I don`t get it. Just lift, eat healthy, thank god daily for being able to enjoy this awesome jouney called life and never give a fuck what other people think and you`ll be fine, respected and happy. Okay?
All this self hate and depression
Other urls found in this thread:
The odds of you being born are equivalent to rolling a pair of two-trillion sided dice and having them land on the same number
getting wasted 24/7 is way more fun
>just lift
Can't afford a gym membership
>eat healthy
I'm addicted to weed, heroin, cocaine, and cigarettes.
>thank god daily
God gave me autism. Fuck should I thank him for.
>awesome journey
Nope. I hate my life.
>don't give a fuck what other people think
That'll get you fired.
You're on Jow Forums
These animals only self loath
>look everyone
>look how sas muh life is
You dig your own hole
>I'm addicted to weed, heroin, cocaine, and cigarettes.
lmao what a faggot.
>lol just ignore people and you'll be fine bro
*always had a large circle of friends and never had to deal with bullies*
I do all of this
I workout a lot because i know if i stay home I'll just waste my day
I eat a lot of shit i don't even like
I even go to church ffs
What am i doing wrong?
I wish I wasnt born though, whyd the dice have to favour me
Also trips
>started going to church because I thought it was going to give me a like minded girlfriend
There is something mentally wrong with me
>Can't afford a gym membership
implying you need a gym to get fit
>I'm addicted to weed, heroin, cocaine, and cigarettes.
Any addiction can be kicked with dedication. That's a poor excuse
>Nope. I hate my life.
Cause you're wasting it willingly, playing the victim card even though your actions are your own
>That'll get you fired.
You pretend to give a fuck when it's something like your job on the line. But what it primarily means is stop constantly worrying about random people judging you
not him but I'm sure that guy is cured now and you didn't just come off as a know-it-all asshole
Fuck off if you can't muster enough self-awareness to realize your situation is your own and unless you have a debilitating disability you CAN improve your situation.
People are just too comfortable with playing the victim card and wallowing in self-pity, blaming the society around them until they die
I actually kind of agree with you, but your tone makes clear that you have no intent of helping anyone and are just here to affirm your own life choices are somehow "correct".
I think the world would be much better off without people like you.
/SIG/ threads on Jow Forums are one of the few good things that come out of there,theyre actually very helpful with these things
Fucking enjoy a life as shitty as mine is.
Yes, just fucking eat healthy, because it's that easy.
Fucking typical Chad they have it easy so they think eveyrone should.
See. Another reason to appreciate life
>can`t afford gym
20 dollars a month, 10 if you`re a student
>am addicted to weed, heroin, cocaine and cigaretes
okay try just not getting that shit
God gave me mild autism too and I was born into an atheist family. I still found him eventually and yes he is real. I "felt" him and still do from time to time. Life got better too
>I hate my life
So did I, so get your ass up and change your life
>not giving a fuck what other people think
will get you fired
Of course you should respect others, but you need to respect yourself too. And this advice goes mostly for private life and for self employment work it helps you to do your own thing, keep being focused and work extra hard without giving up
I actually like Jow Forums and I also made my journey. I understand many, but cannot relate to some anymore because I "evolved" and changed how I feel
Actually no, even in kindergarden I was a loner.
I even went to therapy for it by my dad stopped it, because he was too proud to admit that anything could be wrong with his son. I literally was a loner even til high school. Always had friends, but more or less just friends who "accepted" my company, not people who genuinly loved my company. I needed to change myself and so should you.
Did you grow up with a single mother?
Do what you want, have clear visions for life and goals to follow and others will follow you. Not even memeing. Also read the new testament and don`t just go to chruch to get laid. Cheers
okay noted
I wasn`t born chad and no I didn`t have it easy. Eating alone can often help you to start the day better and be motivated to get shit done. Try it for atleast a week and you`ll see what I mean
Thanks for this lad.
I read some of the posts here and think the same thing. You can't wallow in misery. You only get one life. Make the most of it.
Yeah and I know how hard it can be. However you HAVE to change or else you will never be able to change your life. I thought it is impossible too, but my thoughts simply changed by doing said things. One more thing I forgot to say:
Fap less
Makes you more happy
it's literally this easy, robots
here's your checklist
each one can be broken down into its own steps that can be achieved by a small amount of internet research. the guides available on the internet for each one are plenty and easily found.
I say do the follwing to not feel overwhelmed:
Start with nofap, eath healthy, drink water, cut soda, and wake up every day at the smae time. Preferably very early. Next (the sooner, the better) go to the gym, or if you don`t like, start running or swimming etc.
Don`t seek romance, it will come to you once you did the steps above
Good luck anons, you already made it to life, might as well enjoy it
This user is right. You might see all the things recommended to get your life together as overwhelming, but you just have to take it one little step at a time.
Little by little your life gets together.
For example, eating healthier and working out can start with simply drinking more water, less soda, and going for a short walk every day and working your way up from there. When you start to notice improvements, you feel good and want to do more things and slowly work your way up.
I went from being too anxious to be around my own family to solo traveling halfway across the country to hang out with people I'd never met before by using this method. If I can do it, anyone can.
I only do 3.5 out of the 7 (water, sleep at night, exercise and eat healthy half of the week) and I still want to kill myself.
I'm legit autismo. I'll never be able to befriend sensible people that aren't freaks.
I tried an intern for a year but I got fired for having too many panic attacks and going home early.
Nofap is a complete meme
I agree with the rest of your advice though
No I did it and it helped greatly. Whether you should only fap once or twice a week or delay it for a long time is debatable, however the fapping should definetly drastically be reduced
What "cured" my autism (kinda still have it, but different) was just focusing on myself and seriously doing what I like. Kinda funny actually, I went from omega to alpha, the beta phase is kinda hard for me. However people like to come up to me and talk and when they do, I generally can talk good with them. I often don`t seek conservations, they naturally come to me
>falling for the gym meme
>eating stuff that tastes like shit so you can suffer longer
>being a christcuck unironically
>"bro just be confident"
I was watching Back to the Future 2 yesterday and saw chad thundercuck hair style. made me lol thinking of you senpai
Yea sorry but god fucking hates me
He made me a balding manlet with a small penis and autism
Fuck that niqqa i want to kill mself