
My birthday is coming up. This will be the 4th one alone I'm still not used to it.
Life is mediocre.

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good birthday user, i would give you a hug and a birthday cake if i could

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No one to answer to
No one to commit to
No reason to work hard and kill yourself in the hopes of achieving some goal
And at the same time, less happiness than all the people who have those things

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Thanks. It's on Friday. Last year I baked myself a cake with candles but it just made me feel worse.
I have zero responsibility. It doesn't make life easier. The only time I'm content is when I play a video game but so few grab my interest.
I'm starting to think humans only live for each other.

Happy early birthday user. I hope things get better for you this year

Perfect time to kys

Be a Hero!

I've thought about it I even own a gun. I always hope for something better to happen but I never do anything to change it.
I don't even know what to change. I think I'll most likely end up rotting away in an apartment with people giving my things to charity

I just had mine 7 days ago and it was the 8th I spent alone and you do not see me making a thread about it like some crybaby attention whore. Who the fuck cares about birthdays?

Being alone is better than being with people you dislike. It could be worse.
Also this. Stop trying celebrate things. Just make it another day.

Happy early birthday user. Get yourself some good beer/water/tea and go sit in the grass while you drink it and listen your favorites song

Ya gotta try to get out as much as possible and try to stay optimistic.

want to be friends OP? drop a discord

Life has more meaning to it. You are worth it. You aren't alone here my birthday is August 14th and so far just my parents and some books that my parents are getting me. You sound pretty cool happy birthday user.

Happy almost birthday user. Hope this year is a better one for you. Hoping the same for myself.

>Sitting on bug infested dirt with a flavoured drink.
>J-just be yourself and happy.
>Discord degenerates.

It's a single day stop being fags.

Poor incel.

I probs make double what you and op make.

double what?

Money. I'm not a poor incel. Retard.

Rich incel.

Hey bud, I was there not too long ago. Spent 4 birthdays without anyone except for family wishing me a happy birthday. Total shut in and alcoholic and gained 80 pounds. I started going to this wine shop that had free tastings on Fridays and would just say something like
>which was your favorite
to anyone around me. Started learning how to be conversational again and noticing other lonely people doing the same thing so it felt like a total win for everybody once you started seeing them week after week

Then one time this girl came in who I thought was super attractive and I got up the courage to say something. She clearly was not into me, but seeing her again and checking up on what she had told me the previous week we eventually became friends and I got some confidence back and worked out, slimmed down, and eventually we fucked a few times. Did not last for a few reasons, but it was an insane boost to my confidence.

Just trying to say, you can get out of this funk. It just takes some really uncomfortable effort at first, just like getting in shape.

Happy birthday, hope you get some happier ones in the future

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Better than you.
Try giving real advice instead of muh socializing.
Fags like you always give the most cardboard advice. Nigga needs to stop trying to celebrate his fucking birth how vain can you be.

Probably, i dont have much money and i dont want that much to be honest.

Money would solve all of my problems but I'd find more.
Thanks. I'm pretty poor I don't drink often and going out is spooky. My dream life isn't being with others it's being the last human on earth.
Hoping isn't enough. We need to work on things but it's troublesome.
Thanks. I don't talk to my parents.
I don't really talk to people only on this website. I appreciate the offer.
Being optimistic is the only reason I keep going. Doing anything to change life seems impossible. It's always one step forward 2 back.
Thanks. I don't plan on doing anything special. Maybe buying a game if I can.
Being completely alone would be better but that can't happen.
I always wanted a traditional birthday party. With a cake and friends. I'm bitter I never have it. I shouldn't care by now.

Ikr, birthdays are so overrated

>Celebrating your own birth.
Vain desu no one is worth that.