So who are you gonna main user?
So who are you gonna main user?

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Ima play cloud nigga

I was a cloud main in sm4sh but i hate playing high tier characters so i'd feel bad maining him in ultimate again.

Daisyfag here, hoping for a slightly faster Peach moveset.

Daisy for days, see?

Probably villager desu, hoping for a more interesting aerial moveset. Otherwise Luigi or Young Link

there is only one person to main buster

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Falco as always.

Best lady obviously
Other M suit, fucking why? This is much better

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Maining is autistic

But probably Little Mac or Corrin

Maybe Marth because I really like him and try to be like him but maybe Lucina so I don't feel so gay for liking Marth.
Also dreaming that pic related somehow gets in.

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Yeah I know that orig feel...

>for glory sonic player

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I don't play faggot ass kids games

Since the new reveal, definitely Richter, but Ike still has a place in my heart.

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no one because im poor

Did anyone ask Sakurai yet why Samus's boobs are smaller?

The king croc that will "rool" them all

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>The only right answer
>Ora ora oraginally

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this cute christian boy as of today

Ike, snake and pkmn trainer as secondaries

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Villager, Simon, or Young Link

cringed and redditpilled

Yoshi, his recovery got buffed and hes cute. Enough said

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Yoshi isn't in smash anymore.
He got taken out for committing tax fraud dummy.

Waluigi of course...

Oh wait

Gonna main daisy

Still mad that the Final Fantasy rep is Cloud even though he basically represents Square's betrayal and never appeared on a Nintendo system until Smash. Also no Snake.

Peach and The Croc King himself.

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Sheik, just as I have since Melee.

maybe mewtwo

Ness/Lucas or Villager because interesting movesets.

also, if Isabelle is confirmed as an echo fighter for Villager, then Isabelle.

The best character of course

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yeah i feel the same way but he is the most iconic ff character, followed by tidus and leon probably.

Smash is the ultimate robot game, captain falcon

Anyone who says anything other than Marth (Roy's almost acceptable) is a complete casual

Obviously the best character from the best smash game.

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Ganondad, Buttlet, NEVER FEAR SIMON BELMONT IS HERE, Grillager, The Penguin... Father-in-law looks interesting, so maybe

i don't care about this normie party game shit

Too bad my husubando wasn't in Melee