Vocaroo wednesdays


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what do you even do for fun

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Slap your fucking boiclit on ya keyboard and scream at the top of your lungs you faggot, did the Dutch trap spunk in you yet?

Ya I reply to you to slap your little girl dick on the desk

The Dutch trap said she would have sex with you OP

the faggot pajeet

Pajeet's have little dicks user

Little pajeet dicks 3 to 4 inches erect


How usually OP will moan for us while he is playing with his little brown boiclit

Anyone know if OP is a trap or not? He kinda sounds like a she

Slap that dick
Slap that dick
Slap that dick!

You sound like a drunk shemale need to work on that voice and more estrogen

Spread that bussy and wink your ballon knot for us you fag

You should milk the cum out of my hard cock you better fucking swallow too

why is this board like this

Would like me to stuff my dick in your bussy and shoot my hot load in you?

Real talk though you said your dick was 5 inches erect thats pretty small..

Influx over the years of traps and homosexuals that like being lewd

i like how everyone talks about this stuff and then hates on the tranny that usually posts here

I don't hate the 2 traps that post here I usually jerk my meat to them

Well if OP is a tranny they shit on him for being rude

Can you plox moan "Daddy fuck your little girls tight boipussy" we can at least start this thread off right

sounded like the dutch one wasnt going to come back last time

Let me see your dick I know you are a trap

What happened last time? OP and her hook up or fight?


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Thump your dick on the desk and moan like a girl

im not

a lot of people kept calling her a deranged freak

This OP show us that boiclit

Wonder if she suicided but to be a trap you have to have tough skin

Say "dad hey DAD stick your cock in my bussy already"

nah ive talked with her before, she seems pretty stable

OP would you stick your penis in my boipucci?

Ive seen her lewds in a previous thread she was talking about taking dick and sucking cock

same here, i didnt save them, but the tits were pretty cute

Make a gif of you wiggling your little girly penis

You ever fap to them I want to fuck her ass but live to far away

Say "I'm such a gay sounding shemale I need to be fucked by BBC"

i did, i wouldnt mind that either, from what ive seen her post shes passable enough to take out too

say "i love you user"

im goin back to bed

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Wakey wakey here is your benis OP

Show us your fucking BOIclit OP tired of you being such a cock tease

hurry up OP i'm gonna CUM soon

Did you get hard reading the comments?

Say "I want to fuck a traps bussy"

8 dif posters my dude and 6 are gay

Slam your penis on the desk and moan like RuPaul

Haha you faggot saying I love you to a male, now post your cock

Would anyone here TOP OP?

Ya I would top him after he blacks out from pill popping you know fuck his girly lifeless body

Show us that bussy maybe the trap will goo your bum

i bet hes an ugly methaddict lookalike skeleton

Ofc he is weak and feminine super beta its not like he could fight back

He prob is just wear a condom and go to town on him super aggressive like, slap him around spit on him use him as a toilet after maybe make him eat the condom

that sounds kinda gay, but i think hed like the attention

Na he is pale white skelly ugly pimples small penis hairy ass

It is pretty gay but its more of a dominance thing then anything and yes he would love the attention he makes threads all the time

doesnt get much more alpha than putting a little bitch boy in their place

OP is gay though I mean he sounds like a transexual.

nah he sounds like that kid from breaking bad that has downs syndrome

Exactly user this needs to happen

Do you have down syndrome you limp dicked fuck

My my, such a pleasant crowd we have here tonight.

Eh this is pretty normal just more hostile

Fucking pajeet little shit

Eh hed still ride a dick like a fag though

so hes just in denial? it would explain why hes so hostile, both to normal posters and the cute trap

100% in denial thats why he is a drug addict to cope with this

poor op, i told him to give in...

Wake up you fucking cuck

Post penis now you shemale sack of poo

Go back to dreaming about hard girl cocks and swallowing cum

Yo Dutch Trap moan so I can jerk off to you

you guys have more issues than me

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Not him but thats pretty hot and lewd

Maybe but at least I'm straight counts for something

link doesnt work

thanks user, im glad you like it


Apologies. Ctrl+V acts like a cunt sometimes.

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it looks like it still is

Oh ffs forget it my link just magically changes for no good reason.

Are you two dating? Seems cute!

lol your link has "soi" in it so it's converting it to "based"

Lol thats weird and funny makes me tingle

Any lewds with a dildo yet?

That kinda sounds like a women? Wtf? Am I dreaming?

I actually feel enlightened by that user. Thank you.

you're a Subhuman, KYS

It is user hot right? I've fapped a few times to her

literally 9X% of those gay posts are 1 guy

well, ive been watching the thread for a while, dont/didnt really post since some people get super butthurt

nope, far from, he has a strong dislike of me

nope, maybe one day

if you are, what are you dreaming?

Moan, then say I love you, then moan some more.


Prob at least 3 anons is my guess

Did you get feelings hurt a few days ago when they were trashing you I got in the thread late and read before it died

Tbh I was dreaming that I was going up on a moving stairway and suddenly a women started hugging me from behind and it felt like the most intense feeling in the world

Does OP dislike you or movers quarrels maybe?