations so you get a higher value man

truth is men are oppressed

What is this movie and what is this scene conveying?

Not that user but female body positivity is literally
>you dont have to change your body in any way, you are perfect the way you are, go eat those cheese fries sistah its empowering
That does not exist for men. Fat men are universally despised and told they need to change.

detected the cuck defending muh ladies?

>Not that user but female body positivity is literally

Its not if you disregard few fat bitches on tumblr.
Makeup, plastic surgery, diet etc industries didnt get so large because women are told its fine to be mediocre and ugly.

You have to separate the shit from tumblr from real life.

>hurr durr cuck

Yeah nice.
Very original.

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You have my gratitude for applying reason user. Hope you have a nice day

Kek your intentional ignorance of how shit works shines bright nigger.
The fact is only men are encouraged/pressured to stay in shape, society thinks women can be any shape they want and it isn't your place to judge them for that.

>"""real life"""

originally original

>Hope you have a nice day

I rode my bike, i earned money by working, i've been to the gym, i've met with my gf, i walked my dog - you can say it was very nice day indeed.

>The fact is only men are encouraged/pressured to stay in shape, society thinks women can be any shape they want and it isn't your place to judge them for that.

Im sure thats why their magazines are filled from top to bottom with ideas on how to change in every form possible...
>another retard who thinks few raging fat feminazis on tumblr blogs will change basics of biology and human attraction

Well yeah.
Those fat cunts can bitch all day long on their tumblr - in real life best they can get is some weak ass male feminist, "chads" are smashing 10/10 stacies met at the gym.

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>some dumbfuck who thinks human biology and attraction means society can never change to accomodate a specific group all while keeping in touch with the differences of the sexes

We don't live like troglodytes anymore, bud, men will still choose fit women over fat cunts but society thinks it's okay for them to be a bunch of fat cunts while at the same time thinking it's unnacceptable for men to be so, unless you're a complete fucking retard, you know that the two sexes behave differently, women bitch and moan in public about being a fat cunt but say they're healthy and get praise and defendance from society while men dare not speak up about it and'll rather disscuss it online anonymously for the most part, it's unnacceptable for a man to be anything but at least thin today, gotta be muscular or athletic or at least at a healthy weight, especially if young, if you don't fall within those then you ought to change it or shut up about it and be scolded, not the same as a woman, maybe a few mean comments about your weight online but nobody can say shit to you in real life because it's 'sexist' and therefore unnacceptable

Ever seen an instance of some fat neckbeard asshole who got some female mra?

Yeah but womens entitlement has the blessing of feminism with women using their political clout to push for further advantages, so it should be challenged.

>retard thinks couple of reeeeeing femishits will undo milions years of evolution

Attraction to fit/skinny partner is literally in our genes, they can bitch all want but they will never change that.
You are literally pulling that shit out of your ass.

>it's unnacceptable for a man to be anything but at least thin today, gotta be muscular or athletic or at least at a healthy weight,
Good. More men we can save from early death the better.

>hurr durr women will scold you
So fucking what ? I had instances of fat women bitching at me and then the skinny/fit chicks pulls me aside and says she thinks im hot because i can stand by my views and word

You are just betraying how weak faggot you are - oh noes, women will be mad at me baaaaaaaaw.
Fuck off and die beta cuck.

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Most male advice is literally just telling men they need to become steroid enhanced superhumans, how is that remotely on par with what women have where women are told they can be whatever the fuck they want.

>Couple of deranged femnazis shreeking on tumblr wont change basics of biology.

They already did, mens standards have reportedly been lowering ever since feminism adopted fat activism as part of its ideology.

>Most male advice is literally just telling men they need to become steroid enhanced superhumans,

Nice bullshit. Protip : retards on Jow Forums arent the "most male advisors".

Says who ? Sources, citations, evidence.

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If anyone is going to change what is acceptable it's the progressives that you guys seem to hate so much. Most of you tend to support views in which people are judged by their skin colour, gender and other inborn characteristics. If you're then going to get upset about male body standards, you're on the wrong side.

>If anyone is going to change what is acceptable it's the progressives that you guys seem to hate so much.

They only change it for their approve minority groups, while making it worse for nonapproved groups.

And this is based on what ? Lamestream Media ? The loud obnoxious femishits ?
Because i think that the last US elections showed us that what media says people think and what people actually think are two different things.

Where do you think all the BBW fetish shit came from? Ever noticed how theres no BBM fetish?

The mainstream media is kind of important by the very fact that it's mainstream. It appeals to the mainstream

Boy you are fucking dumb aren't you

>Where do you think all the BBW fetish shit came from?
They are as numerous as scat/piss fetishists.

>Ever noticed how theres no BBM fetish?
Really ? Because i could swear that Dadbod was the thing few years ago. Or being hot for chubby bear like guys ( as in hairy, not muscled ).

And i asked for EVIDENCE that there is some explosion of guys getting off to fatties.

And yet despite their massive Killary shilling, Trump have won.. Fancy fucking that.
Lamestream media are becoming more and more obsolete, where the fuck have you been for the last 5 years ?

>dude genes lmao

You cantakerous twat, it's not so much the attraction to fit people in our genes as it's the fact that society coddles fat cunts but shames their male counterparts.

Tremendous effort to avoid the point, i say, keep at it faggot, keep trying to pin solipcism on me you cuck, while i wasn't talking about my life in general but the differences between the sexes if so they sould try to defend themselves for being fatfucks.

by you acting all mighty, you just ousted yourself as a faggot who's so insecure in himself that he needs to brag on this fucking website hahaha, maybe overtraining will cut your life short and make this wretched plane a better place.
Go overdose on steroids and die.

>""""""im alpha ur beta""""""

The mainstream media isn't all leftwing you stupid retard. Fox News, which supported Trump, is a massive mainstream media network.There are mainstream media groups for both sides of the political spectrum.

Body positivity/fat acceptance is a meme from land-whales who want to fuck men who look like Chris Hemsworth but don't want to put down their fork or go to the gym.

No-one actually shames women for not looking like Victoria's Secret models; that would be like shaming kids in gym class for not running as fast as Usain Bolt. Fat bitches just project their own inner shame from weighing twice what they should onto other people.

They say they want to stop eating disorders but in reality, *they* are the ones oppressing people with EDs because (in countries with universal health care) medical funding gets redirected from inpatient ED treatment to pay for *their* preventable heart attacks and "diabeetus" medication.

FUCK fat acceptance.

t. anorexic femanon

Your entire conundrum can be resolved by simply observing that people use "real" to mean two completely different things:

"Real women" means "actual women, women as they are in reality".

"Real men" is a figure of speech like "the real deal", meaning men who epitomize their masculine inner nature. Here, the meaning of "real" is not "actual" but instead, "true".

These two concepts were never meant to be equivalent and comparing them in this way is highly dishonest. To get a taste of how the other half lives, make a similar collage with males robots consider a "5-6" on one side and females they rate at "5-6" on the other. You'll see that men's apparent willingness to match looks is just desperation.

I think thats good, women positivity is stupid and will walk them into all sorts of problems and men one could actually help to be better, healthier etc. Its motivating , dont be dicouraged by it

>society coddles fat cunts but shames their male counterparts.

And the example of that massive coddling would be... what ?

Nigga you are taking some fringe shit and you try to doomsay and claim that "we will have to fuck fatties hurr durr". Which is pure bullshit.

You can get butthurt all you want but you actually betrayed your fears - you think women will be mad at you for saying that you dont like fat girls because you lack balls to stand on principle.

No matter how bleak you are going to present this - this wont change the fact that men will never be attracted en masse to fat chicks and women will have to stay fit to get a man which is, was and always will be a thing.

And ? They supported Trump - thats correct.
Dozens of other stations, papers etc supported Killary.
And she lost.
Fox News also loses viewers because in the age of the internet people dont care about tv news anymore.

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Dozens of LEFTWING stations and newspapers support hillary, while the rightwing stations and newspapers supported trump.

Most rightwing papers and stations, like fox news or the dailymail in britain have some of the largest viewer bases compared to their leftwing counterparts.

If you want an idea of what mainstream progressive attitudes are, you look at the leftwing media, which is extremely bias in favour of select minorities while ignoring any issues outside of those minorities.

>Dozens of LEFTWING stations and newspapers support hillary, while the rightwing stations and newspapers supported trump.

There is ONE rightwing station that supported Trump - Fox News.
Every poll said Killary will win, celebrities mocked him en masse, people said they will vote for Killary and what happened ?

Because just because media says something is true it doesnt make it so.

So no matter what media will say about fucking fat bitches - people will not become BBW fetishists just because media says so. Especially at this point.

Fat acceptance movements which are almost exclusively composed of women, "thicc" another word for overweight used proudly by cunts since there is nothing wrong to being an overweight woman nowadays due to the upheaval of body positivity and fat acceptance movements.

I'm not trying to doomsday or whatever the fuck that is, all i'm saying is there is a difference between the sexes, a difference in how society treats you if you decide to scream "IM FAT IM HEALTHY LOVE ME".

I don't think women who are of healthy weight will be mad at me for saying "i don't like fat women", only the fat ones and their friends who'd go on lecturing me on body positivity and fat acceptance, i wouldn't mind expressing my opinions and my preferences on the matter, but the moment i try to recite retarded fat acceptance mantra such as "healthy at every size" and other bullshit, i will definetly get mocked by everyone because i'm a man, but i don't because i disagree with that, you can't be healthy and be fat.

Bottom line, women are privileged over their male counterparts when it comes to these things.

>Fat acceptance movements which are almost exclusively composed of women,

Yes. Miserable, single women.
Who are powerless because they are trying to fight against literal biology and human nature.

>Bottom line, women are privileged over their male counterparts when it comes to these things.
Maybe. Men are privileged in other areas. Its just life.

Fat acceptance are a joke and a fringe shit that will never gain major traction no matter how loud they shriek.

>"thicc" another word for overweight used proudly by cunts since there is nothing wrong to being an overweight woman nowadays due to the upheaval of body positivity and fat acceptance movements.
Just like "otter mode" is used for skinny fucks. Or "bear mode" by fat fucks.
Retards be retards.

Emulate characters from 30s and 40s romance movies. That can teach you how to act.

Still it stands, women are privilleged when it comes to body and no lack-of-eye-batting fuckery to the matter will make me change my mind.

Ew roastie get tf off this board with your vag flaps

men want stacy even though they are unremarkable mediocre themselves

Oh so you are a Redditor beta onions boy who worships roasties. Okay got it

Fuck, I wish that were me

(the one on the left)

It is like that in the West. The point of the post is based on attractiveness dumbass and you are a cuck if you work your whole life to support a roastie who has been fucked by countless men

"Dad bod" shit

He barely won at all, in fact he got less votes than Hillary did, so the media weren't entirely wrong. The media produce their content to appeal to those they want to sell it to, basic capitalism. The leftwing media stations don't produce their content for Trump supporters, they produce it for leftwing progressives. Hence why mainstream leftwing media content is indicative of the views of that demographic. If it wasn't they wouldn't make any money.

There's no such thing as single women. I've met plenty of ugly fatties who have men hitting on them all the time.