how does r9k feel about body hair on girls?
>leg hair
>pit hair
>arm hair
>pussy hair
How does r9k feel about body hair on girls?
>leg hair
>pit hair
>arm hair
unless it's really really visible it's fine
>pussy hair
only around immediate vicinity of the hole is disgusting
>prefer no
>nice if not too much or too long
>prefer no
>nice if not too much or too long
Vaginas are fucking disgusting. Go ahead and call me a faggot, I rather be perceived as a faggot than go anywhere near that Arby's Reuben.
>>leg hair
Only if it's ultrafine and blonde
>>pit hair
Never ever
>>arm hair
As long as it's not thick and dark
>>pussy hair
Smooth>stubble>trim (unregulated bush need not apply)
I actually kind of like the feeling of pussy stubble on my face. I think it's almost as nice as smooth shaven. Almost.
Absolutely NO.
Dont care unless they are long as fuck or something like that.
my girl has pit hair and i don't mind. keeps pussy trimmed and ass clean shaved, but i don't think it would be a big deal either
I love it all. I can't get it up unless there's bush and hairy pits to huff.
Blonde body hair on a girl is god-tier
>>leg hair
>>pit hair
>>arm hair
>>pussy hair
disgusting all of it
also shows you are a person with shit personality
hot in 2d (except for leg hair) but garbage in 3d
>>leg hair
>>pit hair
>>arm hair
>>pussy hair
if you dont have a jungle bush you're a slut
>arm hair
>pit hair
>leg hair
>alright so long as it's not the fucking amazon rainforest.
I like pit hair desu
>leg hair
i don't
>pit hair
really care
>arm hair
i just want
>pussy hair
to get laid already
The only thing that bothers me is mustaches and pit hair. But most the girls I have been with had light leg hair, if it was manish it be gross.
>leg hair
>pit hair
Disguting but if they trim im ok with it
>arm hair
Dont care but its best if its thin
>pussy hair
Dont care
However I do feel kinda bad for the time girls waste on shaving
>leg hair
Ew fuck no
>Pit hair
Had better not be too much
>Arm hair
Okay unless it's like a man's arm hair
>Pussy hair
>Okay but it had better be trimmed and there had better not be any around the actual hole.
I like all of it desu, it's normal and natural and if a lady doesn't waste time shaving she has more time for her hobbies and stuff
The more hair the better
Only pussy hair is fine, and if she likes to have a bush she has to trim!
>body hair on girls?
Not OMG disgusting tierunless it gets in your teeth, but I much rather have her all shaved/waxed smooth.
>pussy stubble on my face
Normies need to GTFO
A well-mainted bush is hot. A knotted-up, wild jungle of cunt hair is nasty, though.
Any other body hair on women is degenerate.
>leg hair
No thanks
>pit hair
>arm hair
>pussy hair
>asshole hair
>happy trail
I am fembot who has really long and dark hair on my arms. I decided to try shaving it off but it grows back at the speed of light. I honestly cannot tell if the stubble is weird looking or not, either. I really hate having to shave them every few day, should I just let it grow back in?
It's this fucking thread again. How original. The janitors are too busy stroking their boyclits as usual.
Laser removal will stop that growth indefinitely. I would look into it.
PS. We can see the stubble and it is disgusting.
>leg hair
Don't mind
>pit hair
Tolerable for as long as it's not a forest down there
>arm hair
Don't mind
>pussy hair
Tolerable for as long as it's not a forest down there
i had a friend that had long black arm hairs she would just bleach emm
I agree this this post
>ok if they aren't too noticeable/too dark
>ok unless comically overgrown
>ok if they aren't too noticeable/too dark
>either thick within reason or clean-shaven, anything in between looks weird
Body hair is masculine. Like most men I'm attracted to femininity. I'm not gonna insist on a shaved pussy though.
This reeks of fembot pussy.
no wai
used to not care, now would prefer no but can deal with it as long as it's short
perfectly acceptable if it's fine and subtle
LOVE IT, especially big hairy 70s bushes
>all these virgins ITT saying that hair is 'disgusting'
You're all so immature. No wonder you're alone.
>leg hair
>pit hair
depends how hairy
>arm hair
must be very sublte
>pussy hair
hot with or without though if it's there to hide STDs, GTFO.
>leg hair
not really
>pit hair
>arm hair
definitely not
>pussy hair
Basically it all depends on a plethora of different factors. Like some hair types are better then others, like the pussy hair in the pic is pretty nice, but the kind red heads has usually isn't. Also to much isn't great.
And the kind of "character" you have has big importance as well. Like Olga from mgs2 is hot whit her hairy arm pits, but hippy chicks aren't
Your body, your choice. If I don't like your body hair, I'm free to leave.
>Normies need to GTFO
I broke up with a girl because she was Japanese and I wanted 100% White children. She was an amazing lay, incredibly kinky, and had an awesome body. Her babymaker was polluted with beta genes, though.
Who wants inbred white kids anyways?
if a woman has hair in more than 3 spots, she'll also have hair on the pussy
>how does r9k feel about body hair on girls?
It's irrelevant if she's attractive.
A hairy cunt is fucked much better than one which is smooth; it holds in the steam and wants cock.
god tier:
execution tier:
>leg hair
>pit hair
>arm hair
>pussy hair
Ass and pussy hair is great, the smell is fantastic.
Leg, arms, lip and foot hair is just wrong.
That amount is alright. If it's full on sasquatch the bitch needs to shave.
I don't know what switch has flipped in my brain lately but...
>leg hair
>pit hair
>arm hair
>pussy hair
Yes, but not around her asshole.
And of course the hair has to be clean and well kept and managed.
How is arm hair wrong? I have never met another girl who shaved/waxed her arm hair before. Is that even a thing??
>>leg hair
>>pit hair
>>arm hair
>>pussy hair
only used for hiding roasties, yuck
Any femanons with hairy pussies or armpits want to be my gf?
There are girls who have armhair as strong as a swarthy male. Hell, there are unlucky girls with upper lip hair, which is presumably as fun as a micropenis for a fem.
Most will laser the shit out it quickly.
as a femanon with upper lip hair, its so easy to wax/shave it
theres really no reason to have it visible unless youre a lazy piece of shit who doesnt give a fuck
Fk off they're all mine.
Hair is the best.
Liking prepubescent traits makes you a pedo.
>leg hair
Not a huge fan, but a bit is fine
>pit hair
>arm hair
A bit is fine
>pussy hair
>leg hair
Not an issue
>pit hair
Makes me throw up in my mouth
>arm hair
Nit an issue
>pussy hair
Not an issue unless it looks like a rainforest
leg hair gross
pit hair gross
arm hair is fine if its not dark and more than mine
pussy hair is fine
>leg hair
no thanks, though if the girl is cute enough I can stand it
>pit hair
absolute kill, hate it
>arm hair
im ok with it
>pussy hair
a girl without pussy hair is not a real woman
>leg hair
Light hair is fine, too much is weird.
>pit hair
Sexy af, as long as they don't wear sleeveless shirts in public.
>arm hair
Totally fine
>pussy hair
To be fair, I'm pretty hairy so it seems hypocritical to make a big fuss over women's body hair.
You're telling me you don't want to shove your face in Op? Try not fapping so much and come back to reality, faggot.