Fembots. I want to remind you that using sex toys makes you a slut. It shows that you have no self control and are obsessed with base physical pleasure. It shows you can't live without dick or imitation dick of some kind.
Fembot thread
Thanks for reminding me to buy a new vibrator user
the first thing I will gift to my future gf will be a big black dildo, I hope she humiliates me with it aswell
You really don't feel any shame do you
How are those tiny things meant to satisfy a fembot? She needs at least 7 inches.
Every sex toy you buy showcases your daddy issues.
Size is important but we use rabbits for clit stimulation
Sorry OP. Now that a kissless virgin has told me I'm a whore for doing so, I'll sell them all.
how many times a day do you masturbate you dumb cunt?
Fuck of to crystal.cafe fembots.
can fembots let me smell their dildos
>tfw girl and don't even own sex toys
I didn't know this was a thing. Is it?
Y'all are degenerate then
>tfw you buy a couple of vibrators a couple of days ago to introduce to your sex life with bf because no man has or probably ever will make you have an orgasm
>intense nervousness because you've never had an orgasm in front of another person
>nervousness will more than likely prevent you from coming
What the fuck is wrong with me, how can you be scared to bust one?
lmao, whore. if he was packing 10 inches you'd cum in no time.
We're both black. His dick is fine. Feels awesome even. Still can't bust.
Dicks don't have that much to do with the female orgasm desu
just saying but if my gf had to use vibrators while we had sex i'd find it kind of insulting and also make me feel bad because i can't make her have an orgasm but some stupid vibrating toy can. maybe that's why you're actually nervous
Femanon this is my biggest fear that my gf will use a toy to achieve what I cannot
i mean seriously this is like a guy telling his girlfriend her pussy/mouth aren't good enough to make him cum so he goes to use a fucking fleshlight
It's not anything to really be fearful or ashamed of. It's just the nuclear option for a woman to get over orgasm anxiety. The more mature option is to sit down and have her communicate to you/experiment with what she likes and what she doesn't like.
Women's orgasmic problems could easily be solved if they would just sit a dude down between their legs and give them instructions on oral. But a lot of men are extremely outspoken about being grossed out by looking directly into a vagina, so we can't really win for losing. Also, a lot of women don't even really know what feels good to them since men normally really suck at sex in general until they learn better from more sexually confident women.
>ooga booga masturbation bad
what is with women and muh communication. do you want us to sit down and go over a check list of sexual things you like? that's totally going to turn me on
Your kind literally experiences powerful orgasms due to rape lol
>tfw females want to have sex
>tfw females don't want to have sex with me
There must be a deeper problem here. Women are all sluts
user I find this very informative, Im a filthy Virgin but Ive always noticed if Im given a chance Id always go down on a girl Im really into. Legit I salivate thinking about it. I noticed when I got with my ex and she would show me that she needs to get off initially before anything could happen
Gross. Penetration hurts, but give me a hitachi and I'm good.
Let me put it into perspective. You're dating a girl who you really, really love. She's beautiful, her personality is everything you want, you'd drag your sack across glass just to see her smile and all that gay shit.
She's extremely bad at sucking your dick, to the point it either hurts or you just lose your erection in general. But getting your dick sucked is one of your favorite parts of sex and nothing would turn you on more than having the perfect girl do it. What do you do? You tell her how to do it right, stupid.
So does yours. What is your point?
Fembots who live on the East Coast United States please be my gf.
Your kind literally experiences powerful orgasms due to dick up the ass lol
>that's totally going to turn me on
It should if you're actually into her. But the onus is on her to not make it seem clinical and make it feel sexy for the both of you.
JOI is a thing for a reason.
She has a point user
Fembots who live in the United Kingdom please be my gf.
Why don't you stop being so sexually obsessed?
Dumb whore. You don't know how it works.
No we don't.
Nope. We don't.
user youre baiting us right now our prostate is connected to our dick, literally a good massage will make you nut
yea and then you tell her how to do it right and she gets pissed off and leaves you. bravo
lmao who does that
If you're in a fulfilling relationship otherwise, this is literally never going to happen in your life. Even then, partly due to a general disconnect with our own sexual pleasure, a lot of women get turned on by a man's pleasure. I'd implore you to just do a search for what women like or want in porn, and one of the biggest things is... male vocalization. Moaning. Him feeling good.
Very much like it strokes your ego to make a woman feel good, it strokes ours to make men feel good. It's even worse for us because we've been told all our lives that men are just little monkeys that always cum, no matter what. That's why girls lose their damn minds when you can't get hard. There's no way you get nervous or emotional and that affects you sexually because sex and emotion are two different concepts to men, to speak from a lot of women's perspectives.
>lmao who does that
oh yea i totally can't think of a woman who would get really pissed off if you told her she is bad at sucking dick. no woman like that exists, you're right
i guess i could derail the thread
you are cringe as fuck. if this image had a proper filename it would start with 15
lets do this
What did you say you little punk? Spidey will fuck you up holmes!
don't care, feels good
haha yes
Whore? Yep. It's a whore.
>Does whatever
A spider can
wtf. my mom has the same one as in OP's pic in blue.
>tfw i've put it in my ass a few times
You're actually wrong. Seminal fluid may be expelled from prostate massage, but actually getting a proper orgasm from it alone it takes a lot more work and dedication.
I could be that vibrator, I have a big dick and shake when girls are near me.
Op I want you to know that my hitachi wand has changed my life and I feel I would be totally okay with not sleeping with a man ever. Is that not the opposite of degeneracy? im free I beat the system
You haven't met a decent man who is actually hung and can fuck properly. I'd be prepared to show you but you're too snobbish.
how am I snobbish IM FREE
>Claims she don't need no man
>Puts a prosthetic version of a man inside herself every week
Beat the system? What system? Were you sleeping with men before the vibrator? You need a dick inside of you badly.
ahahaahahahah look at this insecure faggot
penetration hurts user! I just want my clit rubbed and play with. Penises are so uneccessary they dont even vibrate whats the point.
All men are replaceable by a $20 piece of plastic.
ahahaha look at this loser that has never had a blowjob hahahaha
>Hitachi wand
>You need a dick inside of you badly.
user... I know you watch ungodly amounts of porn, so how are this ignorant?
>how many times a day do you masturbate you dumb cunt?
Once a week
Literally almost every adult woman has sex toys. Only women who are asexual or get to much dick to understand why sex toys exist don't have them.
Why don't you just leave your email and I'll show you huh?
>coming from the guy who probably faps 2-3 times a day
I want to buy a vibe that won't break the bank. Any fembots here have recommendations?
i recommend my tongue
More proof that slut-shamers are incels who never have any contact with women, and whose entire lives are driven by the shrieking fear that they'll die alone.
depends on how often you schlick. I do it several times a day so cheap shit doesnt last. walmart sells the original hitachi wand for like $50 so you could buy that online. The wireless wand is SOOO much stronger and better but that shit is closer to $100 and the battery replacements are an ungodly amount. Original hitachi is much more reliable and reasonable.
how is a bullet vibrator an imitation dick? i don't penetrate myself with a vibrator so how is it a replacement? your dick will never come close.
bullet vibrators are so not worth it. they last me a month.
I honestly only do it once a month, which is why I want to try a toy. Might help me enjoy it...
yeah, the wire goes bad in mine every few months but i haven't found anything better and longer lasting. i've probably spent $100 the last few years replacing it.
Most of it is in your mind. Good luck.