Is breast envy a real thing? How do chestlets cope?

Is breast envy a real thing? How do chestlets cope?

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I think being average is the worst because you'll never be big enough for dudes who love milktrucks and you'll be too big for guys who like dfc

I get major breast envy. I'm borderline Instagram thicc but my boobs are holding me back.

I don't do anything to cope, nothing is going to fix this

Average is the best though.

yes except more about shape than size. chestlets a cute, and big titty a cute. average is cute. all is cute as long as the shape is good, if shape is bad youre fucked.

what's dfc.

Fuck off with your whore lingo, type in english.

You must be a major newfag
Dfc is chan lingo

Do women ever get jealous of men who have gynecomastia?

What does it actualy mean you fucking chucklefuck?

Can women ever stop complaining about literally non-problems, I'm sure you could easily find dozens of guys to orbit you for your average tiddies.

how bad can it be

lurk more newfag

My gf has 36JJ juggs and she can never keep female friends (unless they're friends since childhood). Women always get catty and pissy with her even though she's extremely kind. I think huge tits just make women jealous over time.

Cute Nipponese clothes fit my non existing boobs. No envy.

Isn't that going to hurt her back?

I don't want orbiters, i want a solid partner who loves me
I want him to be proud of me and we can love each other forever

I know it's not hopeless but i would like to balance out my figure with bigger tits
This thread is about breast envy, you shouldn't complain about me contributing to the subject

Myabe, but it's a non issue. A women can still be universally praised for being attractive with a flat chest (Keira Knightley, for example) while a dicklet male is borderline disabled. If someone leaked Henry Cavill dick pics tomorrow and it turned out he had a 4 incher his career would be ruined.

Yeah, they totally fucked her back, she spent years getting steroid injections into her spine and she ended up crippled anyway and had to get a discectomy 2 years ago so she could walk again.

The giant tits in my face each night make it all worth it though.

small boobs are MUCH better than big boobssmall boobs much better GG

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>I don't want orbiters, i want a solid partner who loves me
Are you pretending your average tits are in any way a hindrance for that?
If you want bigger tits you could just induce lactation.

>call me a newfag
>I have been posting on this imageboard since 2006
>I am 29 years old, while both these posters are most definitely teenagers
>chan lingo
>most likely discord tranny lingo

It's all so tiresome.

>I know it's not hopeless but i would like to balance out my figure with bigger tits
Not gonna happen sweetie. You could, theoretically, go the implants route but most (sane) guys think those are gross. So don't. Your tits are fine the way they are.
protip: the sexiest women are the ones who own their bodies and exude a strange, seductive sexual confidence. That's what's most alluring to men. Sexual and self confidence. Own who you are and anyone who doesn't like it can go fuck themselves.
Boom, you're instantly ten times more attractive.

Boomer feels.
I looked it up since they're talking about boobs, it must be catalogued on a site like urban dictionary.
It means "delicious flat chest" which is in no way "chan lingo". Yikes.

Then you would know how to figure this out you fucking summerfag.

I start developing breasts at 9 and now theyre pretty sizely but are saggy as hell and point to the ground. I have the opposite of breast envy. I dont even want em

You're full of shit if you say you've been browsing Jow Forums since 2006 and you have never encountered the term dfc.

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>"he-hey guys I'm n-not new. YOU ARE NEW!!!!"
pathetic, get back here once you are over 18.

I fucking hate newfags but here let me spoonfeed you.

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why would you help him he has google

The teenagers felt personally attacked and had to flex. Pretty unsightly.

I have been hanging on Jow Forums for years and I have never heard dfc before. which means... Fi fai fa foe, I smell the blood of a reddit hoe

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But as you can see he entirely lacks a brain.

>how bad can it be
one of the worst kind of boobs

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Is the girl on the right supposed to be a chestlet? ._.

Take your emoticons and fly your ass over to We don't take kindly to this kind of posting around here.

tfw me on the right but bigger
i could probably feed my future child by just laying him straight on my lap

No, having a cute face > all other body features.

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yes it is infact a real thing

look at the concentrated distress

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The problem with laughing at something like this is that it contributes to the overall lowering of societal standards, ripple effect and micro environments taken into account. I have trouble shaking off little things like that because I truly do want to work for a better society/universe. The way I see it is that if you don't leave the universe a better place than you found it after you die, then your life has been truly meaningless (and all of the pain that went along with it).

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Would plow both of them into oblivion tbqhwydesu

i've been on here since 2010 and never encountered this term

Dude, please don't tell me that you consider a polished turd a legacy? Anyhow, since there are no females on r9k everything in this thread is pure speculation.