Tfw dating is so god damn boring

>tfw dating is so god damn boring
I just went through my second date and all I was thinking about was just cumming on her face. How can people do this and hold the urge to just shout, "Can we just fuck already?". If I asked them to fuck on tinder they may be "creeped out", but it's a fucking hook-up so I have to waste my time being a clown entertaining them. All of this just to cum inside a wet hole. Kill me.

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Have you tried using chloroform to make things go faster?

I think you just have to enjoy the game for what it is. If it's really that boring take a break from it.

Get a hooker. No need to bother with dating.

Don't want to get caught and risk jail time.
I haven't gotten laid in 7 years, I just want break this dry spell.
It may be a last resort at this point. I was trying to save my currency. (No I never paid for her share of food.)

Is this OP?

Holy fucking shit.
I haven't gotten laid in 7 years, I just want break this dry spell.

Hahahahaha, no wonder.

Delet this now!

>haven't gotten laid in 7 years

maybe you're just a uhh shitty human being that no one wants to touch?

try being a good person maybe idk

just a thought

>maybe you're just a uhh shitty human being that no one wants to touch?
>try being a good person maybe idk

>just a thought

That is the most Normie response ever. Get the fuck off this borad you don't belong here

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Incel detected


Spotted the manwhore

>he unironically believes in the concept of untouchables

wrong millenia, buddy (or so one would think)

I know what you mean OP. Dating sucks. This is why I prefer having a steady relationship.

we need to save her bros

You know some people here just have a hard time connecting to other people, doesn't mean they're bad people. People already said it but yea you really don't belong here.

Can someone explain why her tounge is so fucked up

SUCCD to much DICC

dating isn't just about sex you fucking perverted bafoon

>the Absolute State of this board

This is basically reddit. It's even worse lately

Tongue is fine. She needs to brush it, but a bit hard with the piercing.

>wasting time going through all these loopholes before the roastie hits the wall
Do you seriously just stick with one girl and want to grow old? Get outta here, you boomer. Fucking young pussy (16-21) is a great way to release stress. They aren't brainwashed feminists yet, don't suffer from the typical "how much currency do you make to support me" syndrom, tight ass and tight body in the prime of their life, and a lot of them have daddy issues so even if you are 40 or 50 you can still fuck them.

I know how you feel OP. I managed to take a girl home and ruined it.

i tell people all the time that once they get over the euphoria of talking to women, they'll end up in OP's boat.
you just can't know until you experience it.

It's because you only want to fuck her, you don't want to be her boyfriend / eventual husband.

That's the real problem OP, once she figures it out you'll probably get dropped. If a girl wants a fuckbuddy she can go find a chad on tinder, that clearly isn't gonna be you.

I had this same problem, and then i basically lost the ability to meet girls and haven't met any in years. Fml

This is why I don't go after sex. I don't understand why men go through all of this shit.