Where my 24/7 drinkers at? I can't stay sober for more than a few days. Been drunk everyday for 2 years now...

Where my 24/7 drinkers at? I can't stay sober for more than a few days. Been drunk everyday for 2 years now. I drink half gallon $12 vodka bottles.How does everyone else deal with reality?

Been on Jow Forums since 2006 but just returning after many years. Shoutout to anyone who remembers operation payback.

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At this point do you actually like the taste of the alcohol?

Do you drink cup fulls at a time like water?

How do you keep up with your other dietary requirements

wish i could enjoy it

I started drinking daily last week. I'm recovering from today's binge and I plan on doing it tomorrow.

The best time for me to stop drinking is when I run out. I almost always drink daily when something is in the fridge. I count it a non-drinking day when I have 3 or less

I don't taste it anymore. I chase with water.

I take shot glasses so I can at least measure how much I drink in a day. I did glasses of vodka at first but it became incredibly dangerous. I am very regimented in how I drink so I don't die. I still get hammered though, the trick is drinking lots of water.

we will both die of liver cirrhosis

Do you eat normal amounts of food?

I imagine youre either really fat or really skinny

I eat a little more than normal because alcohol can make you want to stuff your face, Before I used to be skin and bones, I am not not fat at all, just thick. My ass is huge now and the ladies love it. Can't complain.

What don't you enjoy about it?

What do you usually drink? Beers or ?

it tastes horrid. then i get drunk, stumble about my house, eat a bunch of shit, pass out and then awaken with even worse depression then usual

just cant get into it like e.g. weed, where i can just chill at my pc being content with my miserable life

I've been on an intermittent fasting diet so I only consume between 11 and 7 but it turns out most of that consumption is beer, just last night I forced myself to shotgun 4 beers in 8 minutes so I could get drunk because I had been drinking too slowly up to then. I hate liquor because it makes me puke like a motherfucker, so I just have to deal with the fatness.

Used to and I quit. It was too heavy. At least a fifth a day. Loads of other drugs on top of it and multiple overdoses made me evaluate. I drink only super occasionally now but I still enjoy my opiates and amphetamines

Beer and some white wine!

Bit of a newfag so no sorry. But I am drinking tonight, it's wine followed by cider for me, might not be a good idea but what the hell, I have time off work so might aswell enjoy it.

meh, im drinking again as well.
plus side is I dont gain as much weight as I spew up everything I eat usually

I'm user and I'm an alcoh-
Cheap liquor and Radiohead helps take the edge off.

>operation payback.
I wasn't here during the glory days but it was nice to see an underground army stand up for what's right. I want to participate in a meme war. You know, for the lulz.

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6 Pabst Blue Ribbions
4 shots of Jameson

>tfw fat liver
>tfw gf died due to alcoholism
>tfw will prolly get the same fate

Sotrry make it 7 and 8 kek

my man

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What's with ruskies and vodka? Don't you have any other drinks?

I just wanna get hammered and see some boobies