Feminized men are ruining society, it's your duty to man up and take charge


Feminized men are ruining society, it's your duty to man up and take charge.

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Stop shilling for (((prayer university))) and fuck off back to Jow Forums


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nah fuck it, someone else can deal with it. not my job

>defeat tyranny
>US flag


She forgot that women need to be more feminine as well
This is a war against BOTH masculinity and femininity

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such a bullshit video, too bad youtube will eat that up like cake

>such a bullshit video

Please, do enlighten us why

Let the Chads deal with that, after all they live happy problem-free lives so they can deal with the burden of having to provide for others

it's females that almost always want a divorce and break the family structure
it's females who educate men through most of school
it's females that are the majority of the population in many countries and therefore they have more voting power
but those damned men need to man up and take responsibility

its all opinions, that shit is a disgrace for a channel calling themselves university.

also there is no such thing as toxic masculinity. its a made up term, we dont even have that term in europe.

why can't women just not be feminine instead? Why are we still holding on to this bullshit?
Just have completely equal distribution of it, not because it's "forced" but because it's not real so when we as a society finally drop this shit it will happen anyway.

You need to man up and raise the 4 babies the Chads left for me!

I'd say it's projecting conservatives that are ruining society.

A woman gave birth to you so all women have to be treated like princesses for merely existing, show some respect

>most free and equal society to ever exist
sorry that you dont get to live here, there isnt enough america for the whole world. no reason to be bitter

For that dough-faced rat? No thanks. If there was the opposite of a Helen Of Troy, a "Face That Convinced A Thousand Ships To Lay In Anchor" it would be her

Men softening is just an inevitable side effect of a safer more comfortable society. Masculinity is forged through conflict and war, without that men get soft if they don't intentionally seek challenges or aren't raised in a harsh environment like a ghetto.

This is what some people believe man, it's terrible.

>watching literal israeli supporters

No, thanks.

Are you joking or are you actually this retarded

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>it's another incels thinking they know better thread
Yeah, you bunch of societal rejects sure know better. Please,oh unmentioned Gods cast down from Olympus itself,enlighten me with your wisdom on how the world works. And yes,I know i am a whiteknight and a faggot so you don't have to tell me twice but I am sure you will anyways.

Masculinity is trash, the traditional male gender role trash, saying men should be masculine is trash.

Unironically this.

"Muh redpill" is a desperate cope for nihilism

If you werent genetic rejects then you wouldn't be saying that. Only losers complain.

>Yes, be manly, dear prole
>and by "manly" I mean support conservatism and politics that protect my interests in favour of yours
>never actually man up and stand up for your own interests
>the left are actually all about importing immigrants, don't you know
I'm getting more and more tired of this bullshit that right-wing propaganda channels do as a cheap way to try to get supporters.

Sorry for political post, but the video is from a propaganda channel which constantly shills for conservatism and fundamentalist christianity, so it deserves a political response.

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T.athiest foreigner

Yup. Just not an immigrant, so foreigner is relative.

Projection: the post

Also, judging by the fact your posting on here I seriously doubt your a 6'4 alpha sex god

I am 6'1 and in med school so I might as well be.

>I dont have an actual argument so I'm just gonna claim muh sour grapes

Even if he was how does that disprove what he said?

No wonder im such a pussy.
What has school done to me?
I used to want what i want and try to get it with all my will.
Now, i compromise with everything and everyone.

School is fucked beyond belief oh my god.

I'm not a virgin and my genetics are better than yours. Masculinity is trash, the male gender role is trash, you're trash.

If manning up was worth it hell yea I would.

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look at what the modern education system has done to this poor user.
Further proof we need to straighten the fuck up and fix the masculinity problem.

Oh you're a medfag, no wonder you're an idiot.
You should have studied math like an actual intelligent person.

Didn't watch. Let me guess:

>feminism is bad and it's your fault, men

Because masculine men do masculine things and when they do those things the world thanks them for it. Only people who don't thank them are the losers. And what would you know anyways? You aren't a man. You are a boy at the most. Boys have no domain over what constitutes what a man is.

more about that taking men's masculinity is bad, and she gives valid reasons why.

What exactly are these "masculine things"?

Nothing. Dude he's a medfag, notorious for just memorizing books and thinking it makes him smart. The laughing stock of the STEM world. Luckily our AI systems are becoming better at diagnosing than doctors and they'll be automated soon.

>Because I said so XP
Ok bye
>Ad hominem attack
Argument status: discarded

sucking penis

>Makes fallacious arguments
>Complains that other people use the same fallacies he does
user, how do you exist without hating yourself?

Made it through the first ten seconds, but found she was just another roaste blaming everything on men Women would go to war over the slightest shit and not give a fuck, so long as they were RIGHT. God I hate women.

I don't make a one though. You are only saying that because the truth I have said is not comprehendible in your mind. You just can't comprehend being wrong. Just like a woman.

Not even an incel, but the problem is women, and I don't think 'they' want to admit it.
At the end of the video, she brings up the point that 'women want strong men'. But what about what men want too? 'We' want 'proper' women too; women who are true to themselves, who want to raise a family, uphold strong morals, and overall be a good, loving partner.
This is NOT the case, at least from my experience. Social media has ruined any form of meaningful and intimate relationships, IMO. Women want x, y, and z, and for what in return, sex? Dressing like a thot? Sending nudes to other males to make you jealous?
Seriously, what the fuck, some women have been mentally damaged.

Meme arguments deserve meme responses

Just admit you have autism and leave, you aren't fooling anyone

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>makes a literal ad hominem right after complaining about ad hominems
Again, how do you not hate yourself?

>Women want x, y, and z, and for what in return, sex? Dressing like a thot? Sending nudes to other males to make you jealous?
>Seriously, what the fuck, some women have been mentally damaged.

this is what i keep thinking. it keeps coming back down to "what do i have to offer?" both people need to ask themselves that and all to often, the woman is not asking that.
she's asking, "what does this guy bring?".

the first thing i do when i meet prospective GFs is figure out if they're selfish. selfishness is the number 1 red flag trait for women.
if she doesn't really give a shit about me what the fuck is the point?
shit test women, see if they will share and be selfless, if not, they're no good.


I look for honesty, openness, and humour though.

very easy to tell people to be "real men" when you're a woman.
gender roles fucking suck. who cares if they're "natural biology"? so is living in caves and eating raw meat. its still retarded.
you're not entitled to me being masculine or feminine. i'm me.

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I think that if it were natural biology, then no man would have problems "being a man". At least, this is the case with everything else in biology.

I'll start being a real man when the women go back in the kitchen and start being real women.

She's getting paid to make this video, she doesn't actually believe in the message.

but masculinity honestly kinda sucks

>is pro freedom
>is against people not fitting into a very specific personality type

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Let's be honest most conservatives only use the pro freedom argument because it is currently convenient for them since they are the underdogs. The left did the same thing with it before which is why so many people pretend the left is pro freedom when they clearly aren't.

Free market of ideas, bitch. If masculinity is better then more people will adopt it.

What would you expect from a boomer conservative think tank?

They aren't natural biology they are socially constructed roles.

>conservatives are underdogs
What about the republican party?

>pretend the left is pro freedom when they clearly aren't
What are anarcho-communists, democratic socialists, council communists, libertarian socialists, and social-democrats?

>man up
I bet that you are one of those cunts that have no tits and blue pixie haircut

Yeah, that was the conclusion of my argument.

>gender roles fucking suck
pretty much
gender roles are unfortunately something that exists and unfortunately something that causes major issues in modern society.

The solution is neither praying away all the bad things about the system, nor is it demeaning people for the roles they are forced into by society, but to abolish any notion of gender or biological sex through technology.

I was agreeing. Traditionalists are the worst imo

>What are anarcho-communists, democratic socialists, council communists, libertarian socialists, and social-democrats?

I haven't been on Jow Forums for 1 or 2 years. Last time I was here, most dudes were totally into traditional masculinity.
I am glad to see this place has become less dumb.

Not really, and the statements are still refuted.

Jow Forums is a mommygf board now

This, the "le red pill" meme needs to die

i'd rather fap to anime traps and play video games all day 2bqhwy

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Some men can be feminine if they want. Get over it

>Jow Forums is a mommygf board now
I could not be happier about this turn of events.

>muh traditional gender roles
>30 or so year old unmarried, childless woman who probably has had a bunch of casual sex and gets drunk every night
Every time

Women made it not viable to be "masculine." For what purpose would I want to, for example, get Jow Forums for? So I could fuck stupid roasties?

It is a two way street, women need to be attractive as potential longterm partners for me to feel the motivation to actually workout, etc.

I have never met a woman that I would deem as wife material, even ones that have had attraction to me.

I understand Jow Forums being skeptical, but I think this video is really interesting because it's a subtle but unmistakable call for a return to patriarchy. It seems to me that you can't tell men to take risks, be ambitious and "take charge," especially with a female voice and face, without also strongly suggesting that the potential reward is all the privileges of being in charge. A woman can't say "take charge" without implying "take charge of me." Of course it doesn't openly advocate patriarchy, the window is too far away from traditional gender roles for that, but it pushes at that edge of the window as hard as possible. The video even makes a point of distinguishing "good" guys and "bad" guys in terms of what that inherent masculinity leads to, which I've always seen as the central justification for patriarchal systems; a patriarchy exists not to hate women or subjugate them, although it might do so in the process, it exists to protect them from some credible or imagined threat. A woman in a Muslim theocracy isn't just told not to leave the house on her own, she's told not to leave the house on her own to ensure that she doesn't get assaulted, raped, kidnapped or killed, or all of the above. She can leave her house with her man only, because the only thing that protects a woman from a bad man is a good man. I would liken it to a protection racket if only we couldn't be so certain that the threat of the bad man was, not so long ago, very real.

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They don't want a society where they're forced to marry betas like in the Islamic State. That is why women complain about patriarchy. They make these videos because they complain that Chad won't marry them, despite being below his league and giving up their bodies for free. If there were only good looking males, women would indeed support patriarchy

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>lauren southern
>anner coulter
>brittany pettibone
>lauren rose

All childless. What do these 'trad' women actually know about traditional families if they don't have one?

Conservatism is now basically, "I'm not like the other girls": the ideology

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Republicans are basically just Democrats that dislike niggers and muslims.

This. The amount of attention-seeking thots that showed up with the whole Trump thing is amazing.
They will infiltrate anything, and orbiters will enable them.

Also this. Economically, their politics are the same.

This. Women don't actually care about abstract ideas, they care about what's popular. They're followers by nature, literally herd animals with no original thoughts. If their friends are doing it, they'll do it too and if it grants them a special status, all the better.

You will find that this is not always the case, user-kun. You will find many examples of legitimately political women.

Perhaps not legitimately political conservative women, given that there is a monetary incentive to becoming a conservative and getting paid to bring in orbiters, and that conservatism is generally unpleasant towards women.

I also wondered the same, its always about men changing up, based on what these people talk about.
Why wont they consider the problem lies in women aswell? Most robots in here and incels and MGTOW boys are created because they dont feel its worth the job to find a decent woman.

Why the fuck should I be working, competing, self improving or risking my life so hard just to land on a woman that is/was promiscuous, sluts around, and treats you just like another dick that wants to fuck her? Not even to talk about the higher chances of cheating.
I am more than financially stable and able to take care of myself, why should i put all that work to probably end up in a even worse position?

Im not trying to say that women are the source of all that is "wrong with men", but i also think the status quo of the mordern day woman also disencourages some men from trying.

Anyone else with a diferent view point that would like to share?

Dude no one here is trying to force things down, people are just throwing their opinions and points of view.
Also, men who are social rejects should probably know more about this, since they were the one "left out" and are the target in OPs video.
Who can know more about discrimination/slavery and racism? A black man that was captured as a slave, or a rich ass white collar man that never went through that?

When I was a teenager I thought men were supposed to improve themselves for women, so I kept blaming my rejections on personal failings, and my self-esteem was very bad.
It was only when I turned 20 that I realised that, although I did have problems socializing with women (mainly becoming a bit too clingy due to OCD), the fundamental reason why I had been rejected was simply because I was not compatible with those women. If I had actually formed a relationship with them, both of us would have been miserable.

Since then, I have realised that men are not even supposed to try. If a woman is not attracted to you for who you are, and just likes you for the things you do and own, then it is not worth it.
If I never find a woman who likes me like that, so be it. All the self-improvement I have actually managed to achieve was done through introspection, maturity, and understanding of my mental illness. Through this, my hatred of women disappeared. Although, I still get a big nervous when talking to them, and start getting what I call "orbiting impulses".

Fuck off conservaboomers this is a based and redpilled anarcho-egoist website.
t. mispelled sage twice in options field

this channel was garbage when it firsted started 2 years ago and its still garbage today.

I agree with you.
I also mostly blamed myself for not being able to get a partner, and i still do. But what i realised is that i was blaming myself for reasons i couldnt change, like being short (5'3ft), face of a 16 year old, no beard.

I simply realised that i was in a better, happier and overall healthier position than most couples that i see, that are all the time at each others throats and cheat on each other.
Guess that was when i came into terms about being single. Its simply better than ending up with a whore.

Why do we live in such a culture of fucking shame? No matter which side you take, you're always seen as inadequate. Wanna know where all da reel men are? You fucking killed them.

Oooh right riiiight we're a bunch of sensitive pussies because we were raised by pansies sure suuure. Of couuuurse you're saying we gotta change as if undoing an entire education of bullshit can be done for the next day.

You want men to be real men? Fucking encourage them. Stop shaming them for literally EVERYTHING! It's not right that men approach women, but at the same time it's not right that they don't? Make up your fucking mind.

>the left wants you to be one kind of man
>the right wants you to be one kind of man
>if you do what you want you become a notable person beacause people repect you
>political fags will now try to recruit you to their cult and will begin insulting everyone if you don't

>Why do we live in such a culture of fucking shame? No matter which side you take, you're always seen as inadequate

The world as always been like this, its a constant struggle of ideas, specially sensitive ones like this.

Aside from that i guess i've got to agree with everything you've said

Stirner just wants you to be yourself.

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prager thinks the nazi party is a ssocialist party.
>>pretending like the nationalist socialist partty didnt use the word socialist too draw in the socialists and marxists to the party before assuming control
as if they dont know about the night of the long knives
Low IQ white people deserve the gas

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Not really, just do shit you want. Society isn't ruined, you are just sameposting intense faggotry by snowflakes.

>taking prager seriously in any regard

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>For what purpose would I want to, for example, get Jow Forums for?
to fight