Why are jap girls so god tier, and why are other races shit tier?
Why are jap girls so god tier, and why are other races shit tier?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Any woman who is a slut
>god tier
Japanese are too promiscuous
she is NOT a slut
Because you're a weeaboo
>Implying i even watch anime.
Anime is fine aesthetically but I personally prefer to read than to watch.
Guys are cuter than girls
what do you mean?
I am confused.
Japanese guys are cuter than Japanese girls
How is that relevant to my post?
I am still confused.
japanese is a nationality you retarded pig
regardless Japanese women have a very distinct aesthetic like many other homogeneous societies (eg. korea)
Im trying to spread fag propaganda
why would you do that fags are fucking degenerate
Because guys are so cute
no fag posting in my thread please
jap girls are very sexy like pic related.
INB4 its a child.
dude its probably 20 years old, japs just dont age like milk
Fag posting best posting
because their face is so smooth, soft and symmetrical, at least more than other races it seems
Japs are actually yellow indians (natives, not pajeet-like indian)
I don't know if you've acknowledged this before, but that's a man.
Please stop spreading fag propaganda.
Not my fault dude has a dick.
It is a girl, there is no dick
Japs are ugly