It is said that the 4 fundamental masculine values are Strength, Bravery, Mastery, and Honor...

It is said that the 4 fundamental masculine values are Strength, Bravery, Mastery, and Honor. What are the fundamental feminine values?

Attached: 1533606591594.jpg (2039x1631, 984K)

Obedience is one.

Who said this? And what do they mean?

Mastery of what? Also, who says that?

This right here is the number one (1) feminine value.

Attached: demure.png (595x172, 9K)

Why should females be reserved, modest and shy?


My grandma had all of these, and she's the standard I judge all women by today.

What's is in the box, op?

For the most part men still carry their traditional relationship roles, but women have bailed on theirs. They expect the man to be a physical and emotional slave taking care of her every need but yet they can't even feed their families. But they sure know how to do their makeup and take selfies! It's sad really. Man is out busting his butt to make sure the home is happy and they can't even be bothered to make sure he has a proper meal when he gets home? A lot of women even have the audacity to wonder why men no longer want to get married. In a one sided situation like this, who would? They provide no benefit to a lifelong partnership other than opening their legs. This is cool if you're just dating, but once things get serious men need a homemaker. Women have become so good at being independent that they've forgotten these basic things
Many of them even get upset by the idea of it. At that point you are not wifey material. You are a bro that a man can also have sex with. A convenience item.

It won't take long until men are liberated from these obligations as well. friends with benefits is the future of mankind

Mastery of your work.

Trechery, Deceit, Fertility, Evil

Also how dare you demand thigs of women you white cis patriachical male scum?!?!?!??

grandmas are just the best, i wonder if most women in our grandmas' time were like that, or if it had a ton of sluts too
definitely not as much as now anyways

weakness, cowardice, incompetence and indignity

Someone has read the way of men huh ?
For those asking mastery means you can contribute to your group as being a medic in the army or being a great football player on a football team. mastery of the skills that help your group.

What about women who have jobs? Or are most women NEETs these days?

Cowardice, Cunningness, Avoidance and Neuroticism
>have three of these
end me niggers.

No, today's society is the result of societal and moral decay. Our grandparents mostly lived in a time where society and morality were healthy and alive, depending on the era.
To give a baseline, it started showing some early warning signs of illness around the 1950's, broke into fever and vomiting in the 60's and 70's, the fever stopped and the diarrhea began from the 80's into the 90's, and it died in the early 2000's. It's begun to rot since then, and it's going to continue rotting unless someone decides to save it by throwing some embalming fluid onto it so it rots slower.

Modesty, Kindness, Patience, Empathy

Modesty - dead
Kindness - only for refugees as a facade
Patiance - dead
Empathy - only used to manipulate and fuck over people.

Because that's how men like them

I recall reading this too and am pretty sure it was from The Way of Men by Jack Donovan

youre wrong user im sorry someone hurt u

Applying your logic, 90% of men these days lack at least two of the traits in the OP. These are ideals, not standards, and the modern age shattered almost any route of attaining them simply.

Just think of how many problems we wouldn't have if women still had these virtues.
Modest. You aren't her status symbol and she isn't a whore.
Kind. She won't fuck you over and generally takes away from your pained emotional state rather than adding to it.
Patient. Where to even start? She will wait for you if you are drafted into war, and won't fuck people behind your back. She will wait until it is her honeymoon to have sex for the first time. She listens to you. She knows there is a time and place for all things and won't rush anything. This one is arguably a fundamental cornerstone of femininity, although it's purpose would be muddled or even lost without the other three guiding it.
Empathetic. She understands that you also have struggles and definitely isn't going to divorce rape you like is common practice today.
I think I've found my ideal for a woman guys. It's a shame that it's gone.

Yup, just went through my PDF copy and that's where it was. Donovan refers to "Bravery" as "Courage," though.

there are still women who hold these ideals user. They're harder to find, please just keep looking =)

Says the (probably underage) retard that gets off to humiliation and is one phonecall away from being the next facialabuse starlet.

Actually sad.

like i said user, you're wrong and also porn is disgusting and evil.

You literally posted in another thread with your trip about liking being degraded, you fucking idiot.

Jesus christ.

Well, when all that's out in space is dead and irradiated worlds, all one can do is search for Eden or else die at the ship's helm. Unless one is willing to die on the surface of a barren rock for the chance to touch dirt, but that's a much longer and more painful way out.