Why do transgendered people even care what gender they are...

Why do transgendered people even care what gender they are? If I magically turned into a woman tomorrow I wouldn't even live my life very differently

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How do you even identify as a gender when genders aren't real?

god that eyeliner is so shit. nice boxxy skinwalker.

Well yeah they're crazy. Nothing they say makes any fucking sense

Dat bitch be bald son.

Shoe is so pretty that it hurts. I saw that she recently married to a fucking Chad. Fuck.

Some people would be visibly upset if they got magically turned into the other gender. That negative emotion they would feel about it is basically why trannies wanna transition, they feel its wrong.

I know that feel :(

Thispicture feels like a gutpunch every time I see it

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But why would it upset you so much? Just enjoy what life has to offer. Why would your genitals impede you from doing that?

You're not taking into account gender dysphoria. And it is normal since I don't think it's something you can just imagine. Take it as something similar to phantom limbs.
Just not aligning with the gender roles of your sex doesn't make you trans. That's just SJW idiocy. Gender dysphoria is the key element of the matter.
t. transbot

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Yea, OP, if I woke up as a girl, I would still play video games. Maybe in just a pushup bra and purple panties, no need for saggy tits pushing the wrong button when I'm gaming.

>I wouldn't even live my life very differently
Literally how? I'd just buy a gallon of lube, a hitachi wand and not leave my flat for a week, then repeat that every night, how can you waste this shit like this?

>ArmouredSkeptic is a Chad
Buddy, how warped is your understanding of life

No, I'd press my boobs up into everything and everyone. I'd open up the freezer and push my new boobs into the cold ice cream. Or maybe I'd press them into a stranger and yell, "BOOBY TRAP" and run away giggling. Or even better, paint my boobs to look like watermelons and lay in watermelons of the grocery store topless, then everyone would be fondling my beautiful boobs as I giggle at my prank. I would be the biggest womanchild ever.

That's what makes me think trannies are the same category of mentally ill as those people that feel the need cut off their limbs or make themselves deaf/blind on purpose.

Exactly. Me is my brain and how I think. I genuinely would trade places with a female as long as I still had the same thoughts. There is nothing to lose there.

until the hormones flood your brain you mean?

All that would change if I was a woman would be the way I masturbate. Thats it

>And it is normal since I don't think it's something you can just imagine
Yeah don't even attempt. Just assume I can't imagine it and avoid having your bullshit challenged.

That goes without saying, user.

>Me is my brain and how I think
This. I would be perfectly content as either gender because my body is a tool

As I said, it's something similar to phantom limbs. Your brain expects your body to be a certain way but it finds its concept challenged. In this case this comes through as genital dysphoria.
On the other hand, as you grow up you develop a series of behavioral traits created by imitation, but by the imitation of people of the opposite sex, which creates conflicts with gender roles, too.

If money's just a social construct, why do people care so much about it?

But then why do transgendered people who get surgery have phantom limbs of the organs that got removed? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_limb#Signs_and_symptoms

Shouldn't the exact opposite happen? And you can still act like a woman if you're a man. People would just think you're a submissive gay man

They're mentally ill retards, down syndromes andautistics who had neglectful or retarded parents and want to feel special. That's all there is to it, nothing else.

Incorrect diagnosis, I'd say. Since transgenderism today can't be empirically proven and the diagnosis is made entirely based on the patient's statements some people transition when they shouldn't. That's why restricting the access to transition is so important.

>And you can still act like a woman if you're a man. People would just think you're a submissive gay man
These behaviors take place during early ages. Behaving like a woman will result in rejection and humiliation. Not to say that feminine behaviors in certain areas such as aesthetics are look down upon at any age.

>current year
>being this envious

>Since transgenderism today can't be empirically proven and the diagnosis is made entirely based on the patient's statements some people transition when they shouldn't. That's why restricting the access to transition is so important.

That's pretty reasonable actually. I'm willing to accept that 1/1,000 to 1/10,000 of people really are transgender. But a lot of trans people have some weird gender fascination. Especially since autism, childhood abuse and some other issues are strongly linked with transgenderism. It would also explain why it's happening so much now and so little in the past. It's an obnoxious fad at the moment and it needs to die.

>envious of an overweight TotalBiscuit lookalike whose claim to fame was being a loser on the internet

Yeah, it got totally out of control in the recent years, which is a huge problem since transition is a really heavy process.
There's a really interesting case, the David Reimer case, that you should check out:
Basically, it was a guy that after getting his penis irreversibly damaged after a failed circumcision was forced to transition as a child unknowingly, causing him to have gender dysphoria.

Uh that's what I was telling myself 5-6 years ago and i've been on HRT for the last 9 months.
Did you think about that scenario a lot as a kid?
Gender identity seems to be mostly biological as the case in supports.
Other things like gender roles are socially constructed but that doesn't mean they aren't real. Like they can be observed and have an impact on the world, that's hardly not real to me.
btw the identifying part is less active and more of a passive thing.
I didn't suddenly wake up and decide to identify as a girl, it was always there.

There is no such thing as gender dysphoria. It's psychosis

I'm not transgender but i wouldn't want to be a woman. I can't even 100% explain why. Being a woman isn't just unfathomable to me and not something I'd want. So I understand why transgender people can be uncomfortable in their own bodies.

Nobody identifies as a dollar bill though. Money is just an object used to trade things. You can't identify as a gender if gender has no definition. If there is no "man" or "woman" there can be no identity of a man or woman. Transgender can't identify as the opposite gender according to their definition of gender.

He's a handsome normie at best. He more than likely has breasts.

Gender roles aren't nearly as constructed as liberals think. They have a very biological link and there's a lot of data to back that up.
However, that doesn't mean there aren't exceptions.
I think I'm pretty atypical as far as gender roles go.

>fucks shoeonhead
>leads her around on a leash on camera on the internet
>doesn't give a fuck and still trolls for trannies on twitter
>not chad

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That would be really distressing cause I like my body as-is.
Also dudes are gross and I don't understand why I'm even attracted to them.

I view it in the same way as if I woke up in the body of any other random person. It's just not ME.

because dysphoria innit

because dysphoria is a mental illness. but transition is the only cure we currently have. it's pretty shit since not everyone can pass, but it's what it is. or you could just repress, which is what i'm doing. but it sucks.


I don't get why transgender people identify as trans itself. Surely they're trying to go from male to female? Human sex is bi-modal. There's only 2 states with some very very tiny errors (hermaphrodite)

Trans is just a fashion identity at this point. Something you label yourself as so you can claim to be a member of an oppressed group.

Fuck that guy for talking shit about mgtow. I hope he gets divorce raped with no lubrication.

neck yourself arbys

No it's a pretty well-documented biological phenomenon. I'm not trans but I imagine it's like if you woke up one morning and had the wrong set of junk down your pants. That would be pretty distressing, wouldn't it?

Jow Forums won't let me post the link, but the study on Nature's website, "Structural connections in the brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation", found structural differences in the brains of trans people vs. cis people.

Because trannies are mentally ill. They aren't happy with the person they are, think they're ugly and nobody wants them, so when they see girls and how attractive and social they all are they want to be like them. They want to emulate what they think a female is, that's why they're all obsessed with partaking in the most feminine things (pink stuff, dresses, long hair). It's very rare to see a tranny in trousers.
And after that it's simply a case of degenerate society praising them and making them the center of attention after they put on a dress. They feel the validation they've craved and feel wanted for the first time in their lives. It's a cascade of positive reinforcement.

Half right. Transgenderism comes from dysphoria which is 100% a mental illness. The only thing is mental health professionals recommend transitioning as the main treatment.
You literally get prescribed hormones

Because it's a descriptive term and we aren't so ideologically naive that 99% of us can claim to 'just' be female.
I mean there are women and men living in stealth who don't ever bring up being trans but they're the exception.
If you found a girl for a hookup/date and she didn't disclose she was trans because she didn't want to have it be a 'fashion identity' would you be upset? This kind of stuff leads to deaths you know, guys become furious and kill trans women after finding out they're trans.
Uh I have long hair sure but I only wear jeans and hoodies.

>grew up with next to no sex hormones whatsoever
>never felt like a man
>never felt like a woman either
>don't give a shit and am technically male due to being XY
why can't people play the hand they're dealt? why do you have to assume some sort of role?

>doesn't claim to be ideologically naive

Come on buddy, even you can't be that dumb. Let me guess. You never really felt like you belonged? Outcast from your peers? Felt 'different'?

Then you found a sub culture on the internet that told you that the reason you felt this way was because you were really a woman. So now you felt like you belonged somewhere and bought into the positive reinforcement you've been missing your whole life.

You're probably just gay or confused sport. But you're in too deep now to know how to stop.

I would love to see a single scientific study in the fields of biology or sociology that supports even one of these claims.
(Besides "trans people are mentally ill", which is technically true.)

replace "woman" with "redpilled/blackpilled" and that's literally this board lol.

You don't take HRT?
No sex hormones is pretty unhealthy but i'm sure you know that already.
Yeah I felt like I never belonged and was different throughout primary school and high school but I had friends and was not an outcast.
Meanwhile i was praying every night in primary school to wake up as a girl, wished every time that I saw a shooting star, etc and by high school was actively searching the internet for information about how I felt.
And yeah it's nice finding other people with similar experiences, especially those who have made it without killing themselves, what's the problem with that?

Mgtow is for losers who weren't getting pussy in the first place. You're pretending that you've sworn off of women when you're actually just bitter because they're not attracted to you.


He's ugly, obese, possibly intersex and clinically retarded. He's barely above robotdom.

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that's loose, biology can mean a multiple of different disciplines
Meme discipline

I wont even read the thread, but what you are looking for is neurology, neurobiology, neuroendocrinology, cognitive, behavioral and clinical psychology and (I am hesitant) cultural anthropology studies, papers, dissertations and quantitative analyses.

The next video that faggot uploads would be about how mgtow was right.

No it's like if you wake up one day and you THINK you have a different junk than you should.

There are dramatic differences between the brains of psychotic people and normal people. Yet you won't say that they're not fucking crazy because of it.

>You don't take HRT?
>No sex hormones is pretty unhealthy but i'm sure you know that already.
the issue wasn't addressed until my mid-twenties. now i'm an adult boy with boner problems.

>tfw get enraged when you see a pic of a tranny with a long dick

because their entire life and personality is dependent on their gender they have nothing else worth being happy or proud of about themselves except wether or not they pass as a male or female

What about osteoporosis?
Lethargy? depression?

trannies need to be killed, I've got like nothing inherently against them but all the ones I've met are so fking mentally ill and gross and promiscuous, like turbo-thots

they're more shallow than roasties and far more nuts (pun intended).

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I concur wholeheartedly with your opinion.

Trans people have a mental illness that makes their brain misperceive their own body. It's like an anorexic girl that never feels skinny no matter how small she it. It has nothing to do with gender. It's a perception flaw.

I guess hypothetically you would be ok with someone calling you the wrong gender.

my levels are normal now but I didn't get to receive the full benefits of puberty.
I don't seem to have osteoporosis but I am still lethargic and depressed

If I woke up a woman tomorrow I'd kill myself.

False, nobody is enamoured by the very idea having weirdly painted pieces of paper. Rather its the value it represents and can be exchanged for. In relation you might be intrested in gender but how would you identify it like the other user pointed out. Secondly even if you wanted to identify as one the different genders don't represent any inherent value ; especially for transgenders they represent no value.

If I woke up as a woman tomorrow I'd be somewhat happy because I'd have a lower alcohol tolerance and could save money.

i'd take it as a joke since my gender is obvious and i am very secure in it

>why should we accept trannies for who they are when they can't do the same for themselves

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im not trying too look like a woman im 6'2 have facial hair and a penis why would anyone mistake me for a woman if i throw on a wig and shitty makeup im still a man


Your brain is hardwired to see itself as male or female. For 1 in 3,000 humans, the brain is wrongly and permanently configured for the opposite sex. This causes a disconnect between body and brain which results in confusion and eventually pain. Transition is an attempt to mitigate this pain.

the only thing these freaks should be attempting is suicide

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HOLY shit i just googled him wtf hes so ugly. I think hes tall so hes got that going for him. AND you retards think just b urself and just b confidence bro is a meme. YOU dont need to be chad just act chad retard

>this is actually the kind of shit they really teach in the universities these days
Knew a guy who took a gender studies course and he became a tranny like 2 years after he graduated.

WHY NOT take hrt? look at the suicide rates. You trannies dont need hrt or change you need to accept who you are . I highly doubt trannies would exist in a environment which had no definition of gender and definitely wouldn't exist if you where a lone child lost in the jungle not knowing what a women even is.

wtf I'm the hormone issue dude and I shit on trannies

I want to stick my dick between her tits and create some friction.

I do feel bad for transgender people and I stopped calling them trannies but in my opinion changing the definition of gender to make mentally ill (that's what having incorrect wiring means) people feel slightly better is really stupid. We should still treat man and women as people with functioning dick and vagina respectively. That is the definition of a man and woman and needs no altering that doesn't mean we have to be mean to transgender people and bully them.

Because HRT feels good and seeing the effects on my body makes me happy?
I mean maybe it doesn't mean anything to you but having a dead dick and actual emotions i.e being able to cry feels good.
Also sterilising myself because fuck my genes/lineage.

>go to bed after r9k
>wake up next morning
>holy shit I'm a woman and it seems to be retroactive
>everyone remembers me as a woman
>closet is full of girl clothes
>try on shirt, skirt, and leggings
>novelty wears off in a few hours
>just play games and waste time at r9k all day
>nothing changes

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Aww user.
Do you like thinking about this a lot?

>gender is a social construct
>society needs to accept the gender i identify with!

I'm a tranny, i don't live my life very differently, I'm just happier and look cuter.

Trannies push the belief that sex is 100% biological, there's only two sexes, and that they were born with the wrong neurology. They reinforce the binary model of gender, that's why feminists hate them.

Only feminists and non-binaries push that gender is 'made up'

that guy is so fat and ugly what the fuck. you have no idea what a chad is.

trannies definitely do not push binary genders.

>there are two sexes and everyone is born as one or the other
>I was born the wrong sex
That logic is only possible through a binary model of sex and gender

Why did she marry that ugly faggot? Even i'm more attractive than he is. ;(

It would be okay if I got to keep my dick and balls.

Trannies have no real personality to speak of, this is their way of filling the void.