Anyone else here have no reason to live, no goals, no desires, no aspirations in life, except wanting to die?
My life is a meaningless, boring, stagnant, pointless, solitary, hopeless ticking time bomb. I have no friends, no one to talk to, no one I can trust or confide in, no one who is interested in me and no one I'm interested in. I do nothing with my life all day, I don't particularly like or enjoy anything, I just sit around and lay in bed all day mindlessly listening to the same 3 or 4 songs on repeat and browsing the same two websites. I experience no positive emotions and have nothing to look forward to. I don't fit in anywhere and feel like an outcast among outcasts. It's a wonder I haven't killed myself yet.
Even if I try to join some Jow Forums discord server and talk to people, I just get ignored, shunned, ridiculed. So I observe and watch groups of hypercliquey pseudo normalfags jerk each other off, insult each other, and talk about themselves, dramafaggotry, their stupid normie life and relationships and screech on vc.
Anyone else here have no reason to live, no goals, no desires, no aspirations in life, except wanting to die?
Be a schizoid nutcase=problem solved
no desire for relationshits if you believe they are pointless, do some solitary hobbies nigga.
Being schizoid is so great. I have no desire for relationships at all.
that will not save you from suicidal ideation
Except it does, in my case, the only time ideated suicide was to scare my parents for being assholes to me.
>in my case
>I'm just like every other schizoid
nice normie logic faggot
Me too user, me too.
Tfw not original
hmmm, why are you angry?
waiting for my dad to pass away and then I will end my own life
most of the men on his side seem to die young and people in my city, men especially, also tend to die young. My dad is also very overweight and physically inactive so I suspect he won't have much longer left
don't get me wrong, I don't want him to die, I just have realistic expectations
I wish i could talk to you face to face OP. Because i felt the same for years , but the thing is , you can recover and live a happy life ( im not kidding).
Please get out of thid board.
Lol you can't, not op, but I've been like that for years so long. It's too late for anything to change
I relate. Everyone everywhere dislikes me and I am bored all day every day, my grades suck, anxiety means I can barely even leave my house, can't hold a conversation, everyone knows im a freak as soon as they see me in their periphery. Zero friends, at most I talk to two of my housemates who are both lesbians. I don't wanna engage in any modern activities like e-dating or tinder or casual sex and I'll always be an outcast because of that. I just have panic attacks when I go outside. And if I try to connect with other robots I get shunned the minute I mention im female
can we be friends user I won't judge you
the mindset you have is one of the reasons so many are living in Hell
Elab please, i why is my mindset so bad?
I think it's alright.
you think everyone is like you and so you think you know whats better for people than they themselves.
Do you also believe you and your people are the chosen ones?
yes i'm god's chosen, goyo.
you are a sack of shit, give us back our free will
I tried being friends with you but you never responded or messaged me back
I'll be friends with any of you should you want me. I've been feeling kind of lonely lately myself. I'm really nothing special though, so it's understandable if you don't want to take a chance with me. I don't know, I just want someone to talk to who doesn't show up so sporadically I can only talk to them for a few hours every night.
OP do you have discord? i'm open to chat if you wanna
Government assisted euthenization should be provided for us before we snap and flip shit.
I live for one piece, once it ends so will I
i prefer vc to be honest user
Post your discord tag pls, I'll add you
You didn't want to vc either. All good, I get it.
Only reasons I won't kms:
1. I'm a pussy.
2. I love my parents too much to do that to them. Especially my mother.
Me too but I'm living in a pretty shitty situation right now so getting out of it has been my drive forward. Don't try t join r9k discords they are fucking cancer join something on other boards that align with your hobies, people in almost l
all of then are nicr as long as you don't keep whining and complaining about your live
I'm not saying this to be an asshole, but when i had a trip i was hated too, I would advise taking it off. If you want to from lasting relationship or for people to know who you are talking to you you need to go to other places, such as discord, twitter, etc.
these threads are the only things that still make me sad
Thank you user, here is my discord tag.
This, killing myself would damage my family tremendously. i'm waiting fotrthen to die so i can off myself.
That's a typical """fembot""" roastie for ya.
>I'm so lonely and have anxiety no one understands me i wish i had someone to talk to ;-;
>try to start conversations
>get ghosted
Oh user, you and i are really alike
add us fagrats
>My life is a meaningless, boring, stagnant, pointless, solitary, hopeless ticking time bomb.
What is keeping you to give your life meaning? I'm not judging but genuinely curious.
>I have no friends, no one to talk to, no one I can trust or confide in, no one who is interested in me and no one I'm interested in
>I do nothing with my life all day, I don't particularly like or enjoy anything, I just sit around and lay in bed all day mindlessly listening to the same 3 or 4 songs on repeat and browsing the same two websites.
Maybe trying something new might cheer you up? Just browse through the "recommended music" section on YouTube, play the less popular ones, just for the hell of it. Who knows what you might find.
>I don't fit in anywhere and feel like an outcast among outcasts. It's a wonder I haven't killed myself yet.
A good place to start would be a hobby that is sociable. Especially in larger cities, there are groups for almost everything, from D&D to rock climbing. If it's inrerestung, jump over your shadow and check it out for an hour. If you don't like it, who cares, they're not gonna see you again anyway.
>Even if I try to join some Jow Forums discord server and talk to people, I just get ignored, shunned, ridiculed. So I observe and watch groups of hypercliquey pseudo normalfags jerk each other off, insult each other, and talk about themselves, dramafaggotry, their stupid normie life and relationships and screech on vc
That's precisely why you shouldn't join discord servers. It's basically a more cancerous /soc/ spin-off. Your best bet to make friends would really be to go outside. It is frightening and Jow Forums, being negative as it is, will tell you otherwise but I've been in your place and this is what worked for me.