The problem with r9k

the problem with r9k

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Other urls found in this thread: hanz/page/1/

filters help a fuckton. filter: fem* for maximum efficiency

The root cause of Jow Forums's problems.

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45858885 was based

Good god, I'm surprised being banned for evading filter isn't more common. I've gotten banned for it nearly 3-4 times.

add the fags and pol

i got banned one time for copy pasting the [a/ b etc. one time

If I was the mod here discord would become a banword and every discord friend would have their IP stickied on the front page.

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Man I really wish I was a mod, what I would do to make this place less shitty.

I know that feel. I spend like 19 hours a day here so I'd gladly give something back, /x/ would get purged as well. I'd gladly do it for free.

I hope you apply to be the janitor at least. The current one doesn't do enough to get rid of discord spam.
That was a great day. Makes you wonder how many other whores on Jow Forums shill themselves.

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first it was trannies, then "fembots". just find a new home

So are all those people just coming here and admitting that they're under age? Why would they be so dumb?

Women can be robots, but they shouldn't have these threads directed solely at them. Their gender is hardly relevant to the discussion, they can just go by robot, too. Anyone coming here to find dating are failed normalfags anyway.

I'm not sure how the mods do it but I can easily smell an underage on how they post.

>become a janny
>delete the Discord spam
>delete trans porn spam
>delete /b/ tier threads
>delete anons clearly pretending to be femanons
No they can't. The reason being is that the moment a female announces their presence here, they'll have AT LEAST 5 guys begging to be their bf. If they were really a robot then they would at least give them a chance. Most femanons here don't even respond to robots because they usually already gave a bf or they know that they can do better than dating a loser from Jow Forums

they unironically do but most of the time implied

I have lost all control over my life lmao

Jow Forums janitor is ok sometimes, I feel like he's never lurking anymore though. The one that started around the new year was good at deleting /soc/-tier threads quite quickly when he first started but if you were lurking last night every other thread was discord, gore, camwhoring or /b/-tier threads and its been the same for months.

What about the old one that had a meltdown and deleted every thread on the board except for his own?

This was his thread

I would reject a woman coming on to me on Jow Forums, and I'm sure I'm more outcasted and rejected than at least half of the board. I'm a robot, I'm not dating material, and even if she was a healthy and normal girl, it wouldn't last or be real. People desperately trying to hold on to the first 3D thing to look at them aren't more outcasted or lonely or unusual than people afraid of being used and made to fall in love with someone they wouldn't know anymore in one year, who'd rather be all alone.

or they're fembots from a country half across the globe, know that ldr doesn't work most of the time, maybe they are depressed or insecure females. Probably have some mental illness or ugly as shit and don't want to hurt the guy

based and should be reinstated

This is what happens when you give janny powers to a robot with no life, the current janitor has a life and is never here but at least he hasn't gone crazy from overworking yet.

God bless Mods for keeping us safe

Fair enough, but there's still a lot of "fembots" here who use the term despite them being complete normalfags and are just latching on to the term for whatever reason

Also he's the one who liquidated the 'hug your sister/father' threads so he definitely did more good than harm.

But those threads were cute and comfy. I think they would come back they also made me kinda sad that I don't have a sister

They were comfy at first but the most horrible /soc/-tier schizoposting culture developed around them.

there's also many guy robots who are actually normie as fuck and forget about this place in a month or so. just your average underage 16 year old playing fornite everyday. and I can't even count the amount of times i hear greentext stories on this board where people claim they are a robot while they've had several girlfriends and actually live a decent life partying and such. humans are all lying hypocrite scum and it doesn't matter if they're roasties. there is no need to protect the term robot because it's bullshit

I don't doubt that a fairly large chunk of the people who greentext about their girlfriends/relationships are expressing some kind of sardonic self-deprecating ironic humor to mock cancerous relationshit posting.

Still better than the /x/ janitor that was employed until 2015.

Tell me about this janitor

Basically /x/ from 2012-2015 was blue /b/ and the janny was in on it. Deleted everything paranormal and encouraged shitposting or /soc/ tier threads. They were also a schizophrenic I believe. Imagine if a janitor here kept trip/discord or /b/ threads on the front page and deleted feels threads or something.

Also almost every namefag on /x/ has an affiliation with a moderator or janitor. Get on your knees and thank God by name if you don't know who this fucker is. hanz/page/1/

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This guy was mentally ill but talked about it a bit as it was happening

As someone whose main hobby is studying the history of the boards and the archives I can say the /x/ saga is by far the most bizarre nonsense and dedicated shitpost I have ever seen on any board.

Have fun

anyone remember when /j/ posts were revealed when Hiro fucked up?

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The problem is most of our boards janitors don't seem invested enough in their boards.

just don't go in femwhore threads they're for newfaggots. Let them get burned by the whores.

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I remember seeing this post on /qa/ and I had no idea what it was about. Huh.

>attention whore fembots
>constant trap/racebait spam
>discord cancer
>redditors from gamergate
>redditors from T_D
>and now redditors from incels
Every time I think this board can't possibly get any worse, it does. Why the fuck am I still here? Poor Jow Forums has never had much luck even pre-deletion, it is like a cursed board.

Yep it's been going on for years and years. The mods absolutely despise this guy now I think, enough to give two public bans in a row on another board. I don't think any other shitposter has quite gotten under the mods skin as this guy.

If he has chosen any other board than literally who /x/ he would be a Jow Forums legend for sure, schizophrenia, autism and a dynamic IP is a hell of a combo. He makes other so-called dedicated shitposters like barneyfag look like a pussy.

>fembots, robots, how fast did you tell someone you loved them?
2 days. she's still the love of my life all this time later

Most of the time its butthurt mods, because somebody from Jow Forums BTFO one of their traps, "fembots" or whatever.

They should do another purge. Wait for a week and bring it back up.

janitors cant delete anything, newfriend.

They can flag shit so that a mod can take action.

They are glorified end users and they are all from /lgbt/ and 4+Jow Forums/leftypol/

Most of the mods are ancient relics from somethingawful and I want them gone yesterday.

Janitors actually can delete posts and even mute you for 10 minutes.

They can only delete illegal content. And that only happened after the 2012 court hearing and the whole fiasco that followed.

Muting is actually never enforced, especially in Jow Forums due to the robot and the timeout. Not sure about other boards. It's a pre-captcha anti-spam measure that no one uses.

Not him, but nigger are you kidding me?
>be janitor
>not allowed to delete unless its illegal
>see annoying shitpost
>delete it
Pretty much all the jannies.

I filtered all the threads containing words "fembot" yet they still appear. What am I doing wrong?

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How do you see all of the bans?

Add femanon as well, discord, trap

that's an archive of Jow And remember it's just a sample, not all the bans

Ah thanks anyway

this might interest you

Bring back the old janny

pls bring back old janny

try 4chanX, has more comprehensive filtering including image filtering

I agree, why are normalfags perpetuating the fembot myth?

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oh they're real believe me i've had sex with them

so they're not fembots and you're a normalfag, interesting rebuttal.

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I think you need to go back little incel boy

There's an even bigger problem with this board

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the massive uptick in fembot/femanon and discord threads recently has really brought down the quality of an already low-quality board. pretty sad thing to witness.

>tfw you're finally old enough to post on Jow Forums

feels good to be honest with u guys for once

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This is my homeland normaltard.
but I get it you've been conditioned to see different opinions as originating from reddit.
really helps you fit in huh.

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The jannies for r9k are actually all roasts.

b-but my use of back 2 reddit was satirical i swear. you sound pretty 'based' though to use another redditism

You're kind of easy to bait though so I don't really get how that meshes with being a 14poster.

The r9k is already dead thanks to whores and normalniggers who post about their relationships and friends fucking daily.
You are not robots, retards, you are just having a bad mood.
Fucking human trash, go back to your reddit and 9gag

Is that site still a thing?

Go back to your gaia and ebaums

doesn't really sound too insulting.
You mean the unicode? I didn't start hoarding picture right off the bat, didn't have my own pc back then.