22, slavic, 170cm, llong light brown hair and grey eyes not bad looking

>22, slavic, 170cm, llong light brown hair and grey eyes not bad looking
>working, studying, playing volleyball, making music in my spare time,
>not crazy
>biggest issue is the fact that i want to deal with my own problems so potential partner might feel bad and useless idk
>not antisocial
>conservative, roman catholic
>tfw no bf not even an ebf

subjectively, after being given this info, what could be the potential thing that wouldnt want u to date me

Attached: 442ACE13-2F40-4520-9244-3E10C9784D12.png (200x202, 11K)

you're probably a bit chunky

>roman catholic
found the problem, catholic dog

I'll date u bby

Jesus are all the fembots Slavs

To answer your question, you posting on 4ch

170 cm and 58 kg think thats a norm

well well post discord nigger

hmmm... you probably aren't relaxing

define relaxing? in what way? im not loud and overly energetic and been told i have a soothing voice maybe i just meet massive extroverts who find me boring

whenever I want someone to be around me, it means they just have a nice presence, as in they don't get all antsy and are just okay with whatever happens next

discord might be the reason why you are making threads like this
which country are you from

this is my first thread i actually want to talk to people about this and get subjective opinions rather than doing this here hence why i asked for discord because it would seem more of a normal conversation
i am from poland user

There's your problem, mildly attractive women can't afford to be off putting

that sounds perfect actually i like when people are comfortable around each other in silence and dont feel pressured to keep the conversation going

well then you'll find this place antithetical to that mindset, which is why I usually skim the page and close the browser
if you want to feel inner peace, you wont find that through other people
significant others are overrated

I'm from poland too desu

Kind of twinky desu
I guess you're a libero?

i can't even tell if you're a girl or a guy

I'm not a protestard nor a catholic dog, peasant.

Attached: Patriarch_Kirill_of_Moscow.jpg (267x400, 105K)

no no i am not a libero user :)

Your personality is super duper shit. It's so shit that even the most thirsty men slavs don't want to do anything with you. It's widely known and tolerated, that girls have very poor personalities, but they have vagina and are pretty, so if thirsty fucks avoid you, you must be literaly Hitler. You know what? No. I think guys actually approach you, but you, average slavic roast, don't want average slav cuck, you want nothing less but rich beautiful prince.

Red flags:
>Attention whoring
>Extreme narcisism
>Going to r9k

Get. Off. My. Board.
Kill. Yourself.

Attached: 1531078988321.webm (960x600, 1.06M)

you are wrong here and i am sorry for upsetting you or whatever that angered response was. i do not want a prince my expectations are low in fact they are non existent and maybe that is the problem. all i want is genuine eyes, hazel eyes are my weakness and nice hair. personality wise id like someone who is not too loud and someone who values their family. i do realise going on r9k isnt very appealing so thank you for your words as well

You sound very nice. Too humble even. Dont you let other people walk all over you?

> not crazy
> not bad looking
> no bf

You're just a chosey whore going for Ultra Super Chad.
You don't belong on here.

please stop assuming that every girl wants that. i dont even want a chad. they scare me. my previous boyfriend was shorter than me and even twinkier than me and i found it perfectly fine

Given this info, the only reason I wouldn't want to date you is if you're either fat or otherwise repulsive (poor hygiene, very stupid or extremely ugly). In fact, if I saw that, for example, in a tinder bio, I'd swipe right.
That said... Where do I apply?

So am I. What city?

This thread reads retardedly. Learn to express yourself coherently with complete ideas.

I wouldn't date you because you are a larp and are not real.

We have these threads daily, give it a rest.

>future gf is not responding
it's over

Based orthodox.

Switch to the greek dogma while you are at it.

if your tits are big enough to justify volleyball

also i am hoping to end this thread so please anons dont reply to this anymore. thank you a lot for your time and opinions


Don't hang yourself and you'll find someone eventually. You know what they say, you can't fuck when dead.

podaj diskorda czy cos bo i tak za duzo juz szczekalam a swojego jak podam tu pierwsza to bedzie zle:L

Nie mam discorda, podaj steam

>roman catholic
you're a fucking disgrace

Attached: perun-s-shitom.jpg (1103x1500, 278K)

You being religious and older than me is prolly the main reason I wouldnt want to date you
I mean, its not a red flag or something, just kinda a con
Also I guess you are looking out for getting a good job and shit since you listed working and studying as spare time activities, and therefore me being a NEET currently we most likely wouldnt function together

Given this info I would assume you're a whore and therefore not be interested.

>not antisocial
I would assume you have a bf and a long list of past bfs if I saw you out and about.

what are genuine eyes? You don't like people with fake eyeballs? racist

only one bf that i was with for 2 years

why did you break up? oreganop

I would think you are unttainable and a super normie. I would assume I am not good enough. I would not even try.