What haircut do you have?

What haircut do you have?

Usually Hitler Youth haircut. I'm not a fan of hairjell or wax so just keep it flat and fuzzy to the side, look like a wanna be emo with brown hair. When the wind blows I'm on trouble, big trouble there is nothing holding it together.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I do a pretty traditional side part. Looks pretty good after I get it cut but I am too much of a robot to get regular haircuts. After a couple months it starts covering my ears and getting really unkempt in the back. Then I wait a couple more months before I can bring myself to face the social and financial ordeal of getting it cut.

Shaved off

I get scared getting a haircuts too. What if someone calls my hair shit. I can start hearing people lauph in my head. I become paranoid. Got so bad I had to cut off all my hair.

But that was only 1 time. I don't what that to ever happen again.

I cut my own hair in the bathroom with regular ol scissors cus I don't want to go to a barbers
so whatever the fuck it ends up being

>twf pale. skinny, wearing mostly black
Hitler Youth haircut.
It looks good man.

Attached: 1529518996773.gif (245x230, 871K)

haven't got a haircut since april

This. I guess

Skinny black jeans and everything else black and red.
Need to buy a nice orange hoodie to break my bad habits.

I can't afford a haircut

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I wear a red hoodie sometimes, or an unbuttoned shirt with rolled up sleeves (preferably jeans).

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I wear a black button shirt to look more presentable and clean.
It works great.

good haircuts are for losers and militaryfags
when was the last time you got one?

anywhere to see good hitler youth haircuts?

hmm, I will look for a cheap one or ask my bro for it.
Thanks user.

Look up
"German hairstyles 1930s"

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The classic basement dweller

Just let it grow out for years because fuck a barber

I just ask my barber to cut my hair short. Looks somewhat like pic related

Attached: 49-coolest-short-haircuts-for-men-in-2018.jpg (890x975, 512K)

Usually mid length and grungy, with it parted over one of my eyes. But since I am in the military I have to have a regular haircut so I do a shorter version of pic related- long bangs in the front, messy in the back

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Young Stalin.
Literally ironically.

My hair is a bit long and I haven't cut it in a over a year, I wanted to grow it out so I did.
It's maybe a small bit past my shoulders, a few cm, nothing much.
It looks nice, I think
I was planning on getting it cut a bit shorter soon, just to trim it down nicely.

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thats a pikey as fuck haircut my dude

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>Young Stalin dot com
>Full of stylish popular Hitler Jugend styles
Someone's going to shit their shroud while spinning in their grave. There is literally no reaction gif to quite illustrate its magnitude.

I really dont care


Kinda like this, just tad longer and more curly.

Attached: Charlize-Theron-Short-Blonde-Curly-Bob-Hairstyle.jpg (483x696, 64K)

>shave head
>never looked back
life is good.

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Slight undercut, but just normal short hair in reality. Also clean shaven: the only look of a civilised man.

I've often wondered what hair regulations apply to women in the military. Is that the standard cut they get?

I just keep growing it. I don't care.

Shaggy, roughly shoulder length.

None. I'm ugly so why bother? Haircut is a normie meme

3mm. I hate all that wax shit, It just doesn't look good with my face proportions and I feel like a fag with some fancy hair

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Idk about the other branches but women in the military do not get cuts as far as I know. The women regulations: (updated to fit the new ponytail and loose lock regs) military.com/daily-news/2014/12/09/navy-issues-new-hairstyle-policies-for-female-sailors.html

Seems like they have a fair bit more freedom than male servicemen?

Buy a fuckton and it pisses me off. However there is a caveat- if you identify as a women and get checked into medical about it you can transition and by doing so you fall under female hair regulations

My hair is exactly like this.

Attached: Mark+Hoppus+Skye+Hoppus+Rock+Star+Momma+Book+p-rSlp2t1Xhl.jpg (396x594, 69K)

But what is your face like? Only boomers can pull it off in 2018

Like his, except no butt chin.

Attached: mark-hoppus.jpg (400x322, 26K)

You pulled it off but this guy has much better hair

Right now my hair is kinda shaggy with a side part. Im trying to grow it out enough to buzz it into a mullet.

Like this orihisla

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My hair is exactly like Will Farrells. There's not a whole lot you can do with it except buzz it. But I try and keep it soft if I grow it out.

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Any tips on keeping your hair spiked?

I look like a fockin peaky blinda

Attached: peaky-blinder-haircut-peaky-blinders-haircut-whats-peaky-blinder-haircut-called.jpg (500x500, 40K)

The "I should have gone to the hairdresser a month ago" look

i recently got i haircut and it kinda looks like this. but unlike damon i'm ugly so it doesn't look to good

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I have long side part, I cut it myself with scissors because I'm too autistic to go to the hair cutter.

i just cut it all to the same length every few months

Big messy jew-fro. Whenever I leave the house my hair is short, curly and matted because it stays like that for a few hours after I shower. I usually chop it all off when it gets too long and look like a skinhead or something for a few months but I don't want to do that because the long hair hides the balding. Don't even bother styling my hair or anything and never cared too.

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Long straight hair, pic related. Not much of a metal head though I just like it like that since I was a kid.

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I have a buzzcut because of the awful heat.

I still have pic related, I've had it like this all my life. I only have to get it cut once every six months.

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>What haircut do you have?
None. I have long hair.

>>All these fucker to lazy to NOT look like skinheads

and you wonder why girls wont fuck you.

I usually grow my hair out pretty long, like down to my shoulders, before I cut it. Currently just like a regular cut similar to

I usually grow it out into a disgusting curly mullet and slick that around with some lotion or leave-in conditioner. Once it starts to shed too much and impossible to wash or groom, I cut it down with clippers. If only I could keep my hair at a single length without maintenance.

Exactly like this but with more hair.

Attached: file.png (247x267, 93K)

Got a crew cut.

There are much more reasons for girls not to fuck me. I'm also fat, ugly, have zero social skills and am a poorfag even by my third world shithole standards.

I could be your grudge bf.

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>"3-4mm short from the sides, a little bit longer on the top"
I usually end up with a presentable undercut. My barbershop is a t*rkish one so they can cut it quite quickly. If I'm gonna hang out with friends or whatever I usually put on some water based pomade, otherwise I leave it be and just comb it to the side a bit.

Are you a cute boy__? P-Please respond

Friendly reminder that you are not a robot if you dont shave your head

I cut my own hair and after a long time I have it in a natural perm so it stands on end, it's like a weird mix between a flat top and a regent, with a bit of wolverine sprinkled in, but with cowlicks sticking out randomly like anime hair, I can't help it it's how my hair is. also bushy side burns.

Don't have a haircut, but my hair looks exactly like this.
Too lazy to cut it. Spiking it up is fun.

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I'm not sure if he is ugly or good looking.

this but longer and without the band

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I get my haircut about twice a year though atm it's been 8 months, no plans to get it cut I always have bad experiences with barbers.

back in april i cut my hair in a comb over style. I havent cut it since and now my hair is 6-7 inches on top and 4 inches on the sides/back. I just wear a cap backwards to keep it away from my face, but the sides are too long to manage.

I just get a 4 all over at great clips and have never had anything else. Am I retarded bros?

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Yeah I'm a boy. Not really cute tho.

I have shitty hair, like the gentleman in the pic rel. Buzzcut is the only haircut that looks decent on my head

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Wracaj tam

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John Lennon ca. 1965.
I just go in every few months and ask them to chop off a few inches, and let it do its thing so long as it doesn't block my sight. That's just the shape it's taken.
And since my hair is long and thin I also have issues dealing with wind but I don't really mind. It's not like at any given moment some paparazzi might be snapping photos of my shitty hair flying every which way.

>sugerowanie, ze bede specjalnie zmienial nazwe losowego obrazka z google

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>hehe papiesz
to ty musisz wrocic