This entire board is demonstrably ultra-ridiculous. Why are you wasting your lives with this nonsense...

This entire board is demonstrably ultra-ridiculous. Why are you wasting your lives with this nonsense, instead of enjoying yourself 24/7?

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Because fuck you. Eat shit and die.

This bait is just subtle enough to catch someone, great job user.

I don't enjoy many things. I get anxious about every little thing and I am stuck in a self-loathing cycle. I am not like some people here who blame all the things wrong in life in society or some magic. I know that the things I am dealing with are mostly my fault or things no one had that much control over. I understand that life is mostly misery for most people out there. Bad emotions have a much bigger impact and are longer lasting than those good ones.
Only teenagers think enjoying yourself 24/7 is a good life. What if your mother dies? All the time that you have spent enjoying yourself is gone. You don't even think about how it used to be.

How am I supposed to enjoy myself?

I don't enjoy anything.
This board isn't enjoyable either, but it's easy to use, and if I'm going to do things I don't enjoy then they should be easy things.

It's not ridiculous. It's tragic. It's poison.

>>>lol OK oreoginal

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I get home from work and my brain nopes the fuck out of anything that requires effort. I go for low effort instant gratification activities which aren't addictive. That's why I'm occasionally stuck talking to you retards.

Because fuck real people

Happiness is a privilege not everyone has the luxury of enjoying, OP.

First proper visit in months and i can relate to all these sentiments. Was i a robot all along?

Becoz we tryna finna out da troof
Or some shit like that

>anything i don't like is bait

See that's where you're wrong. Happiness is a state of being. If you're not happy it's because what you have doesn't meet your expectations. Sometimes your expectations are reasonable and you have a legitimate reason not to be happy, and sometimes it's not. The trick is in finding out wether you're being reasonable or not, because the danger of setting unreasonable expectations is that you will TURN yourself miserable and prevent yourself from enjoying what you do have.

>>Happiness is a state of being.
Stopped reading right there.

I'm pretty sure you have a misguided idea of what happiness is.

this. What do you say to this normie ?

>user just get a hobby !1!!

>Stopped reading right there.
Found the brainlet

These people are here because they can't find means to enjoy themselves at all, supposedly.

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are you implying im not enjoying myself here?

You can basically make the same argument about race or economic status; something not everyone is lucky enough to choose.

>Happiness is a state of being
so is having money

can't wait for this superfunny ironic meme to die off
>hurr look at me I'm complaining about a board where people complain

who are you trying to kid man
life is suffering and not worth putting up with

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